Sunday, May 17, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 19's hidden insights, part 4k of 4, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are about to look at John 6 for what the Lord Jesus said as John recorded almost first hand. Remember that Matthew spoke from one angel, Luke and Mark both from a different perspective all designed to bring a true and accurate portal of the man Jesus. John walked with Paul during much of his ministry and therefore saw what the others did not but heard second hand. Lifting and removing the veil of confusion and misdirection from the Scriptures.

The Lake of Fire and the Second Death:

John 6:32-45, "Jesus reminds the Jews that, 'it wasn't Moses who gave them the bread from heaven - My Father is the one who gives the real bread from heaven! For the bread from GOD that comes down from heaven is that which gives life to the entire world! (Mankind is designed, not to define life by the bread-harvest of their (the first law/curse) labor, but by daily feasting on every Word that proceeds from GOD's mouth, mirrored in its most complete language, the Incarnation within them. The Hebrew word [Isaiah 55:11] translated, every, (H3605) כֹּל, kol, from (H3634) כָּלַלkâlal, mean complete - thus, the word in its most complete context, which is the Incarnation, the Word that is face to face before GOD from before time was, is Now made flesh, radiating the invisible Father's character and image in our human form, as in a mirror! The incarnation is the global language of the Planet! Paul says in 2Cor. 3:2-3, The living Epistle is known and read by all mankind in their mother-tongue language.) They said, "Oh Lord, this is the bread we crave! Give us this bread!" (see notes on John 12, verse 19-25, "Look! The entire world is running after Him!" He is indeed the desire of the Nations!) To this Jesus said, 'I am the bread of life! He that comes face to face with Me shall never hunger and he who finds his faith in Me shall never thirst! But even though you have seen Me, you are not persuaded. (You might be happy with the healings and be entertained by the signs, but still you fail to understand who I am! I'm not here to impress you with Me! I'm here to persuade you about you! Your sonship is what I am all about! And the only way that I can persuade you about you is to take you with Me into your death and darkness and overcome your fear and hell and birth you again into newness of life in My resurrection!) Everyone whom the Father has given Me (in Psalm 2:8 and Hos. 6:2)will come [1]face to face with Me! And here, mirrored in Me they will see that I am not the Judge! I will not cast anyone out! (The preposition (G4314) pros, is used here again as in John 1:1) For I have stepped down out of heaven, not to make a name for Myself! I did not come to become a mere historic hero! I have come to communicate the resolve of Him who sent Me! (I am here to demonstrate to you how persuaded My Father is about you!) My Sender's desire is for Me to rescue every single individual - [1]this is His gift to Me - that I will lose [2]no detail of humanity's original identity mirrored in Me! My rescuing mission will conclude in their joint-resurrection (this is the new birthing from above)! This is the completeness of time! (This is His gift to Me,' (repeating Ps 2:8 & Hos. 6:2); [1] ho dedoke moi . The phrase, [2] hina pan apoleso ex auto, means, that I should lose nothing out of it. In the eschatology/conclusion/fullness of time - [3] te eschate hemera - This phrase occurs only in John - John 6:39, 40, 44, 54. Also John 4:23, The end of an era has arrived - the future is Here NOW! Whatever prophetic values were expressed in external devotional forms and rituals are Now eclipsed in true spirit worship from within - face to face with Father - acknowledging our genesis in Him - this is His delight! The Father's desire is the worshiper more than the worship!) And this is the desire of My Father, that everyone who [1]sees the Son, through His eyes, and finds the conclusion of (eis) their persuasion in Him, will resonate (echo) the life of the ages! And I will [2]raise him up in the [3] final day!' (The word, [1, G2334 ] theoreo, means to gaze attentively, to discern more clearly. See Hosea 6:2, "After two days He will revive us; [2]on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live before Him." The word, [3, G2078] eschatos means extreme, last in time or in space; the uttermost part, the final conclusion (to be in Him means that we hold within us the end of that prior era and the beginning in the present the eternal age). What GOD said about 'you-manity' in their co-resurrection in Jesus, defines eschatology! Heb. 1:1-3, Eph. 2:5-6. see notes on Rev. 20:5, and the First Resurrection.) The religious Jews were no longer paying any attention - they were shocked and offended at the idea the He said He was the bread from heaven! They reasoned that since they knew His parents to be Joseph and Mary, He had no valid claim to any heavenly Source! Then Jesus addressed them again saying, 'Your murmuring and reasoning amongst yourselves will continue to veil Me from you. (Knowing Me from a human point of view will not satisfy your quest.) No one is forcing you to believe - it is the Father who sent Me who draws you to see Me [1]face to face - only once you've seen how in the mystery of GOD I mirror you, will you understand that I will co-raise you in the grand-finale of My mission! (The word, [1, G4314 ] pros is used again, in front of, face to face. This happened exactly as Hosea prophesied 800 BC, "After two days He would revive us! On the third day, He would raise us up!") It is written in the Prophets that every single individual will be taught of GOD. To hear the Father's instructions concerning Me, is to come [1]face to face with Me!' " (The word, [1, G4314] pros is used again, verifying its importance. See Isaiah 54:13, Jeremiah 31:34, " 'And no longer shall each man teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying "Know the LORD," for they shall all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, say the LORD; For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more!' " Micah 4:1-4.) (The Mirror, with editing)

Now may the LORD bring His understanding within us all. Be so blessed by Him.

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