Monday, May 23, 2022

Continuing with Our Eternal link to GOD in Christ as exposed by Him, the I AM. "Liberty," part 3c cont'd

     Today's post originated with David and his revealing of the power of the tongue which is the dominion of things as spoken of by Elohiym in Genesis 1:26-28 where They also so spoke of Their image and likeness being deposited within humanity though the term humanity was not there revealed. Humanity being first spirit there revealed. Remember also that in yesterday's post we saw how that all has been prearranged by Elohiym meaning that from the beginning it was spoken of as a future event, the Cross having changed it from future to present, Now.

     A most revealing revelation of the power of Light, Love and Life in one thought. The power and authority of Elohiym invested within humanity just as taught by the Lord Jesus. All tied to our words of our dominion over the Earth backed by Father's word. Which is Christ in you and me. Well here's David's thought of today:

"Never underestimate the power that our words have. They can be used for harm, or to heal. They can bless or they can curse. You can speak death or you can speak life.

Everything in this world was created by the  spoken Word of Elohiym. We are made with Their image within our being, and have been given dominion over the earth. This causes the Earth to respond in ways that are out of line with Elohiym's original purpose. 

I don't believe the Earth was designed to have natural disasters. I think natural disasters are a result of evil in men's hearts. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. When we aren't speaking from the image of Elohiym that we are made in, it causes disharmony in the Earth. It results in bad weather, earthquakes, famines, sicknesses and diseases, and all sorts of other maladies in the Earth.

Our own bodies are made of Earth elements. We are even speaking evil upon ourselves. Just think what would happen if we saw ourselves the way that Elohiym made us, which is very good. What if we believed what Elohiym believes about us? The words we speak would bring healing to the world around us. (Train up a child in the way that they should go and when they reach old age they will not depart from it. Their training!)

The whole of creation is groaning in travail, waiting for the manifestation of the children of Elohiym. While many people are looking for the Anti-Christ, I am looking for Christ within each and everyone on this Earth. When we see ourselves and one another as who Elohiym made us to be, it will be on Earth as it is in Heaven!

OUR Wonderful Dad, we have been blind, but You are opening our eyes, so that we understand the Truth. You are good, and You made us in Your image and likeness. All of creation is good and it will respond accordingly to Your original purpose when we allow Your unconditional, steadfast Love to flow through our hearts. We will speak words of healing instead of words of destruction.

Grace and peace. Amen."

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