Thursday, May 19, 2022

Continuing with Our Eternal link to GOD in Christ as exposed by Him, the I AM. "Liberty," part 3b cont'd

     Again I am drawing from a post shared by David on his Face Book page. I will edit it to enable speak for itself as I have hammered this since day of the first blog started back in 2007, which I removed up to 2009. Now for David post:

"It was finished when Jesus died on the cross. He didn't say, "okay, it's your move." There was nothing undone. Jesus had taken the sin of the world (unbelief as it grieves the Holy Spirit) onto Himself, (as only Elohiym could do). Every definition of distance and delay was forever removed. What Jesus did (applies to all of humanity to the very last Adam). He had died for everyone and when He rose from the gave we all rose again with Him. 

Every man woman and child has been reconciled to Elohiym by Elohiym. That includes you and me and everyone that will ever live or ever had lived. Religion has made this good news too small of a story. (As the heel of Genesis 3:15 reveals, it being the hindrance from forward movement, implies, it actually restrains one from learning of the secret things of (Elohiym) GOD, in Deu. 29:29.) When the gospel is proclaimed in its fullest context, it doesn't just take up the front page; It takes up the whole newspaper!

Religion has made it about us doing something, like the Israelite's under the Mosaic Law. Usually it is about our faith. I'm not saying believing isn't important but that's not what makes the gospel true. The gospel is true whether you believe it or not! In fact, part of the gospel news is that Elohiym has given the measure of faith to everyone. It isn't even something that we came up with on our own. This Abram learned as a very young man while sitting on his mothers knee. And then expressed it when he needed to and for that reason; Elohiym called this man as being after Their own faith, a friend of Elohiym. And changed his name to Abraham, the father of many nations not yet known.

We have all been given the inheritance from Elohiym. The trouble is most people don't know what is already theirs. That is why I share the gospel. I want people to know what their inheritance is. Our inheritance is everything that pertains to Life and godliness. GOD has given us all things for us to enjoy.

Most people don't know that they have already been accepted by Elohiym, as being in Elohiym. When we make the gospel about our acceptance of Them instead of Their acceptance of us we pervert the good news. Just tell people they're already accepted and it is much easier for them to believe. This is because the faith that Elohiym has already placed within everyone awakens when it is exposed to the Light and Truth of the Gospel.

Then after people believe this good news, religion falls away, but if they remain within its grip and programmings it will put on them a bunch of external requirements to keep it. They don't know that the same good news that keeps us saved (redeemed here) forever. They tell you to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, and that is in the scriptures. They don't tell you the rest of the scripture. It is Elohiym that works within you both to do Their will and do of Their good pleasure.

When we try to do things on our own in order to win Elohiym's pleasure, it does us no good at all. When we think we've messed up and lost it all, that is not true either.

It is time for the church to hear the good news for itself. Then we will be able to share it with our brothers and sisters that don't yet know much less believe. Most people including the church have never heard the Full Gospel, nor have they heard that Jesus was not just a messenger but the message the living and breathing gospel, He being part of the make up of Elohiym, just as we of humanity are.When they do, they will lay down all their religious burdens and truly rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ. (The "rest" here used correlates to that of Genesis 2:1-3)

Our Gracious Dad, thank You for including everyone in what You have done. Thank You for us not having to jump through religious hoops or do anything to finish what You and You alone have already completed. Help us now to enjoy our inheritance of all things.

Grace and peace be your, in the Amen."

And thank you David for sharing.

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