Saturday, October 4, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Continuing with the Seven-Fold Prayer of Paul for Us of Colossians

Philippians 3:20a

"For our conversation (citizenship) is (where?) in heaven…"
How did our citizenship get transplanted from the earthly domain to heaven? Colossians 1:13, God the Father has transplanted us from the dominion and power of darkness (Satan) into the Kingdom of His dear Son, the son of His love.
This is not to deep and yet very few people have the concept. But, Very few people understand that when they were saved (Redeemed), they were literally made a citizen of a heavenly kingdom, which will tie us then to Christ's return and the setting up of His kingdom on earth. We will be part of that. Our citizenship is in Heaven. And less you think it’s a play on words, Paul, by inspiration, tells us exactly what heaven he is talking about. The abode of God. From whence we look for the Savior, the LORD Jesus Christ. So that is what God has done by virtue of our trusting which will become faith in this Gospel. We by way of the circumcision of heart receive the ontological essence of Christ's own Spirit restored within us. Jesus said that both He and the Father would take up residence or would indwell us again if only we would believe Him. He has opened our spiritual eyes, broken those chains of darkness and removed the veil that covers, and He has transplanted us into the Kingdom of His dear Son. Through the divine illumination of the meanings as here revealed, the purpose of the Lord's Supper and all that followed it. Because through the understanding of this we become heirs of the promise first spoken to woman and Adam  in Genesis 3:15 (Colossians 1:12, 14). Now let’s look at verse 14 of Colossians 1 and the first thing we should notice in many of the new translations the word "blood" isn’t in here. For whatever reason, we are not going to make comment on it, but our good old King James still has it. And here it is.
Colossians 1:14
"In whom (that is in the Son up there in verse 13) we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins:"
Let’s go to Hebrews and look at a verse that we have not used for awhile. I certainly have in the past but it’s been awhile. Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 22.
Hebrews 9:22
"And almost all things are by the law (back in the sacrificial economy and customs) purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission."
We call that an absolute. You know, they were trying to tell me today that there are no absolutes. I beg to differ. There are absolutes and this is one of them. Without the shedding of blood there would have never been any forgiveness of sin, which is Redemption. You go right back to the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve after they had sinned and were expelled and what is the first thing that God does to restore them? He kills the animal, which causes blood to flow and uses the skin to cover them. It was a blood sacrifice, an absolute. Because those of Adams own seed learned to do the same and those who did not what happened, we get a Cain and Able. This by the way is what Jeremiah 6:16 calls an “old path,” an old path way when understood and taken brings us back to God through Christ Jesus' own blood, which flowed. And the kingdom lost and hidden from all sin filled flesh. Hidden by the flesh of sin, the dead foreskin of mans own heart. This remains so even during our progress through Redemptions school where we were first given the right to become sons of God, again, through our being sealed with the Holy Spirit. But where and how is the sin filled foreskin of our heart removed through a willful, living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-3). Such as is seen in the Lord's Last Supper (in the types and figures [shadows] of the elements of the meal) which then takes us on through His blood and water in a type of death (it not being a physical death as many of the sin nature suppose it to mean), to the sin filled flesh which covers our heart, to His resurrect within that now new heart of sinless flesh [now pure before God by death or the blood of death our new seal of covering, open to God, where only God can open this door but we can close it] and our being in His ascension to be seated in (with) Him at the right hand of power (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 10:12, Ephesians 1:15-23, Colossians 3:1, 2:12-13, Romans 6:4-5, 9-11). The place from which we do not ever want to leave, but sadly many have of their own volition (even when done in the ignorance of unknowing the Truth), from which there is no returning forever. This is what the grieving of the Holy Spirit is....
It remains amazing just how that Satan counterfeits everything that is perfect in God’s economy and adulterates it in the process. If you know anything about paganism, if you have ever had missionaries come to your home or been to New Orleans, especially during the paganism of Mardi Gras, from some of these almost uncivilized areas, what were they constantly doing in their tribal or voodoo rituals? Killing animals, roosters or birds  and even goats for the purpose of sprinkling or spattering the blood all over. Why? That is Satan’s counterfeit. And so almost every culture up throughout human history has had a constant bath of sacrificial blood. But that was the counterfeit. That was the adulteration and fornication with the world. It does not matter what some good meaning religious person may tell you, it is sin, which brings about the second death. This was the same situation that John the Baptist and Jesus were born into.
I would rather submit to God and suffer the second death while still being alive in the here and now.
The true system of blood sacrifice was what God instituted with Adam and Eve and then bought it up and perfected it with the Law (that's why we said it was spiritual and pointed toward the day of the Lord) and the Temple worship. And it all was centered on the animal sacrifices. You know all of that. The Passover Lamb and we’ve shown you from Scripture that when Israel would sin a particular sin, there was a particular sacrifice that they would have to bring. It could be a turtledove, a goat or whatever, but it was always a blood sacrifice. Because without the shedding of blood there has never been forgiveness. Now we know that today we don’t hear anything anymore about the blood concept. But listen, it’s the way the Sovereign God ordained it. That without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sin. This all has to do with when woman was taken from mans side, where blood was shed in the process. And since then woman has had a flow of blood every month during her cycle, which by the way is govern by the seasons of the moon. And of course, we feel that the reason for that is that back in Genesis chapter 9 it tells us that life is in the blood. We cannot get new life without death happening first and death is signified by shed blood. And so you follow this all the way through God’s dealing with the whole human race leading up to His own Supreme Sacrifice, which had to be a shedding of blood. That’s why He could have never been hung. He could have never died a death by hanging which was a typical capital punishment way of putting people to death besides stoning. But it wouldn’t have worked because then there wouldn’t have been the shed blood. And it had to be a death where there would be that shedding of blood. It had to be! Because this is the way the Sovereign God ordained it and who are we to say that the shed blood is no longer of consequence. Well, anyone who does is in danger of Hellfire because without the shedding of blood there is no remission. Just as without the illumination of the Lord's Supper there is no conjoining of two in the New Covenant which this meal brings about as a finished work. And with that said then the rest of what Paul reveals remains so because when its taken in an unworthy fashion (1Corinthians 11) as is the custom of some it is condemnation upon them. For they make light of both the meal, its purpose and the death and blood of the New Covenant. Now let’s see how Paul enlarges on it. Come back to Romans chapter 3 starting at verse 23. 

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