Tuesday, May 12, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 19's hidden insights, part 4f of 4, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Today's post begins with a look at the times of evil the likes of which have not been known by humanity since the early days before recorded history began. When fallen angles dwelled with the sons of man or so it goes. These were the meths and legends of the old Jewish belief systems. Most of these meths and legends are nothing more than wrong mindset of mankind's corrupted reasoning's. As the fruit and seed of the knowledge of good and evil tree. Now today with what it playing out before our eyes one would soon think that China is such a tool of Satan.

The Lake of Fire and the Second Death:

Revelation 20:8-15, "And his (Satanas) obvious strategy would by to deceive the Nations on a global scale including "the four corners of the earth" by assembling Gog and Magog in war; Their number is as the sands of the sea. (Again, every traditional Jewish concept of judgment is addressed. Gog and Magog is now brought into the conversation, since Jewish eschatology viewed Gog and Magog as enemies to be defeated by the Messiah, which will usher in the age of the Messiah. Eldad and Modad [brothers of Moses] both prophesied together, and said, "In the very end of time Gog and Magog and their armies shall come up against Jerusalem, and they shall fall by the hand of the King Messiah; They shall be slain by the flame of fire which shall proceed from under the Throne of glory, and afterwards all the dead of Israel shall rise again to life, and shall enjoy the delights prepared for them from the beginning." This quoted from the Jewish Targum. See Numbers 11:26 and Ezekiel 38:17.

There are numeral references to the same "once and for all war" in the heavens! It is however the same hour; The same event! Rev. 12:7, 16:13-14, 17:13-14, and 19:19.) They will spread across the earth and attempt to neutralize the "Queen Bee Bride" of the Lamb by surrounding and besieging GOD's Saints in the beloved city. Then fire will pour out of heaven and consume them. (Here again, the mindsets of Satanic accusation, fear of judgment are made a meal of - yet another reference to the great supper-feast celebrating the New Covenant and the conclusion of the Old. The fire from the altar of the slain Lamb of GOD consumes every definition of Israel's and indeed, mankind's perceived imagined enemies.) The Devil, who led them astray will be hurled into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where his puppet partners, the Beast and the False Prophet have already settled in being there confined. Day and Night they will be the subject of GOD's touchstone for the ages - the very atmosphere of the entire universe will be thoroughly fumigated from any evidence of Satanas. And I saw a huge white Throne and it was as if heaven and earth fled away from the presence of the One seated upon the Throne and its place was never found again. (This means that there is no fear or accusation in the heavens or upon the earth that could possibly stand in the presence of the Lamb, the One seated upon the Throne of the judgment of righteousness ---- His Throne gives testimony to humanity's redeemed acquittal! See Hebrews 1:3, "Having made purification for (humanity's) sins He sat down!" There exists no evidence that could be brought from any sphere or dimension that could possibly testify against the human race - Acts 17, The GOD of creation has overlooked the times of ignorance (superstitions ignorance and wrong mindsets) and Now urgently persuades all of humanity everywhere to awaken in (from their darkened state to) understanding to the fact of their innocence -- He appointed a day and a person and on that day and in that person GOD would judge the world in righteousness and of this He has given proof by raising Jesus from the dead! The resurrected Jesus is the official receipt and vindication used in the confirmation of humanity's redemption and restored innocence! Romans 4:25, Rev. 20:4 and Mat. 19:28, Jesus said to them, 'Truly, I say to you, in the [1] rebooting (in the regeneration) of mankind, when the Son of man shall sit on His glorious Throne, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.' See the word, [1, G3824 from G3825 and G1078] paliggenesia, suggests a complete restoration to the original (Gen. 1:26-27, 2:7, 18, 21-22), rebirth, spiritual renovation; in modern terms, rebooted. Is from (G3825) palin, renewal, again, by repetition (within each new generation of mankind an ongoing activity) and (G1078) genesis , source, nature. Only used here and in Titus 3:5.) And I saw everyone who ever died, small and great, standing before GOD. And the books were opened. And another book was opened! The Book of Life. The first volume of the books represented humanity's judgment based on their own works, verses the Book of Life which celebrated the triumph of the Lamb! (Rev. 3:5, Everyone who see their victory in Me will I clothe in white garments - and they will realize that I am not in the business of fulfilling their Law and performance based fears by blotting out their names from the Book of Life! Instead I am the One who embraces their restored identity face to face before My Father and His Shepherd-Messengers. [This language is taken from the custom of registering the names of persons in a list, roll, or catalogue, a census.] The Jewish tradition these were a prevailing fear that a name might be blotted out of the Book of Life at the end, if our behavior did not please GOD. see notes on the Lamb's Book of Life in chapter 17's notes.) Every domain where the dead were held, yielded them up to be judged according to their works. Everyone was there; The sea yielded up its dead also Death and Hades yielded up their dead. The Death and Hades were cast into the feared Lake of Fire. This is the Second Death. And [1]everything that was Not written in the Book of Life was poured into the Lake of Fire." ( The Greek, (G1536 from G1487 ei, a primary particle of conditionality; and G5100 tis, an enclitic (Daniel Webster's 1828 Dictionary: A particle or word that throws the accent or emphasis back upon the former syllable.) indefinite pronoun); ei tis, means everything or everyone - but, what is cast into the symbolic Lake ablaze with brimstone is not a person but a mindset! A distorted perception of identity!

The authentic ID (today's DNA) of human life is defined in the Book of Life - or the Tree of Life (the Cross being this altar and tree), representing the redeemed life of our origin and design, versus the alternative Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, representing humanity's false identity under scrutiny and questioned? identity. The "I am not-tree" heads up the System of a Works and Performance Based Philosophy. To have our names written in the Book of Life simply suggests that we discover our true identity, we're there in the Zoe-Life redeemed by the Lamb. We may have only known ourselves according to the flesh, as did Simon, the son of Jonah, while we are Petros! (Mat 16) Mr. Rock, we are a chip of the old Block! Every evidence of an inferior identity will be cast into the Lake of Sulphur burning away the dross (unbelief and fear) to reveal the gold! Any idea of an identity outside of the Book of Life, is dissolved! The Lamb's Book of Life and not the Law of personal performance, defines us!

It is almost unspeakable that of all the themes GOD could choose from to celebrate the central authority of the Throne Room, He chose the Lamb! Our redeemed innocence is the theme of the Throne of heaven, forever! Now I made reference to two books not included in the Bible and both of these books use this same theme and language when speaking of it's heavenly visions.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

Now we shall the LORD willing pick this back up in our next visit with Revelation 2. Until then may the LORD of ALL increase our comprehension of His being.

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