thanks unto the Father, which hath made us (all believers)
meet (has prepared us [the purpose of Redemption], and
made us fit [throughout our stay in His Salvation]) to be
partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light."
here is giving thanks to God the Father who is the instrument in
bringing us out of darkness and transplanting us into the kingdom of
His dear Son, which is Light and Life. But all this was in Paul’s
prayer on behalf of these ex-pagan believers who knew nothing of the
past Scriptures. They knew nothing of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They
knew nothing of Israel’s God. They knew nothing of Christ’s
earthly ministry. But when Paul came and presented the facts and
their reality, that One died for their sins and rose from the dead
and they believed and accepted Him and it, God moved in and opened
their understanding. Because Paul spoke God's Gospel, this Gospel
and not some trumped up thing of mans creation. This will be the same
Gospel of the present reality of His kingdom in operation then as it
is now, that will seal the 144,000 Hebrew witnesses during the
tribulation period. This is also the witness of the two witnesses who
will stand and proclaim Christ and then be killed for their witness,
the testimony of the reality of Christ's Truth. Known as the keys to
the kingdom of heaven and of God.
here again he is praying all of this. And this is just as appropriate
for us as it was for them. In our
time because this is of greatest of importance the world over as we
are in perilous times,
are times of great uncertainty, the beginning of birth pains and the
threshold of the great tribulation. We too are to be
growing in the Knowledge of God, day by day. This week you should
know more of the Scriptures than you did last week. By this time next
week, you should know more than you do today. Now, we are living
in a time of exploding technology, it is also a time of great up evil
and tremendous consternation among peoples of the earth. It is just
mind-boggling. But listen, there is just about as much to learned in
here if we will just put our hand to the plow, as it were, and start
digging for it as one looking for gold and the Lord will bless you
for it.
thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet (or prepared
us) to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:"
look at giving thanks to the Father. We have had many questions, and
the main question is, "Is it appropriate to pray to the Father
in this Age of Grace?” Well, many thought it was all fore gotten, in the
when or where, but we found it, so we are going to have you turn back
to Ephesians chapter 5. Because maybe some of you wonder about
praying to the Father, as the Lord’s prayer instructs the disciples
to do. Yes, that has not changed. This is as clear cut an answer as
you can get.
thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in (through)
the name of our Lord Jesus Christ:"
that exactly how you do it? So it is still appropriate today. Yes,
we do pray to the Father, and we do all through the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ, because we are clothed with Him
put another way we are in Him, as a wife is clothed
or in her husbands name. And we are going to see that relationship
in the Trinity in later verses, but for now come back again to
Colossians chapter 1. Where Paul as he prays to the Father through
the name of the Lord Christ, he has thanked God, the Father, that He
took those Colossians out of paganism, out of darkness, out of the
chains of the Satanic powers and translated them into the heavenly
kingdom. Now what’s happened to the Colossians has happened to
us. We too have been translated from a position in darkness. Where
did it first take place, at the Lord's table (the twenty-four hour
period starting with our meal of the Last Supper on through His death
[signifying His letting or spilling His blood and bodily water],
resurrection [the placing, restoring, awakening, of His image and likeness within us] and then His ascension), we are now citizens of the
heavenly kingdom. Paul does not make a big a do about our kingdom
relationship, because after all that’s primarily associated with
the nation of Israel, or it should have been. But because it required
the whole nations acceptance it was not. Acts records that something
where between 8 to 12,000 souls received the revelation of Christ and
were converted during the early stages of the new kingdom order or rule. The
Epistle of Hebrews indicates that many had fallen away from the faith (of this order and rule)
they had once professed in Christ their Messiah, and returned to
Judaism, which made them guilty of the blood of Christ. Thereby
becoming guilty of His death, and counted as being the footstool of
God and His Christ, which is one of the strong warnings of this
we proceed allow me to interject this about the LORD'S revelation. By
saying this, many have confused what Colossians 1:19-20, 21-23 and
others are saying by taking of them out of their context and
therefore have fallen into grave error. Allow me to look at these
verses a little bite here: “For
it was the good pleasure of
the Father
that in Him should all the fullness dwell; and through Him to
reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood
of His cross; through Him, I
whether things upon the earth, or things in the heavens. (the first
portion is what was lost to man in the rebellion of Genesis 3:1-15,
the last portion is what Christ did when He ascended and lead
captivity captive as revealed in Ephesians 1:10, 2:13-17, 4:8, Philippians
2:10, and Colossians 2:15, the fruit of this event is found in Hebrews 13:20-21 and 1John 4:9-10)
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