Friday, May 8, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 19's hidden insights, part 4b of 4, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

In the introduction of our last post I mentioned the ocean going size ships that were found in the desert area of Egypt. I did not say how old they have dated to be, well as it turns out they are some 6000 years BC. We believe that the Pharaoh had them built there, as a means of moving into his after life, affording him safe passage thru a Lake of Judgment or Fire on his way to the eternal life.

The Lake of Fire and The Second Death:

Revelation 20:14, "Then Death and Hades were cast into the Lake of fire. This is the second death." (The Second Death is not to distract from the Once and for all death that Jesus died, but to endorse it. In the Lake of fire, Death and Hades are eradicated from human memory. This was a means of holding the human race in the grip of fear by religions assumed power over the unsuspecting and as stated before the ignorant. The first death is the once for all death that Jesus died, representing the global death of humankind. Jesus' death took mankind's death in Adam, out of the equation! [Rom. 5:12, Heb. 9:27-28, 2Cor. 5:14-17] The idea of the Second Death has to do with the fact that the revelation of everyone's inclusion in the death of Jesus, has not yet dawned on some - so it will take a crisis, often, their own death, to immediately engage them with the symbolic cleansing [from their ignorance and unbelief] represented by the Lake of burning Sulphur, purifying like in a furnace, separating the gold from the dross-mindset. This is the ultimate awakening (like that of both Peter and Paul) to the success of the cross - the realizing that even Death and Hades itself died in Jesus' death! It is indeed the death of Death!)

Thus Jesus broke the spell of the supposed claim of judgment and death over the Adamic race. The significance of the implication of Jesus' death cannot be exaggerated! It reaches thru the entire past and future of human history!  

Hebrews 2:15, "As a fellow human, He re-defined death and delivered them from the lifelong dread of death." ( Jesus brought final closure to the idea of judgment, which is what the system of religious works is all about. [Heb. 9:27-28.] evil is not immortal, Agape is!)

1John 4:17-19, "So now, with us awakening to [1]our full inclusion in Jesus' love union, everything is made perfect, again! Its completeness is not compromised in contradictions of religions strongest efforts to persuade the human race otherwise. Our [2]conflict conversation [3]echos this fellowship even in the face of [4]crisis; Because, as He is, so are we in this world order - our lives are mirrored in Him. We are as blameless in this like as Jesus is/was! This perfect love union is the source of our confidence whenever we [5]face the scrutiny of contradiction." (This place of seamless union is the perfection of Agape - en toutoo he agape meth'hemoon; the word [1, G3326 G2257] meth'hemoon, together with us, is from (G3326) meta, together with and (G2257) hemoon, us; to be included in the same togetherness. The word [2, G3954 parrhēsia] parresia, translated boldness, is from para, a preposition indicating close proximity, and rheo, to pour out, to flow freely, suggesting unreservedness in speech, bold utterance, confidence. The word, [3, G2192 translated have] echo, to hold, like sound is held in an echo, to resonate. The word, [4, G2920] krisis is often translated, judgment. So, the [5] day of judgment, "in the face of crisis," can be translated, "facing the scrutiny of contradictions in our daily life.") Fear cannot co-exist in this Agape realm. The perfect love union that we are talking about expels all fear. Fear holds on to an expectation of crisis and judgment [what brings a false feeling of separation] and interprets it as due punishment [a form of karma!]. It echos torment and only registers in someone who does not yet realize their completeness of their agape union [ with the Father, Son and Spirit and with one another, our being a triune being of Gen. 1:26-27, 2:7.] We love because He loves us! (We did not invent this fellowship we are invited into this fellowship with Father and Son!)

Again I am cutting this short in an effort to make this simple and easy to read and follow. Until our next visit may the LORD again aid us in our receptivity of His revelation.

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