Monday, May 18, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 19's hidden insights, part 4l of 4, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are reaching the close of the notes on the Lake of Fire and the Second Death of Revelation 19's record. We are about to look into John's account of the final days as more of the Gentiles come to see the man Jesus all being a sign to Him that His own days are numbered.

The Lake of Fire and the Second Death:

John 12:19-25, 1Thessalonians 2:19, "The Pharisees were perplexed about this (Jesus had just entered Jerusalem seated on a colt for the feast, which caused the crowds to go wild) and said, "Look, we are gaining no ground against him! The entire world is running after him!" There were also a number of Greeks who come to worship at the feast because of the rumor they had heard. They approached Phillip who was from Bethsaiad in Galilee and asked him, "Sir, we would be delighted to see Jesus. Is there perhaps any chance that you could introduce us to Him?" (He had a Greek name and the Greeks may have seen Phillip in Galilee where there were many Greeks.) Phillip went and told Andrew and the two of them told Jesus. Jesus, immediately understood the prophetic significance of the moment, knew that He, the Messiah, was who all the nations were longing for and answered, 'The hour is Here for the Son of man to be glorified! [Jesus studied Scripture as in a mirror - He knew that "in the book, it is written about Me!" Haggai 2:7 and the desire of the nations shall come....see Col. 1:27] Most certainly shall the single grain of wheat fall into the ground and die - if it doesn't die it remains alone - but in its death it produces much fruit. To hold on desperately to a mere life defines a soulish realm is to lose it; But to abandon the soul life is to substitute it for the real deal is to observe your spiritual life which is the life of the ages.'"  

1Thessalonians 2:19 of 17-20, "We were only briefly separated from you in person but never in our hearts. This has caused us to yearn with greater expectancy to see you face to face again! On two occasions I was restrained from coming to you. We expect nothing less in the context of the gospel than you enjoying a face to face encounter in the [1]immediate presence of our LORD Jesus Christ! This is our delight and wreath of honor! (The word, [1, G3952 comes from the present participle of G3918 pareimi, to be near, from G3844 and G1510 ] parousia speaks of the immediate presence of the LORD! Is from (G3844) para, a preposition indicating close proximity, a thing proceeding from a sphere of influence, with a suggestion of a strong union, of place residence, to have sprung from its author and giver, originating from, denoting the point from which an action originates, intimate connection (Prov. 18:24); and (G1510) eimi, 'I AM'! There is not even a hint of judgment or punishment in this word! Please do not believe everything you read in Strong's! "G3952 parousia; is from the present Participle of G3918, a being near, that is, advent, often translated return, specifically of Christ to punish Jerusalem, or finally the religious wicked." !!???) You are our trophy and joy!" (The Mirror, with editing.)

Until our next visit, may the LORD of All be with both you and yours through these times.

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