Monday, April 6, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 17-2b, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Because it requires a renewed mindset the LORD inspired us, meaning my wife and I, back in the 1985-86 area, that He would led us to be able to put the Scriptures together. That is why when I was given this particular Study Bible I got excited because it was like no other I had looked at our even purchased. It did just what the LORD inspired us that He would do through us. And then after reading this Bible I saw that we were not the only ones to see more to the Scripture than meets the eye. This also I had stated to many of those we knew, some of the have gone by the way along our walk with the LORD. I said all that to say this, we are using a mesh mash of Scriptures to put all this together as they have their part in the over all picture of what the LORD GOD wants us to know and understand. No one passage should ever be a stand alone kind of thing.

End Times - Eschatology

The Day of the LORD - The Fullness of Time - The Hour has Come!

So with that said, lets look at Galatians 4:1-4, "Infant heirs have no more say than a slave, even though they own everything. (The best deal the Law possibly broker confirmed humanity's slavery to sin.) He would remain under domestic supervision and house rules until the date fixed by his father for his official graduation to the status of sonship. This is exactly how it was with us; We were kidnapped as it were into infancy and confined to that state through the Law. (An inferior mindset as a result of Adam's fall.) But then the day dawned; The most complete culmination of time! (Everything predicted was concluded in Christ!) The son arrived, commissioned by the Father; His legal passport to the planet was His mother's womb. In a human body exactly like ours he lived life subject to the same scrutiny of the Law."

2Corinthians 1:14, "To some extent you have already understood that our joy is mirrored in one another. The day of the Lord Jesus Christ is no longer a distant promise but a fulfilled reality!" (The word, (G2509 from G2505 and G4007 from G4008) kathaper, often translated, exactly as, comes from kata, meaning according to and per, which is an enclitic particle significant of abundance and thoroughness which comes from the word, (G4008) peiro, meaning to piece. The use of the Latin enclitic relates to a word that throws an accent back onto the preceding word, which is here translated as mirror.

The "day of the LORD Jesus Christ," is emera, which is a specific and measured period. Eastern usage of this term differs from our western usage. Any part of a day is counted as a whole day, hence the expression, "three days and three nights," does not mean literally three whole days, but at least one whole day plus a portion of other days.

The day of the Lord Jesus is the theme of Scripture as in 1Peter 1:10; This was what the Prophets were studying and desiring to know. The content of their message always pointed to the day and the person where the promise of redemption would be realized. The sufferings of the Messiah would redeem and release the glory of GOD'S image and likeness in human life; The glory that Adam lost on behalf of the human race, returns. In Acts 17:31, "In the resurrection, GOD gave proof to the redeemed innocence of humanity; The "day and the person" prophesied was fulfilled in Jesus." Jesus gives context to this day in John 14:20, "In that day you will know that I am in My Father and you are In Me and I in you.")

Hebrews 11:1, "Persuasion confirms confident expectation and proves the unseen world to be more real than the seen. Faith celebrates as certain what hope visualizes as future." (The shadow no longer substitutes the substance. Jesus is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of everything the Prophets foretold. The unveiling of Christ in human life completes humanity's every expectation. Col. 1:27)

Romans 4:17, "When GOD changed Abram's name to Abraham, He made a public statement that He would be the Father of all nations." ( Genesis 17:5. Here we see Abraham faced with GOD'S faith; The kind of faith that resurrected the dead and calls things which are not (visible yet) as through they were (are). Romans 4:18, Faith gave substance to hope when everything seemed hopeless; The words, "so shall your seed be" conceived in him faith of fatherhood. (Abraham's case here pictures the hopelessness of fallen humanity, having lost their identity, and faces with the impossibility to redeem themselves. (The very place that humanity finds itself today. In this virus attack.)

Revelation 14:15-10, "Another Shepherd-Messenger appeared out of the most holy place of the temple and with a loud voice addressed the one seated upon the cloud, saying, "Thrust forth your pruning hook, your hour has come - this is your moment to reap for the earth's harvest is ready." (see John 4:31-36, In the mean while His disciples were urging Him to take some food. But He said, 'I am feasting on food you cannot see!' His disciples were baffled, "Who brought Him anything to eat?" Jesus told them, 'My food is to fulfill the desire of Him who commissioned Me and to leave no detail undone!' 'The bread you labor for takes four months from the day you sow the seed until it ripens in the ear, doesn't it? This is not the food that I am talking about. The fruit of your own toil and performance will never satisfy permanently; From now on, look at yourselves and everyone else differently; See them through your Father's eyes and you will know that they too are ripe and ready to discover how fully included they are in My finished work. They are perfectly mirrored in Me!' (A harvest is ripe when the seed in the ear matches the seed that was sown! My mission is to reveal and redeem the image and likeness of GOD in human form!) This harvest reveals how both he who sows and he who reaps participate in  the same joy of the life of the ages!') (The Mirror, with editing.)

I was going to carry on through Revelation 14:6-10, but decided to end it with that thought instead. I will, the LORD willing pick things back up with Revelation 14 in our next visit. Until then please allow this to sink in. May the LORD help us all!

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