Saturday, May 16, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 19's hidden insights, part 4j of 4, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are currently doing a deep investigative look into the New Testament Scriptures that relate to Revelation 19's Lake of Fire and the Second Death. Used by many religious groups, sects and denominations as a means of 1/ building membership, 2/ keeping that membership in line, 3/ having a revival or family homecoming, 4/ of raising large sums of money for building funds and the like. Some as a means of spreading felonious attempts to promote their version of Bible Scriptures and the like. We are with the LORD's help removing the veil that has covered humanity's wayward thinking of a false mindset form the early days of human history and religious beliefs on all levels. This sprang up first in Genesis 3 and has move on down through the ages since then under cover of darkness and persuasion of outer influences like the false trinity that was defeated on the Cross and paraded through Jerusalem early the morning of the resurrection by Jesus the Christ of GOD. The instrument that GOD promised humanity that He would do in Genesis 3:15. All this to return humanity's original identity to GOD's identity of sonship and union in this true redeemed identity.

The Lake of Fire and the Second Death:

2Corinthions 13:5, "I implore you to [1]examine faith for yourselves in order to test what it is that you really believe. Faith is so much more than the mere veneer of a superstitious belief in a historic Christ; Faith is about realizing Jesus Christ in you, in the midst of all contradiction! Just [2]as ore is placed into a crucible, where the dross is separated from the pure gold in a furnace, come to the conclusion for yourselves of His indwelling! Should it appear to you that Christ is absent in your life, look again, you have obviously done the test wrong!" ( You cannot measure temperature with a ruler! Paul uses the word, [1, G3985, from G3984 peira, from the base of G4008 peran, to pierce through, ] peiratzo, to examine closely, which is from (G3984 from the base of G4008) peira, to pierce, a test to determine the hidden value of something; Also from the word peras, which speaks of extremity or the furthest boundary, to scrutinize closely. Faith is not a veneer to cover up potential depression or disappointments when faced with trying times! Note Paul is not speaking about us putting our beliefs to the test; But we are testing the faith for ourselves! There is only one valid faith, it is not what we believe about God or about ourselves, but what GOD believes about us! Paul wants us to discover for ourselves what GOD believes about you! GOD is already persuaded about Christ's indwelling you/us, Now He and Paul wants us to be equally persuaded! Then Paul uses the word, [2, G1381 from G1384] dokimatzo, as in the testing of metals. Self-examination has nothing to do with finding hidden sins and flaws in us; It is all about our realizing Christ in you/us! The object of the furnace is not to reveal the dross, but the gold! Christ (rhema) Himself is the proof of faith, He is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1.
The test of truth is foolproof! See verse 8, Truth is not threatened by our scrutiny! It is strengthening it!
See also 2Corinthians 4:18...7, "We are not keeping any score of what seems so obvious to the senses on the surface, it is fleeting and irrelevant; It is the unseen eternal within us that has our full attention and captivates our gaze!...We have discovered this treasure where it was hidden all along, in these frail skin-suits made of clay."

1Corinthians 1:6, "You certainly have the testimony of Christ evidenced in you." (You possess full knowledge and give full expression because in you the evidence for the truth of Christ has found confirmation. NEB)

1Peter 1:7, "This will help you in those difficult times: think of your belief as something much more precious than any possible evaluation of gold; Remember that fire does not destroy the metal, it reveals it! Now even gold is an inferior comparison to faith! Gold as a currency has only temporal and unpredictable value; It fluctuates as the market changes. Now, in the same way that fire reveals and gives much reason to testimony [1]stories worth telling. This is what has permanent [2]value, and exhibits the glory of Christ within you!" (The word translated as praise, [1, G1868 from G1909 and the base of G134 ] epainos, a commendable thing, has two components, (G1909) epi, meaning continual influence upon, and (G134) ainos, which often reflects a story worth telling; The word, [2, G5092 from G5099 tinō] timay, honor, suggests a valuing by which the price is fixed, then paid.)

John 5:27-29, " 'The Father has also given the son of man [1] authentic authority to execute judgment on humanity's behalf! (The word, [1, G1849, from 1832 exesti, from a third person singular present indicative of a compound of G1537 and G1510] exousia, is often translated as authority has two components, (G1537) ek, out of source and (G1510) eimi, I am!) Do not be alarmed by this, but the hour is coming when those in the [1]grave will hear His voice! (No-one who ever lived will escape this extent of His righteous judgment! Those who have [1]forgotten who they are will hear His incarnate voice! The word for grace, [1, G3419 from G3420, mnēmē, memory] mnemeion, means memory, suggests a remembrance! Like David prophesied in Psalm 22, when he saw the cross-crisis [krisis - judgment] a thousand years before it happened! His conclusion in verse 27 sums up the triumph of GOD's resolve! "All the ends of the earth shall [1]remember and turn to the LORD; And all the families of the nations shall worship before Him!" See 1Corinthians 15:21-22, The same humanity who died in a man was raised again in a man. In Adam all died; In Christ all are made alive! Hosea 6:1-3) And they will come forth out of their graves - for those who have engaged themselves with that which is beneficial, it will be a resurrection to life - and for those who have done that which is worthless, it will be a resurrection for judgment.' " (In the context of John chapter 6:28 and 29, the work that is required is not a duty to be performed but a gift to be embraced; They immediately wanted the recipe! Tell us then want we must do in order to accomplish GOD's work? This is the work of GOD; Your belief in the One Whom He has sent! [Gen. 3:15, Deu.18:15, 17-19, 20-22] (Even your ability to believe is GOD's work! Realizing your authentic sonship on exhibit in Jesus is GOD's gift to you and cannot be earned! How can your labor compete with what GOD's rest celebrates as complete! [Gen. 2:1-3, 7])

If our own good behavior could earn us salvation then there would be no point in Jesus' dying our death! - This would be in direct conflict with the essence and crux of the gospel! it should remind us of 2Corinthians 5:10, which reads in the RSV as follows: "For we must all [1]appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive good or evil, according to what he has done in the body!" Now read this same verse in the Mirror Bible - "For we have all been thoroughly [1]scrutinized in the judgment of Jesus. We are taken care of and restored to the life of our design, regardless of what happened to us in our individual lives, whatever amazing or meaningless things we encountered in this body." The word, [15319] phaneroo, means to render apparent, to openly declare, to manifest. Paul used the Aorist Passive Infinitive tense phanerothenai, not referring to a future event (as pushed by religion). The Aorist Passive Infinitive presents the action expressed by the verb as a completed unit with a beginning and end. The word, bematos, comes from bayma, meaning footprint, also referring to a raised place mounted by steps, or a tribunal, the official seat of a judge.Our next word of interest is komitzo, it comes from (G2865) kolumbos, meaning to tend, to take care of, to provide for, to carry off from harm. Paul's reference was not about how much abuse and affliction he suffered (as taught under religions influence), neither was it the many good times he remembered that defined him; "I am what I am by the grace of GOD!" If we are still to be judged for good or bad deeds that we performed in the body,  then the judgment that Jesus faced on humanity's behalf was irrelevant. Galatians 2:21, I do not set aside the grace of GOD, for if righteousness could be gained through the Law, Christ died for nothing! NIV [see also 2Cor. 5:14-16, "We are mirrored in His life; His life reflects ours, not as an example for us but of us." As well as 2Corinthians 3:18, "The days of window-shopping are over! Now, with unveiled faces we are gazing at the glory of the LORD as in a mirror and metaphor - image and likeness awakens within us.])

In their encounter of the risen Jesus, hidden from them at first, on their way from Jerusalem to Emmaus, their response revealed the impact of the conversation Jesus had when He pointed to Himself in Scripture - in the writings of Moses and the prophets - suddenly, familiar text lit up in their hearts! "Did not our hearts ignite within us!" When the "Stronger" joined them that evening around the dinner table, He took bread and broke it, and their eyes were opened and they recognized Him! Every meal celebrates the Incarnation!) (The Mirror, with editing.)

Now may the LORD again bless us all with His knowledge as required. May His light be our guide. In our next visit we shall begin with John 6 in this study.

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