Friday, May 20, 2022

Continuing with Our Eternal link to GOD in Christ as exposed by Him, the I AM. "Liberty," part 3c cont'd

     By way of reminder of what we have been looking at with much needed help form David because of the way he has of expressing things of the New Covenant I will now do a recap. As the heading of this section shows all that we are currently looking at is the "Liberty" of our growing of the knowledge of Christ. Then David brought out the "Glory" restored within us as the Light of understanding, then how all is blocked by religion's systematic hindrance of Truth and Grace as seen in the face of Jesus. Today we shall again reach out with more on Grace as it belongs to the Holy Spirit's description of her presence within our redeemed life enabling our hearing with or from the heart, this we have covered elsewhere within this link of "Our Eternal link to Elohiym (GOD) in Jesus, as the Christ, within us the redeemed of humanity." Best described as a peculiar people (G4041; H5459) on to Elohiym. Here's David's quote taken from Steve Dehmlow, there maybe some editing on my part shown in italic, at this point I don't know:

"Because I teach the full-blown Grace, many people tell me that I'm telling people they can do anything they want to. They tell me that I am giving people a license to sin. People will sin without a license. This tells me what's in their own heart, their hear condition.

When you know what Grace is, you will find that it teaches (this hidden within the Elohiym of Genesis 1:1 where we find also the yoke of Matthew 11:29.) us to deny ungodliness. It is the Law of Moses that is the strength of sin. It is this Law that stirs up the desire to sin. In most churches, you will hear a mixture of Law and Grace (it is this very mixture that grieves the Spirit and nullifies grace) In the Book of Revelation (chapters 14 through 18, this mixture covers religion and the world's governments with their political systems as well, we can also add the world's financial systems not just the world's religious systems) it says that the Harlot has mingled her cup of wine. This harlot is governments, finance and religion. This speaks of a mixed message that leads to self-condemnation and destruction primarily in religion but like all things evil it spills over.

The Gospel of Grace, has no need for carnal commandments because Grace changes our hearts. It is from our heart that our actions flow like rivers of living water. What is in our heart in abundance, that will eventually come out in our words and actions, for some it is like muddied angered waters of pure evilness and hatred.

The Mosaic Law, or any other bunch of rules, regulations, and the such, can never bring about a change of heart. Only the Grace of Elohiym can do that. The Law puts the burden to do good on humanity unjustly, it does not supply any ability to bring change. The Grace of Elohiym reveals that Jesus did all that was necessary. We are redeemed by Grace through Their Faith in us, and Jesus even gives us the faith required.

All forms of the Mosaic Law, are about behavioral modification. This never works because it doesn't change the heart. It may keep you from stealing but it doesn't keep you from lusting after things that aren't yours. It may keep you from committing adultery, but it doesn't keep you from lusting after something. And remember that adultery is the action of worshiping strange gods who's identities are hidden as praise and worship in many pagan holidays. This being associated in the mixing spoken of above, in Revelation.

It is only when the heart is changed, that we stop struggling against sin. People will lay a big list of rules on others that they themselves can't keep. All their self effort at self improvement are just self-righteousness. It is only by Grace that we are made righteousness, and this of Elohiym's doing. Just as it also was it in the man Jesus. He being the living message not just the messenger. It is only by what Jesus has done that we are redeemed. There is nothing we can do to add to what awaits our salvation, that comes at an unknown date or time when the breathe of Elohiym is called home. We can only trust the Grace of Elohiym within us.

People talk about dying daily to resist sin. Grace teaches us that our old man died within (humanity for humanity, one Adam for another Adam) Jesus on the Cross. We were crucified within Him. We are new creations and it is now Christ living within us.

We don't rely on the strength of the flesh. We just abide in what Jesus has done. The Holy Spirit brings about the fruit of Elohiym's Righteousness in our lives, as promised by Them. We stop trying to because we become righteous and realize that we are already the Righteousness of Elohiym in Christ.

To say that we need to add something to Grace, is to say that the Cross didn't get the job done. Jesus did it all, and He did it all, for all of humanity! Let us trust in what Jesus has done, instead of what we do or don't do. 'It is finished!'"

Now please forgive my interference but when I hear I do. I could have littered this this Bible passages and verses but that would have only distracted from what was said which is the better part. Again thank you David for sharing Steve Dehmlow's statement.

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