Wednesday, May 6, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 19's hidden insights, part 3h of 4, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Helping GOD remove the scales of deception from the eyes and ears with the delusion of a false mindset, of this world's ill informed of humanity, is what this blog site is all about. There must be someone to help lift the curtain of the deception and falsehood that has been propagated by religion since before the departure of Paul and Peter or the coming of Christ, because it has been here since the days of the first Adam. As witnessed in Gen. 3. As John's picture letter of Revelation reveals. Looking into the Great Supper of chapter 19, in the book of Christ's Revelation.

The Winepress of the "Wrath" of GOD and the Great Supper:

Revelation 6:15-17, "And the kingdoms of the earth and their great and most influential people in high standing in society, also the highest ranked military commanders, along with the wealthiest business personalities, the high and mighty, everyone from the lowest ranked slave to the freeborn were suddenly on equal terms and facing the same predicament. They all ran for cover into the dems and caves, pleading with the mountains and the hills to cover and protect them! "Hide us from the face of the One seated upon the Throne and from the [1]reach of the Lamb!" (The word, [1, G3709 from G3713 oregomai] orge, meaning excitement of mind, is from (G3713) oregomai, meaning to stretch one's self out in order to touch or to grasp something. See Hebrews 4:3, Hear the echo of GOD's cry through the ages, "'Oh! If only they would enter into My rest.'" (Some translations read, "As I have sworn in My wrath," this was derived from orge, meaning passionate desire, any strong outburst of emotion. "OH! If only they would enter into My rest.") Just like Adam and Eve who went into hiding to escape their (fallen, mindset's) perception of Papa's discontent.... or judgment of their disobedience!

Psalm 139:7-8, "Where shall I go from Your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from Your face? If I go up to Heaven, You; If I make my bed in (Hell) Sheol, behold, You!"

Hosea 10:8, "Also, the high places of Aven [H1007, house of vanity], the sin of Israel, shall be destroyed. The thorn and the thistle shall come up on their altars. [Their sacrificial system has failed them!] And they shall say to the mountains, "Cover us! And to the hills, Fall on us!") For the great day of His [1]passion [2]has already arrived and who would have imagined that it would be possible for anyone [3]to be positioned in a place of innocence? (The word, [1, G3709] orgay means to desire as reaching forth with excitement of mind, that is, (by analogy) passion and only by implication often translated as punishment: - anger, indignation, vengeance, or wrath. The word, [2, G2064] elthen, is an Aorist active indicative of erchomai, meaning to come. The word, [3] stathenai, is in the Aorist Passive Infinitive of (G2476) histemi, meaning to stand, also to be placed in a balance, to weigh, in the presence of others, in the midst, before judges, before members of the Sanhedrin, to cause a person or a thing to keep his or its place, to be kept intact (of family, a kingdom), to escape in safety, to establish a thing, cause it to stand, to weigh: money to one (because in very early times before the introduction of coinage, the metals used were weighed) continue safe and sound, stand unharmed, of quality, one who does not hesitate, does not waiver.)

John 2:3-4, "When Mary learned that they has run out of wine, she informed Jesus. He responded with, 'Well Ma'am, that's their problem - or do you want Me to steal the show here at somebody else's wedding, when My hour of fulfilling My mission has not yet come?'" (Religion has run out of wine - Jesus lived aware of His mission which was to redeem and restore the joyous celebration of the union and Romance of the ages -marrying humanity and divinity! While He is the true joy and wine of the party, He fully understood what it would cost Him to drink the cup of humanity's injustice and violence on the cross! Look at John 12:27, 'Now is My soul troubled. And what shall I say? 'Father, save Me from this hour? NO, for this hour's purpose, I have come, to this hour.'")

1Corinthians 11:23-26, "The night in which the Lord Jesus was betrayed, He took bread and gave thanks; Breaking the bread into portions, He said, [1]'Realize your association with My death, every time you eat, remember My body that is broken for you!' (The meaning [1] take, grasp, lambamo, to take what is one's own, to associate with one's self. Is to acquire the petros understanding.) He did exactly the same with the cup after supper and said, 'This cup holds the wine of the New Covenant of My blood; You celebrate Me every time you drink with this understanding!' (From Now on our meals are meaningful! We celebrate this fact and truth that the incarnation in us reveals our redemption, our oneness and I am-ness; The promise become a person.

He redeemed our original origin in its valued identity and innocence; He died our death and defines the life we are Now living. He fulfilled the theme of Scripture: the sufferings of the Messiah and the subsequent glory! [1Peter 1:10-11]) Your every meal makes the [1]mandate of His [2]coming relevant and communicates the meaning of the New Covenant. (Whether you eat or drink, you are declaring your joint inclusion in His death and resurrection, confirming your redeemed innocence. Some translations read, "until I come...." The word translated "until" is, [1, G891] is a kin to G188] achri, is from (G188) akmen, which means extremity, conclusion, the present time; Jesus is the conclusion of OT prophetic time! The word, [2, G2064] erchomai, to come is in the Aorist Subjunctive Mood, elthe, which is similar to the Operative expressing a wish (pray). The Mood of the Greek verb expresses the mode in which the idea of the verb is employed. Thus, we are communicating the desire to have all people realize the meaning of the New Covenant. Look at 2Peter 1:19, "For us the appearing of the Messiah is no longer a future promise but a fulfilled reality. Now it is our turn to have more than a second-hand, hear-say testimony. Take my word as one would take a lamp at night; The day is about to dawn for you in your own understanding. When the Morning Star appears, in you, you no longer need the lamp; This will happen shortly on the horizon of your own heart.") (The Mirror, with editing)

This brings to a close this portion of the notes, our next visit the LORD willing we shall begin our look at "The Lake of Fire and The Second Death." Now did you catch the wish or prayer herein released?

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