Thursday, October 23, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Jesus Christ the Creator God the Visible Presense of the Invisible Godhead

Alright, we’re still in 1Corinthians, aren’t we? Come on over to chapter 15, and dropping down to verse 51. And here again, I’ve made it very plain, as long as I’ve been on the internet, that we are a proponent of a Pre-tribulation out calling of the Church, the Body of Christ, the Family of God which is the departure. This is most graficaly scene in the story of Noah. Where he and his family of 8 and then the animals were called from within the Ark and after they all had entered in the door was closed by God. And a lot of people are all shook up by it and can’t understand it. Well, it’s because they don’t understand the mysteries that were revealed to Paul. Granted, there is never anything else in Scripture, in the Old Testament or the Gospels, or Acts, or Revelation or any of those others, that even alludes to what we call the departure or rapture as it has been mislabled. Why? Because it’s a Pauline revelation. Now, when I say Pauline, I mean Paul in the other extent. It’s a Pauline revelation and here he calls it what it is. But all the other writers when they speak of the Lord’s return, they’re speaking about His Second Coming at the end of the Tribulation and not the departure of the Church just before the Tribulation begins.
I want to take a momnent to look at what Genesis reveals about Noah his family, the Ark and then the animals and how Paul through the power of the Holy Spirit could foretell the extracation of a mystery Body, Church, Family of God as beings restored to Him. What was the world like during the time of Noah? It was as it is today, there was marring, male with male, woman with woman, beastiality abounded, thing were in chaos, idolatry, fornication, evil exsisted openly, people were in total lawlessness, the fallen angels cohabitated with women, the secrets of chemistry, science, astrology, witchcraft, metalergy were given to man by the fallen angels before God's timeing. The fallen nature as Paul discribes it was running rampt....but even with goings on there was a few, just a small number of God fearing men in the mix. These men God calls righteous and from the third son of Adam, Seth, they are tracked this included Enoch as a man who walked with God. From who's loins came Noah and from Noah came Shem, then Eber, from Eber comes Abram who will become Abraham through who all the families of the earth will one day be blessed when the act towards God as Abram did, in total trusting of Him. The example of each generation through the line of Seth forward, each in their own generation among the family of man. These will through the Redemption of the cutting of Covenant be given the right or power to become Sons of God again. This will happen only when in their own order they through a scrisis learn the secret of the Passover, letting of blood, through death to the order of the world's systems, expierence the resurrection of Christ own Spirit restored as man in Genesis 2 posed Him within him. These people made up and composed of all the families of the earth who like Abram, honor God as Abram did, WILL NOT see the wrath of God, as poured out on the earth, brought about by mans own actions of refusal to accept God's Gospel of  mans Salvation. Just as Noah, his family and the animals did not see the destruction of the evil world, which came upon those who mocked him and his message. Which he proclaimed for 100 years before starting to build the Ark, the coffin of atonement-Salvation. You see, Redemption's price has been paid in full all we have to do is to accept it and then ask for its blessing, the infilling of His Holy Spirit. Who was given to man after the Lord's returning to His proper place at the Heavenly Fathers righthand. Who is given as a deposit of more good things to come, in other fillings of the Spirit of Truth. Who is to become our teacher, trainer, tutor, and mentor in bring us through the levels of progressive revelations of Christ. In Redemptions school of higher learning and our training to become totally dependent on Him. With each progression we are faced with a new scrisis and our progression depends on how we respond when faced with this scrisis. With porgression we receive more of the revelation of Christ, and more infullings of His Spirit, this Jesus called rooms or mansions in the Father House. We are to become the object of His Home, His indwelling as promised in John 17 and elsewhere in the synoptic gospels and Paul Epistles. Our training and further revelation of Christ then continues while we await our departure time, be it by way of physical death or living extraction. In His Body as the New Ark, the second Adam.

I think that our departure is a triggering mechanism for the tribulation period as we are the ones that restrain the forces of evil, as an assembly of families of the earth. Because to restrain requires supernature strength [in the form of His resurrection power] which the ontological essence of Christ within us exerts through us. Now again these things are veiled from the sight of natural man, who is any one without the Holy Spirit, who are to be under His rule of man, as Jesus and Paul were both examples of. This again is the whole purpose of our being placed within the corral to learn obedience to the Holy Spirit while we remain in Redemptions grip, but we are to progress in our learning of God through Christ in us.
1Corinthians 15:51
"Behold, I shew you a (what?) mystery: (a secret) We shall not all sleep, (die) but we shall all be changed."
Paul says he’s going to reveal a secret. This is something that’s never been revealed before. Never! And what is it? That there’s coming a day, and Paul thought it was a lot closer than it was, and maybe we think it’s closer than it will be, and I think it’s getting close, but there’s coming a day when all of a sudden there’s going to be a great resurrection of the believers who have died and at the same time we who are alive shall be changed into a new body. Called in scripture as the “day of the Lord”of which there are no less then 26 references to. We’re not going to die if we as believers are alive in Christ and Christ is active within us, when this event happens. For this there are no less then two who were extracted while among the living recorded in scripture.
1Corinthians 15:52a
"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump:…" Not one of the angelic trumpets in Revelations. This is a singular trumpet in God’s hands, a shout of His voice. Therefore there's NO reference to it in Revelation because its dealing with Israel and the lands around it not the Body of Christ. Because the Body members have already judged themselves and found themselves wanting and come to themselves to cry out as a lost soul in drier need of Redemption. Through which they then find themselves bankrupt of any good thing and thusly faced with a crisis, what to do. And ask what is required of me LORD? The answer is death, God's most perfect Will for all lost souls. But how? To that we're told to take His yoke upon us and then to learn of Him. By taking the old path, but what is the old path and where do we find it? To which the Holy Spirit says follow My, I'll show you. And He begins by opening the scriptures to us. And we begin to see Christ and the wisdom of God in Him revealed.

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