Thursday, April 30, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 19's hidden insights, part 3b of 4, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

With our last post we began our deep look into the Wine-press of the "Wrath" of GOD and the Great Supper as found in Revelation 19:15. We shall over the next few posts dig more deeply into this area of discovery. Picking up with comparing Revelation 14:10-20, to do so requires our starting at verse 9 to get into the flow of what is being said.

The Wine-press of the "Wrath"of GOD and the Great Supper:

Revelation 14:9-20, "Then a third Shepherd-Messenger followed and announced with a loud voice that whosoever worships the counterfeit lamb (of religion) and its image and receives its characteristics in their thoughts and deeds, will drink the wine of GOD'S passion, undiluted with water but intensified with spices in his cup - they shall be tested as one tests gold or silver with a [1]touchstone; With fire and brimstone in the immediate presence of the Lamb and of [2]those who have discovered their wholeness mirror in Him - the dross of their deception will be exposed and cleansed! (Note the words tou kekerasmenou akratou - this is a powerful oxymoron, "the mixed unmixed." Look at Psalm 75:8, "For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, with foaming wine, well mixed; And he will pour a draft from it, and all the wicked of the earth will drain it down to the dregs."

The word, [1, G928 from G931 basanos, (through the notion of going to the bottom); a touch stone] basanizo, (translated as torment) means to test (metals) by the touchstone, which is a black siliceous stone used to test the purity of gold or silver by the color of the streak produced on it by rubbing it with either metal - a piece of fine-grained dark schist or jasper formerly used for testing alloys of gold by observing the color of the mark which they made on it - thus, a standard or criterion by which something is judged or  recognized. The blood of Jesus is the currency! 1Peter 1:18-19.

The fiery brimstone - theion - is divine incense, because burning brimstone was regarded as having power to purify, and to word off diseases - the cup He drank on the cross was the touchstone! 'What shall I say? Father remove this cup from Me? NO! For this hour I have come!' The word, [2, G40 from ἅγος hagos (an awful thing) compare G53 hagnos - properly clean, innocent, [H2282] ] hagios, saints, referring to wholeness and harmony of spirit, soul and body - see 1Cor. 1:30 and Rom. 1:7. See the notes on the Lake of Fire that are following.) And I heard a voice from heaven saying, "Write, Blessed are they who from now on see their death in union with the Lamb - the LORD - His death is their death and their wearisome labor follows them into this death bringing closure to their efforts to do what His death alone accomplished!" And I looked, and behold, I saw a white cloud and one who mirror reflected the Son of Man with His head crowned in a golden wreath of victory, seated upon the cloud and in His hand He held a razor sharp pruning-hook. Another Shepherd-Messenger appeard out of the most holy place of the temple and with a loud voice addressed the one seated on the cloud, saying, "Thrust forth your pruning hook, your hour has come - this is your moment to reap the earth's harvest is made readied." (Look at John 4:31-36, "Meanwhile His disciples were urging Him to take some food. But He said, 'I am feasting on food you cannot see!' His disciples were baffled, "Who brought Him anything to eat?" Jesus told them, 'My food is to fulfill the desire of Him who commissioned Me and to leave no detail undone! The bread you labor for requires months from the day you first sow the seed until it ripens in the ear, doesn't it? This is not the food that I am talking about. The fruit of your own toil and (religious) performance will never satisfy permanently; Form now on, look at yourselves and everyone else differently; See them through your Father's eyes and you will know that they too are ripe and ready to discover how fully included they are in My finished work. They are perfectly mirrored in Me! (A harvest is ripe when the seed in the ear matches the seed that was sown! My mission is to reveal and redeem the image and likeness of GOD within humanity!) This harvest reveals how both he who sows and he who reaps participate in the same joy of the life of the ages.') And the one seated on the cloud completed the earth's wheat harvest with a single sweep of his sickle! (The in gathering of the full harvest of both the wheat as well as the wine pictures the New Covenant of His broken body and shed blood.) And another Shepherd-Messenger appeared from the most holy place, the Tabernacle located in the heavenly realm; He too had a sharp pruning-hook-type sickle. Yet another Messenger emerged from the altar of burnt offering this one was in charge of the fire of the altar and cried with a loud voice telling the Messenger with the sharp pruning hook to thrust forth his sickle and gather the vintage since the earth's grapes were already bursting with ripeness! And he swung his sickle and gathered the vintage of the earth and cast it into the wine-press of GOD'S great passion. (The word (G2732, translated as wrath, is from G2380 meaning to sacrifice with passion, not mixed but rather deep purpose) thumos speaks of the passion of Christ as the sacrificed Lamb!) And the wine-press was trodden outside the city, and the blood that flowed out of the wine-press was as deep as a horses' bridle and it flooded a thousand stadia (translates as furlongs). ( See Hebrews 13:12, According to the prophetic pattern, Jesus, as the final sin sacrifice, was slain outside the city walls. The symbolic depth of a horse's bridal and 1000 Greek stadia speaks of the completeness and universality of the world-wide impact of the blood covenant of Jesus. The typical greek Stadion was 600 Greek feet, approx.160 meters.

Isaiah 63:2-3, "Why is Your apparel red and Your garments like one who treads in the wine press? 'I have trodden the wine trough alone.') (The Mirror, with editing.)

With our next visit the LORD willing we shall begin with a look at Colossians 2 before heading to Rev. 16. Now may the LORD of glory show within each of us His presence within us all.

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