Sunday, May 29, 2022

Continuing with Our Eternal link to GOD in Christ as exposed by Him, the I AM. "Liberty," part 3c cont'd

     We are continuing with another thought shared by David because I happen to like the way that the LORD shares things through him. Now for the past few days I have been looking into John 1 verses 9-15 which I may share here after David's thought.

"I have some friends, and even family members, that often fret over whether or not God is mad at them or disappointed because of something they've done or not done. They must think that God was surprised by something they did! That's funny!

They even wonder if they're going to make it in the end. For the most part, I'm not talking about the ones that don't go to church or read their Bibles. I'm talking about people that have been "Christians," for years. 

They are afraid that God is going to cut them off, or cast them out, and disown them. There is a reason for this. Many, if not most churches teach, usually in a subtle way but sometimes flagrantly, that your salvation is up to you somehow. Now I'm not saying that the things you believe or do are not important, but you can't put the cart before the horse.

When I first started following Christ back in the mid-1980's, I was told that I was saved by grace, but now it was up to me to maintain my salvation. I was told to work out my salvation with fear and trembling. I wish I would have read a little bit farther, then I would have known that it is GOD that works in me both to will and do Their (GOD - Elohiym) good pleasure.

I knew that Jesus had made me righteous, but thought the things I did or didn't do, could undo what Jesus had done. The Truth is, what  Jesus has done, cannot be undone by anything I do or don't do. How arrogant it is to think we have that much power.

I thought that somehow, I had to scrounge up enough faith by reading and studying the Bible, and praying, and going to church, to even begin to walk a holy life. The scriptures say that we are created unto good works, that GOD has finished on our behalf, so that we can walk in what They have already done. Yes, I paraphrased that to make it more easily understood.

I found out that GOD has already put all the faith I need inside of me, so that when I hear the Truth of Christ, His faith inside of me spontaneously responds to the Truth of what Jesus has already accomplished. This enables me to actually trust in what Jesus has done, and put no confidence in my own flesh, to do anything.

So if you're struggling, wondering if you've messed up so bad that you'll never make it, stop and ask yourself if your salvation depends on what you do or don't do, or does it depend on what Jesus did.

Paul told the Corinthians to cast down every thought and imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of GOD, and bring them into captivity to the Obedience of Christ. The problem we have is in our own minds. We are told so often that righteousness depends upon what we do. It depends on our obedience. It actually is established by the Obedience of Jesus.

The things we do or don't do cannot cause GOD to go back on Their commitment to us. GOD will never say to Jesus, "Son, the Cross just wasn't enough, We've got to depend on what man does." what we do does not affect how GOD feels about us at all. Even when we mess up GOD still takes those things, and works them according to Their good pleasure, in order to bring good things out of humanity.

We say that we believe that GOD knows everything, but then if we mess up we act like we caught GOD by surprise. They knew that we were going to mess up, and already knew how to fix it. You could say we have a manufacturer's guarantee.

As long as we set about to establish our own righteousness we will struggle, and doubt, and be in despair. We say we believe in God, but do we believe about Them? Are They all knowing, and all - powerful? If They are and GOD isn't willing that any should perish, don't you think that GOD is able to come up with a plan that would get rid of all the things that hinder us from living the Abundant Life that Jesus gives to us? Or is GOD'S plan to make Jesus the savior of the World somehow dependent upon what we do?

Our decisions, and thoughts, and actions do affect how we live this life temporarily. What GOD decided, and thought, and did, have Eternal consequences for all of humanity, not just a select few but rather ALL. Nothing will stop GOD fro.m accomplishing Their Will, not even our will.

Our Wonderful Daddy, all I can say is Thank YOU for being better, and kinder, and more Loving, than we can comprehend.

Grace and Peace. Amen"

I may follow this up with what I have shared back in or around 2013-15 found in the "Mirror Study Bible" as I did a complete study of this new Bible in the renewed mindset.

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