Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Continuing with Our Eternal link to GOD in Christ as exposed by Him, the I AM. "Liberty," part 3 cont'd

     Yesterday, I borrowed from David a post that he wrote dealing with Glory; And today I will be doing it again, this time it deals with what few people know or even understand, the development of the spirit life that Adam had as recorded with Genesis 2. This having been restored to us by way of the Cross and our inseparable unity of image and likeness deposited within our being, as described in Genesis 1:26-28. This physical sense realm was brought to the forefront in Genesis 3, to that where the physical senses only is in use. It holding sway over all of humanity until Jesus, who requested our surrender of the physical (present your bodies a living sacrifice to the way of the Cross). Here's David's writing, with little editing by me:

     "In school, most of us learned about our five physical senses. They are hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, and feeling. I don't know if scientist have discovered more since I went to school, but these are the ones most of us are most familiar with.

We rely on these physical senses to help us through our daily lives. Sometimes however, something may be wrong with our senses. Some people are blind or at least partially impaired visually. Some people find it hard to hear or can't hear at all. Nephropathy effects our senses of touch or feeling. Our sense of taste and of smell can also be adversely affected. These things can make life harder, but we are usually able to adjust.

Today, I want to talk to you about the five senses that you may not know you have. These senses are parallel to our physical senses. They are our spiritual senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling. They are important to developing our spiritual maturity.

The writer of Hebrews speaks of these senses in the last few verses of Hebrews chapter 5. He tells them that they have not matured as they should have because they have not exercised their spiritual senses enough to even tell good from evil.

Most people aren't even aware that they have spiritual senses. They just live according to what they can sense physically and they miss out on so much in life.

Paul told the Ephesians that he prayed that the eyes of their heart would be enlightened so they could comprehend GOD'S Love. When the Light of Truth shines in our hearts, the darkness of our understanding flees, and we are enabled to see clearly and stop believing the lies that we have been told. (That is to say been spoon feed over the years by our religious denominational banquet tables.)

Jesus told the disciples to take heed how and what they heard. He said that if we have ears to hear, let us hear. Our natural ears hear everything that's going on around us all the time, and this screws up our perspective on things (quiet the mind to hear what the spirit within is speaking). When we tune in with the ears of the spirit within, it is sort of like hearing things that only certain animals can hear (because they are tuned to a higher level of sound frequencies and often a greater level of smell, sight also is increased). We can even hear things that aren't being said. This gives us clarity and understanding in our situations.

When we taste spiritually, we will realize the bitter (bad, fowl) taste that the World's (it's way is the broad and easy) way of doing things leaves us with. We will also find that the words of GOD'S Truth will be like honey to us. Our sense of spiritual smell is connected to our spiritual sense of taste, just as our physical senses of taste and smell are connected. We will be able to smell spiritual (the sweet aroma of Life) if something stems from dead works (the stench of death lingers) and has an aroma of of death, or if it gives a sweet aroma of life lived by Grace.

Finally, there is the spiritual sense of touch. This is the way our heart feel when something correct and good touches our lives. It even tends to affect our physical emotions. Sometimes people's spiritual sense of touch has a sort of nephropathy. They are past feeling. Nothing seems to move them. They seem to have little or no compassion. When our spiritual sense of touch becomes more developed we are touched by the feelings of others infirmities, just as Jesus was. 

As we learn to use our spiritual senses more and more, we will understand better the differences between good and evil. We are able to navigate this World much easier. We become more able to understand not just what is going on, but the real root reasons that they are happening in the first place. We will also know how to respond accordingly. Our hearts will again become more and more alike with our Father's Heart. We will respond in Love.

Our sensitive PAPA, thank You for both our spiritual senses and our physical senses. May we not be dominated by our physical senses, but let our physical senses take their cue from our Inner Man as we watch You and develop our spiritual senses. Teach us to live in and from the Spirit.

Grace and peace. Amen."

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