Saturday, May 21, 2022

Continuing with Our Eternal link to GOD in Christ as exposed by Him, the I AM. "Liberty," part 3c cont'd

     Continuing with our Liberty through Grace and what I heard on the 2X2 Report in an interview with Dr. Zelenka during his speaking confirmed what my old and long time fried and I have said about the end times. Well would you know it David has walked much the  same way I we have. So I will again use David's post as a form of confirmation. With as few editing interruptions as possible:

"In 2nd Timothy 2:15, we are told to study to show ourselves approved unto God. A workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth. I used to think that this had something to do with studying the Bible in order to be approved by God. This is one of those reasons I used to study my Bible so much. I wanted God to approve of me. Many people have followed this path.

This led me to many years of searching the scriptures to see what I was supposed to do, or not do. No matter how hard I tried, I never really felt that anything that I did gained me God's approval.

Then one day, as I was reading that verse I decided to look up the word definitions of some of the words. What I found out gave me a whole new perspective on that verse.

The word study (G4704) actually means to be diligent. So I should be diligent to show myself that I am already approved by GOD! Somehow I read that part differently than before. It didn't say anything about me doing something to gain God's approval. What it's actually saying is that I was already approved of by GOD, and I should look for things to show me just how approved I already am.

When we realize these was no punctuation in the Greek or in the Hebrew, we can more easily see that GOD is the workmen that is not ashamed of us. (Now I will share this the workmen or workman is part of the meaning of LORD. Which is part of Elohiym.) The scriptures tell us that we are His (Their) workmanship, created to live according to the things that They have already done for us. For example, They have already made us righteous, They have sanctified (G37, made holy) us, and reconciled (G1259, to change thoroughly) us unto Himself (Themselves), not counting our sins against us.

When we rightly divide the word of Truth, it means that we come to know the difference between the truth of what Jesus has accomplished in our lives, from the lies that religion and religionists the world over have been telling us about ourselves. Religion will always have us working to become like God. Walking in relationship with Elohiym however, will always show us the Truth about who we already are, and we need to become nothing else. We are GOD'S children, containers of Their image and some say, "made in Their image." (While Dr. Zelenko stated today we are the vessels of Their DNA. Which the DS Criminal Syndicate wants to change through the covid drugs. As it effects....both the RNA and DNA by manipulating them to change reproduction and actually change Elohiym's DNA within us, to another lesser dna of another god.)

This is why it is important for the Holy Spirit to have the final Authority in our lives, because otherwise we can misunderstand scripture, to such a degree that we make the Bible an idol, and give our understanding of the scriptures more Authority than we do the Spirit of Elohiym. Let me be so bold as to say that if the Holy Spirit doesn't show us what the scriptures mean, then the scriptures have no authority whatsoever.

So whether you are studying the scriptures,  or listening to a preacher, or songs, always listen for the Truth of GOD'S approval of you because They have made you good, in fact They think you are very good.

Our Approving Father, thank You that Your approval of us is not based upon what we do or don'y do. It is based solely upon the Truth that is revealed by Jesus. Help us to see how very good You have truly made us.

May we never believe a lie that tells us we are less than the image of Elohiym in which we are the containers of.

Grace and peace...Amen."

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