Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Jesus Christ the Creator and Visible Presence of the Invisible God

Colossians 1:25
"Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God;"
Let’s go all the way back to the Old Testament to see how this all fits together. Come back to Isaiah chapter 42, and then I’ll have a couple of others that we can look at. Okay, Isaiah 42.
Isaiah 42:1
"Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect (choice, chosen one, the prime of the prime), in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: (who are we talking about? The Messiah-God.) he shall bring forth judgment (rule, lawful, law, order and ordinance) to (what people?) the Gentiles (as being the middle part of the back of any body, a nation, heathen, gentiles)."
See God hadn't forgotten about the Gentiles. Why? Because we are all of the seed of Adam and woman but Jesus is the more specifically "the seed of woman," the God man of promise (as stated in Genesis 3:15, here called the “elect” into Whom God delighted to put His Spirit, in fullest measure). In my way of seeing this and other like passages, the average Hebrew be they Priest or man on the street they looked right past passages like this one. Why? Because of a hardness of heart caused by them being no different than any gentile heathen (Romans 3:23, 5:12, keep in mind when you read this passage that Christ Jesus is the Embodiment of the law and this is exactly what Saul of Tarsus saw on the Damascus road). Just as many made up of both Gentile and Hebrew do even to day. Why? Because of the veil that remains covering their hearts and minds, they have NO perception of spiritual things. Even though this veil is removed once we have been restored to God through Christ Jesus, by the likeness of His death, resurrect and ascension, by faith, which works through His Love. If His Love be not restored within our heart we are NONE of his (Romans 8:9 and those who choose to remain in this condition are in absolute denial of Him). This many have twisted to mean that we are none of His. But when we either make light of or mack His Gospel we are making an absolute denial of Him and in effect we are the “his” in this passage. This is what Paul is telling Israel as a nation did, by saying we are none of his and Hebrew expression of legal and religious argument. Natural man does not perceive this as they remain as foolishness to him, 1Corinthians 2:14 and 3:19.
Isaiah 42:6
"I the LORD have called thee (Jesus the Messiah to Israel) in righteousness (one who walks a straight line, does not turn right or left but straight ahead forward at all cost), and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, (usually Israel is thought of here but when this word is looked at more closely it means to hide, dim, or the hidden people) for a light (another giver of light, this can only mean Messiah-Christ because all evil beings only give off darkness, though Jesus said that He saw Satan fall from Heaven as an angel of light as the deceiver) of the Gentiles;"
This was Israel’s prospectus as many suppose it to mean. But all most in the same breath He says “for a light of the gentiles” knowing that Israel wouldn't accept Him or His message. By this we know that here the term “people” is not Israel but are in reality the families of the earth, again as scene in Genesis 12:3. Turn with me to chapter 60 and verse 3.
Isaiah 60:3a
"And the Gentiles shall come to thy light,…"
They, of “thy light” was to have Israel, this reinforces what I have already stated, Israel was to have been the head and NOT the tail, the people through whom the light of revelation of the Messiah-God, was to have come through. It was this that Jesus offered to them during His three year walk throughout the nation. It was this that all the signs, wonders and miracles spoke of as a witness that He was indeed the Prophet like unto Moses approved of God. Approved through the deeds that bore witness of Him.
To fulfill the Word of God coming out of verse 25 of Colossians 1, and the promise spoken of in Deuteronomy 29:29 and this is all part of its fulfilling.
Colossians 1:26a
"Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations,…"
Does that mean what it says? Yes! it means what it says. This whole body of Grace and Truth that is coming out of Romans through, and especially the little letter of Philemon, is Truth. That was never ever revealed before to the human race or Israel. The background for it had been, laid and hidden within the context of scripture, of course. Paul says that himself, "that all of this was built on the Prophets and the Apostles, but so far as the teaching truths that we find in Romans through Philemon, this was hidden from human understanding until it was revealed to this Apostle of Grace. That is why so many times when people question Paul's writings especially concerning the book of Acts. Well the first thing that I tell them is look, there is no Pauline teaching of this revelation as such in the book of Acts. Because Acts is the in between book (a transitional book, part of the parenthetical of Psalm 2) that moves mankind from the earthy, worldliness of Judaism with its many systems and the Hebrews only into chapter 11. Where the Church Age or into the Age of Grace and the promised New Covenant in which is promised Eternal and Everlasting Life emerges. Depending which Prophet we are reading at the time. And remember that Christ is and was the one spoken to by Yehovah, LORD in all the promises and covenants including the Levitical Law as their completion. Known and called the last of days, the end of days or the end of time. For even the Temple and all its trappings spoke of Christ in form and symbolism as a shadow of better things yet to appear or come. But when it comes to Church teachings we have to go by what Paul says. As it was to him that these mysteries/secrets were given and opened for our understanding of enlightenment through the rebirthed spirit of all men everywhere, as Jeremiah 31:31-36 states it. Because the next few lines speak of Revelation and the spiritual City of spiritual Zion, the top of the Mountain of God's seat and rule within the hearts of all mankind. Which is reestablished within mans soul when reborn. Or revisited by indwelling of Him Who was, Is and will come again, within every receptive soul, soul being the bowels, inward most parts of man. The place of God's first habitation as scene in Genesis 2.
Colossians 1:26a
"Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations…"
Some of you are going to say, "Oh no not again." But let’s go to Deuteronomy chapter 29 and look at it. This is for the benefit of new readers who are probably just catching us in the last few days for the first time. This is Moses writing to the nation of Israel, but like I've showed before, God has always been the God of the whole human race, not just Israel and not just Gentiles, but each in their own segmented period of time. First He dealt with righteous men through Enoch, Methuselah and Noah then Shem, Eber and Abram who became Abraham, Isaac and then Jacob who became Israel, here He was dealing primarily with Gentiles but this is about to change with the renaming of Jacob to Israel, now dealing primarily with the Hebrew children. And this portion of Scripture just falls right in with what Paul is saying.

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