Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Continuing with the Seven-Fold Prayer of Paul for Us of Colossians

Hebrews 1:1-2a

"God, (this is not Elohim but is YhWh the LORD Yehovah* as we have Him outlined. The whole Triune God in His invisible Triune makeup, who interjected a parenthetical period of Grace, called the Age of Grace, Church Age, and the Body of Christ) who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets. (Old Testament God) Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,…"
(*There are numerous titles for God for instants the Greek Septuagint has Kurios for Adoni, meaning LORD= to Master, Theos, Moryo in Aramaic meaning EhYeh which can be spelled Ehyeh or Ehjeh and pronounced as Iehsu in the masculine, add a “S” to the rule of usage and the “Ie” sounds like “J” and then we have Jeshua or Yeshua or Joshua meaning Yehovah is Salvation.) Notice Paul here uses the term “in these last days” confirming that which I have said earlier. Christ is and was the fulfillment of the Old Testament Covenants, commandments, ordinances, promises and the Levitical Law for each and every one pointed toward the unknown one. Who was seen and known in a shadowy form, as a dim light at the end of a lone tunnel. Do you see that? In other words, when God the Son was manifested in the flesh and He began to reveal things that all the Old Testament had been talking about merely in a latent form, now here He is in fulfillment of it all. And the word fulfillment means: to bring to completion, to convert into actuality, to carry out and to satisfy all requirements (Luke 1:45, 22:37, Romans 13:10, Revelation 1:3, 22:10).

Hebrews 1:2

"Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom (speaking of God the Son) he (God) hath appointed heir of all things (Psalm 2), by whom also he made the worlds;"
You can’t get it any plainer than that. Did you catch the phrase, “in these last days?” God uses many ways to get His point and message and its meaning through to us. I had a gentlemen one time ask the question, "Who in the world is Jesus Christ?" At the time it shocked me as I thought, how could anybody even think such a thought. But now I know this is a question that more people should be asking. Who is He (Jesus)? He’s the Creator of the universe, He is all the Sovereign Godhead of everything, and yet He’s the One that went to that Roman cross. As I have stated many times, those Roman soldiers who put the nails through His hands and feet were His created beings, He made them, and let them do that to Him. You see this is all part and parcel of what Paul is trying to get across to us, who Christ really is. And if we understand Who He really is then we can understand how that by the death of the cross, He could by His own volition pay the sin and death debt for every human being that has ever lived and will live, because He is God.
No mere human could have ever done that. This is what puts Jesus Christ head and shoulders above all other known religions of the world. None of their leaders could have ever done what Jesus Christ did, they could have never died for the sins of mankind. Let alone mans death, separation from God. Which carries the death penalty for all of those who remain as mere humanity, of the world and earthy. They could never even scratch the surface of what the Creator God Himself has done. Men like Buddha, Mohammad, Hitler, Kung Fu, Confucius, James Jones and the like. This is where our faith then becomes, not a blind faith, for we know what we believe. We know it was the Creator who purchased our Redemption which will bring us through to His Salvation. All we need do is believe Him and our work of trusting Him will bear this out. It was the Creator who took on human flesh, in the likeness of sinful man, made of flesh, with our water and blood in His veins through which our humility and shame stands. So that He could become the Supreme Sacrifice and fulfill the demands of that which He as the Holy God required, because "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." See how it all beautifully fits and dovetails together? Here is our dilemma, we are required to follow Him in His fashion but not in a death of our flesh but rather by our trusting His faith and the Father's Faithfulness.
Colossians 1:16b
"…all things were created by him, and for him:"
It was for His pleasure, they are His. Turn to Acts chapter 2 and look at another good one. Here Peter is preaching to the nation of Israel on the day of Pentecost.
Acts 2:22-23a
"Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by (through) him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know: Him, (Jesus of Nazareth) being delivered (up to the cross, not by the Roman decree, not by the shouts of Jews to crucify Him, but when was He really delivered up to be crucified? It was) by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God,…"
It was long before anything was ever created, it was way back in eternity past, when the determinate counsel or they held a meeting of the minds, again this is the Triune Godhead Who came together, and what determination did they make? We are going to create the universe, and in one little tiny corner of the universe, we are going to create a planet. And on that planet we are going to create a race of humans. We are going to let them start absolutely sinless, in absolute innocence, we are going to put them in a perfect environment. But they’re not going to be satisfied, they’re going to rebel, they’re going to sin and be separated from us in a death of separation. But we are going to come right back with a plan of Redemption (purchase them back), and One of Us, One of the Trinity, is going to be the Redeemer and then their Salvation through which they will return home. One of Us is going to go down to that planet and take on humanity in flesh, water and blood, and we are going to go to a cross, and be lifted up and crucified so that we can purchase them by Redemption and then bring them to and through Salvation, as our recreated beings. And who was the One in that Trinity that went? That answered the call, God the Son! Because God planned it that way from before the start all the way through to the finish. Nothing caught or catches God by surprise, it was all in the blueprint, and when the fullness of time was come as it says in the book of Galatians.
Galatians 4:4
"But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman made under the law."
Why? To purchase man’s Redemption which will bring him to Salvation through his Redemption! 

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