Monday, May 16, 2022

Continuing with Our Eternal link to GOD in Christ as exposed by Him, the I AM. "Liberty," part 3

     In this post will have a deviation from my normal outline form because a friend shared a thought on Face Book that I requested permission of him to share, this he did. In it he spoke of Glory from GOD'S perspective of us all. I must tell you this I edited this just a bit, as I am sure you will recognize when you get there.

David, shared this: "I was just listening to an old Sammy Kershaw song. It's called "She Don't Know She's Beautiful." It made me think of the way that GOD (Elohiym) sees us. They are not looking for our flaws. They are looking at us the way we truly are. Their opinion of us hasn't changed since They created humans. They made us in Their image and They think that we are very good!

They know the truth about us, even if we don't. In the New Testament, the word for Glory (G1391) is doxa. It means GOD'S Good View and Opinion. In Isaiah chapter 6, the seraphim are singing, "holy, holy, holy. The whole Earth is filled with Their glory!" This means that GOD'S good view and opinion of us is everywhere. We just don't know it.....not yet, but we will.

In the book of Isaiah we are told that the knowledge of the glory of GOD will fill the Earth as the waters cover the sea. That means there will be a day when we will all know the Truth about how GOD sees us!

Right now most people have a distorted view of themselves because of their actions, or because of what other people have told them. They think they are depraved, they think there is nothing good in them. They think they are never going to be good enough for others, so how could they ever be good enough for GOD?

When we stop believing all the lies that we have believed about ourselves, it will change our whole outlook on life. It will even change the way we behave. Anger issues will disappear, depression will flee from us. Even fear will have no place in our lives.

The reason GOD declared us very good in the beginning is because we are made as vessels of Their image and likeness. This image is Love, Light and Life because GOD (Elohiym) is Love, Light and Life.

We will stop judging one another after the flesh and start seeing each other and ourselves the way that GOD sees us. We are not a piece of snow covered dung as Martin Luther said.

We are more like diamonds and sapphires and pure gold. The false identities that we have assumed, based solely upon what we do instead of who we really are, are even now being burned away. The wood, hay, and stubble that we have built our lives around for protection are being burned by GOD'S passionate steadfast Love for us. We will be salted with fire, the Refiner's Fire!

All those names we have given ourselves based upon what we do or think will be thrown into the Lake of  Fire. This action took place when we descended into the abyss in Jesus' humanity where we acquired the victory and liberty of newness of life, this proven by our joint resurrection in Jesus as the Christ within all of humanity. We came forth as pure gold. That is to say the very Righteousness of our Father. The restored innocence of our humanity.

This knowledge of GOD'S good view opinion of us (Glory) is starting to spread like wildfire even now. It will eventually cover the Whole Earth the way that the waters cover the seas. This means completely!

This is why I continuously tell you how Loved you are! You are enough! You are worthy! It does not matter what others say, or what you've done, or what your circumstances are. You are beautiful and GOD sings and dances over you with joy! You are a son or daughter of GOD in whom They are well pleased! I dare you to tell someone how beautiful they are today!

Heavenly Father (Elohiym), we are so glad that Your people are starting to see the Truth of what You really think of us! Help us to see how beautiful we are. Joe Crocker had it right when he sang the song, "You Are So Beautiful To Me." I believe You gave him that song so that we may all know how You feel about us. Thank You for making us beautiful just like You!

Grace and peace. Amen."

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