Tuesday, April 28, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 19's hidden insights, part 2b of 4, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are currently looking at The Shepherd-King of the Nations as seen in Revelation 19:15 and the rest of Scripture. We shall be able to conclude this with this post and our next subject of interest also comes from the same passage of chapter 19 and verse 15, it is titled "The Wine-press of the "Wrath of GOD & The Great Supper."

The Shepherd-King of the Nations:

Revelation 19:15-18, "When the seventh Shepherd-Messenger sounded his trumpet, there was a massive crescendo of voices in the heavenly realm, saying, "The kingdom of the cosmos has become the kingdom of our LORD and His Christ, and He will reign as king for all the ages of the ages. At that moment, the twenty four Elders who were seated on their thrones face to face with GOD, fell down prostrate before Him in adoration and exclaimed: "Our hearts are flooded with gratitude and deep affection of Your grace! We salute Your Lordship Oh GOD! You are the Supreme Authority over all things; Your I-am-ness defines time - present, past and future. The [1]due dynamic of Your [2]Royal-reign is forever established! ( The word translated here due, [1] eilepsas is from (G2983) lambano is in the perfect active tense which suggests the continual effect of an action already completed in the past. Meaning that it is carried on within each new generation of man upon the earth. The word, lambano means to take what is one's own, one's due. One of this words roots is (G138 aihreomai, to take with force or violence, to lift up). Then the word esbasileusas is from (G936) basileuo, to reign, is the Aorist active tense which speaks of a completed act. Both these tenses emphasize the preeminence of GOD'S rule. There was never a time where GOD'S royal rule was in question. Though man's imagination as expressed by his many religious forms and systems would exert an influence that says other wise; such as separation from God or at some future date or time. GOD in giving Himself as the scapegoat to be murdered by His own creatures assumes a weakness that does not compromise His authority at all!!! In the genius of His wisdom He defeated the entire system of judgement under the Law of performance, governing the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, with the fallen mindset of "I-am-not." The seeming frailty of the slain Lamb never compromised the authority of the Loin of Judah! 1Cor. 1:25, "It seems so foolish that GOD should die humanity's death on the cross; It seems so weak of GOD to suffer such insult; Yet mankind's wisest schemes and most powerful displays of genius cannot even begin to comprehend or compete with GOD in His weakest moment on the cross.") The culmination of humanity's wrath collides with Your passion Oh GOD - this is the critical moment where judgment is met in death! ( "Jesus said, 'When I am lifted up on the cross, I will draw all judgment to Myself!'" [Mat. 5:17, 9:13; 10:34-35; 11:29; 20:22-23 (Mark 10:38-39; Luke 12:49-51); 28:20; John 6:48, 51; 7:28-29, 33-34; John 8, 9:5, 39; 10:7, 9, 11; 11:25-26; 12:26, 46; 13:13, 19; 14:6, 10-11, 20; 15:1, 5; 17:10-11, 14, 16, 24; 18:37;] John 12:32) This is the anticipated moment and prize of Your bond-friends, the Prophets, the Saints and everyone who were awed by Your Name - both the insignificant and the prominent - this is the destruction of the corrupt virus in the earth!" ( In the symbolic language of the book of Revelation, the judgment of the Dragon, the Beast and the Whore; The counterfeit Trinity, is not a judgment against an entity, but against a corrupt mindset-system. A virus doesn't have a life of its own - it needs a host!

Microbiology Professor, Vincent Racaniello writes, "Life is 'an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction.' Viruses are not living things. Viruses are complicated assemblies of molecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, but on their own thet can do nothing until they enter a living cell. Without cells, viruses would not be able to multiply. Therefore, viruses are not living things." See the notes on Armageddon at the end of chapter 16.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

Our next visit begins our look into the Wine-press of the "Wrath" of GOD and the Great Supper.
Until then may the LORD bless both you and yours by His light and life.

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