Saturday, April 25, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 19's hidden insights, part 1c of 4, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are now into our third look into the Hidden Name of the LORD Jesus Christ as John spoke of it.

The Hidden Name:

Ephesians 3:15-23, "Every family in heaven and on earth originates in Him; His is humanity's family name and He remains the authentic identity of every Nation. Do you want to measure the mind and muscle of GOD! Consider the force which He unleashed in Jesus Christ when He raised Him from the dead and forever seated Him enthroned as His executive authority in the realm of the heavens. He was raised up from the deepest dungeons of human despair to the highest region of heavenly bliss! [See Eph. 2:5-6, 4:8-9] Infinitely above all the combined forces of rule, authority, dominion or governments; He is ranked superior to any name that could ever be given to anyone of the age or any age still to come in the eternal future. I want you to see this: He subjected all these powers under His feet. He towers head and shoulders above everything. He is the Head; the Ekklesia is His Body. The completeness of His being that fills all in All resides in us! GOD cannot make Himself more visible or exhibit Himself more accurately." (The word, Ekklesia, comes from ek, a preposition always denoting origin, and klesia is from kaleo, to identify by name, to surname; Thus, the "church" is His redeemed image and likeness in human form. And is made up of those who awaken to their true rhema identity in Him.)

The salvation that He works is of a greater source of frustration and embarrassment to the religious systems of this world. What the Name of Jesus represents puts religion out of business!

Revelation 19:13, "The robes He wore were dipped in blood and His Name has always been, the Word of GOD!" ( He is the Logos that was before time was; The completeness of prophecy, the Incarnate One! Incarnated within all receptive ones of humanity the rhema ones of GOD'S doing as with Simon.

His blood stained garments have always borne His Name in the prophetic conversation of GOD. Psalm 22:16-18.....'they have pierced My hands and feet---I can count all My bones---they stare and gloat over Me; They divide My garments among themselves, and for My raiment they cast lots.' The word, kekletai is from kaleo, to surname, is in the perfect Passive tense which denotes an action which was completed in the past, but the effects of which are regarded as continuing into the present without interruption or end. (Implying newness within each new generation of humanity.) Nothing that happens in time could possibly intercept this act of GOD'S Redemptive genius within humanity.

Look with me at Isaiah 63:1-4, "Who is this that comes from Edom, in crimsoned garments from Bozrah, He that is glorious in His apparel, marching in the greatness of His strength? 'It is I, announcing vindication, mighty to Save' Why is Your apparel red, and your garments like His that treads in the wine press? 'I have trodden the wine press alone, and from the peoples no one was with Me; I trod them in My face [anger] and trampled them in My passion; Their lifeblood is sprinkled upon My garments, and I have stained all My raiment. (In My face [H639 from H599] aph אַף - Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew dictionary [BDB] Defines: nostril, nose, face. The word [H2534 from H3179] chema חֵמָא - BDB Definition, heat; from [H3179] yâcham יָחַם - BDB Definition: to be hot, conceive.) For the year of My redeemed has come. ([H1350] gâ'al, BDB Definition: o redeem, act as kinsman-redeemer, avenge, revenge, ransom, do the part of a kinsman; By marring brother's widow to beget a child for him, to redeem from slavery, to redeem land. In Leviticus 25 the word "redeem" is used over a dozen times in connection with the Jubilee year. The Jubilee was a special year-long Sabbath that occured once every forty-nine years. Prophetically points to the Sabbath substance in the "terelestai" finished work of Jesus on the cross!) (The Mirror, with editing.)

We may well close this note on our next visit, the LORD willing. Now may the LORD of Glory arise a new within those who have awakened to His rhema presents within them. Now look at Romans 10:8-9 where fine this in the ESV: "But what does it say? "The word (G4487) is near you, in your mouth and in your heart" (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is LORD and believe in your heart that GOD raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." (from the Strong's Greek translation dictionary: G4487 rhēma ῥῆμα, an internal utterance, is from G4483 rheō ῥέω, of certain tenses of which a prolonged form (ἐρέω ereō) is used; and both as alternate for G2036; perhaps akin (or identical) with G4482 (through the idea of pouring forth); to utter, flowing from within us as promised by Jesus, in John 3:5, 4:10, 13-14, 7:38; Proverbs 10:11 & 18:4. Of Simon in Matthew 16.)

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