Sunday, April 26, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 19's hidden insights, part 1d of 4, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Finishing up our look into "the Hidden Name," that has kept many in darkness over the years of our co-death on through our co-ascension, to the place of our spiritual origin and the eternal connection with our Father, Son and Holy Spirit as One being, in not one but three persons (Elohim).

The Hidden Name:

Revelation 19:16, "And a Name is written on His robe and thigh, King  of kings and LORD of lords!" ( According to Vincent, The writing across the breast from shoulder to shoulder reminds of the cross where the Lamb's victory was secured. The historian, Herodotus [440BC] describes a figure of a Pharaoh, Sesostris, bearing across of Egypt: "With my own shoulders I conquered this land" (ii., 106)

Revelation 3:11-12, "Do not let tough times make Me seem distant from you! I am at hand-see My nearness, not My absence. And don't let temporal setbacks diminish your own authority either! Remember that you call the shots; You wear the crown. My crown endorses your crown. [Rev. 1:5] And I will engrave upon the individual the name of My GOD, also the name of the city [the bride!] of My GOD, the new Jerusalem that descends from heaven; As well as My own new Name!" [My Father's Name John 5:43, I have come in My Father's Name! John 12:28, Father, glorify Your Name! Abba Father!]

Philippians 2:8-11, "And so we have the drama of the cross in context: the man Jesus Christ who is fully GOD, became fully man (humanity) to the extent of willingly dying humanity's death at the hands of His own creation. He embraced the curse (Gen. 3:16-19, Deuteronomy 13:17, 21:22-23) and shame of the lowest kind in dying (our) criminal death. ( Thus, through the narrow doorway of humanity's death, He descended into our hellish darkness. Rev. 9:1 and Eph. 4:8-10.) From this place of utter humiliation, GOD exalted Him to the highest rank. GOD graced Jesus with a Name that is far above every other name (or title bestowed by man or man's religion). What His name unveils will persuade every creature of their redemption! Every knee in heaven and upon the earth and under the earth will bow in spontaneous worship! ( See Isaiah 45:23, 'My own life is the guarantee of My conviction,' says the LORD, 'every knee shall freely bow to Me in worship, and every tongue shall spontaneously speak from the same GOD-inspired source!') Also every tongue will voice and resonate the same devotion to His unquestionable Lordship as the Redeemer of Life! Jesus Christ has glorified GOD as Father of creation! This is the ultimate conclusion of the Father's [1]intent!" (The word, [1, (G1391 from the base of G1380 dokeō, truthfully or with certainty) doxa, means intent, opinion, and is often translated, glory. Rev. 5:13, And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the seas, and all therein, saying, "To Him who sits on the Throne and to the Lamb be blessings and honors and glory and might for ever and ever!" Also Romans 14:11, Paul, here quoted Isaiah 45:20-23, 'Face Me and be saved all the ends of the earth! [note, 'Be saved!' Not 'become saved!'] I am GOD; your idols are figments of your invention and imagination! 'I have sworn by Myself; the word of My mouth has begotten righteousness; this cannot be reversed! (The Hebrew word, (H3318) יָצָא Yatsa can be translated, begotten, like in Judges 8:30) Every knee shall bow to Me and every tongue shall echo My oath!' (Thus, 'speak with the same certainty sourced in Me!' The Hebrew mind, by repeating a declaration seven times one brings an end to all dispute! See Heb. 6:13, 16-17.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

This ends our look into the Hidden Name of Revelation 19. Our next topic is "The Shepherd-King of the Nations," part 2.

We are witnesses to religion's resistance to the revelation of Christ, because of all the felonious teachings of man's imagination in his religious attempt to halt the Gospel of their own Redemption that leads to Salvation at their own passing. With that said may our LORD increase our understanding and knowledge of Him that is True.

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