Christ the Creator God
careful (worry) for nothing; but in every thing by
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made
know with God."
no strings attached to this verse. There is free access into the
Throne Room of God to let all of our supplication and requests be made
known, but with thanksgiving, not with grumblings of unbelief by
making light of His Grace. Regardless how God answers our request,
and He may not spare our loved one who may be terminally ill, He may not
grant healing (Salvation) to them. For these are not promised any of
us, but pain and sorrows are. He may not save a financial empire, or
a marriage that we think needs to be saved. He may not answer the way
we think that He should, this verse 7 is the answer to every prayer.
the peace of God,
(that which is imparted to us the moment we believed this Gospel.
That we are no longer hostile or in a warfare against Him, because we are we no longer an alien, we are no
longer His enemy. But we are at peace with Him, and the peace of God
is our healing and rest.) which
passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through
Christ Jesus."
other words you can not explain this peace we have with God, it’s
beyond us, but we know it’s there and ours, and it will keep our heart and
mind at rest, if we stay steadfast. Now let me show the other side of the coin
back in Romans chapter 8. You’re going to find some stark
statements in here, in fact it’s shocking.
they that are after the flesh (in other words the world of the
lost souls around us be they redeemed and unknowing) do mind the
things of the flesh; (that’s all they can think about)
but they that are after the Spirit (the true believer. I say
true because not all people are true believers. A true believer has a
mind at rest because they mind) the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded*
(constantly wrapped up in the affairs and things of the world which)
is death: but to be spiritually minded is life and peace
(that same peace with God).
*Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:…"
enemies or those who remain hostile toward God have peace? No!
They’re in a constant warfare whether it’s nations or
communities, or whatever, this includes within the religious churches
and institutions of religious performance and ceremonies. These
people by their conduct express a mind that is not at rest or a body
that has no peace. So there is
no peace between God and the lost (this can be a professing believer
who is still in the first estate or someone we've called a believing
unbeliever because they reject Christ and His ascension Gospel by
their conduct) individual because he is carnally or worldly minded
and this is to be an enemy, and hostile against God. An enemy resists God and
these people are known by their conduct, not to leave out their own
it (the carnal, earthy, practical, literal and worldly mind) is
not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be."
nothing that is compatible. Nothing! They are totally separated, and
that’s why in a little bit when we get back to Colossians we’re
going to see the word, "reconciliation". But here there is
no reconciliation between God and the lost person because they're
fleshly, carnal and worldly minded and have no interest in the things
of the spirit or spiritual things of God. They do not believe there
is a spiritual side to things because as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel,
Hosea and Jesus said they can not see that they remain in a fog
because of their conduct, therefore they do not Please God.
then they that are in the flesh cannot please God."
do they like to pray? Oh you bet they do. My when they’ve got a
need, they pray. Well do you think God is interested in their
prayers? No, because they’re enemies. He’s not going to answer
the prayer request of an enemy, as they’re not yet His children.
We’ve always made the statement - yes, when a lost person cries
out for salvation, God hears him. Absolutely He does! But
what comes first Salvation or Redemption? Redemption does because
within it the individual is credited as paying off his debt which is
passed from father, mother to son or daughter in their flesh. The
price Jesus alone paid in full through His shed blood thusly
reconciling out our debt, a credit we all must receive as our own.
Before he even calls the book of Isaiah says. But in everyday,
mundane things when the lost person prays, God doesn’t hear him,
he’s an enemy. He remains in his own darkness by choice, not by
know I’ve used the illustration that if your neighbors kid come you
and says, "I want a new bike, will you get me one?" It
would be a rare individual that would say, "well come on son,
I’ll buy you one." No, rather we’ll usually say, "Well
that’s your dad’s job, that’s not my responsibility to buy you
a bicycle." And the reason we won’t buy one is he’s not our
child. Well you see that’s just normal. That’s not being mean
spirited or anything like that, but just simple good economics. You
can’t buy bikes for all the kids up and down the block. Now God
doesn’t treat the human race much differently. If there is no love
for Him and they’re His enemies, He’s not going to hear their
prayers, until of course they call for forgiveness, which is
Redemption. Which will bring us all to His Salvation, once we have
passed through its corridor and then He becomes the God of
then they that are in the flesh cannot please God."
down in verse 13, and this will wind up this dissertation of people
who are still in the flesh, who have never been saved.
if ye live after the flesh, (the things of this world is your
concern, and you have no concept of eternity or interest in spiritual
things then) ye shall die:…"
I travel and see the highways packed with people, I can’t help
but wonder, "How many of these people that I’m meeting on
these freeways and highways ever for a moment consider eternity?"
How many ever stop to think of something of the Spiritual? For the
most part I don’t believe it ever enters their mind. I hope I'm
wrong, but I don’t believe it does. They’re so wrapped up in the
things of this world and the false teachings of the twisted and
perverted word, the gospel. So this is their future, that if all
their living for is the flesh (wealth, prosperity, health and
healing), these homes, cars, and credit card bills that are beyond
their budget, and all the pressures of the world, they’ve got no
time for God. And the Spiritual things, Paul says, if that’s you
and your lifestyle, "ye shall die (remain
spiritually dead).” You have no hope for eternal life. For your mind
is like a gold prospectors mind, remains focused on gold, you remain
separated from God. But verse 13 continuing on is the flip side.
but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye
shall live."
it becomes then an option. Are you going to live for the flesh and
remain dead and die for eternity, or are you going to live
Spiritually here and maybe miss out on a few of life pleasures of
things that the world thinks they have to have, that it demeans are a God given right
to and still live eternally? I chose a while back to be a prospector, by choosing to mind the greater things of the spirit. That’s quite an option,
but it’s mankind’s choice. Back to Colossians, guess I'll finish
with the “Reconcile”. I mean these are doctrinal terms that to
many people never consider, but they are basic tenants to our faith.
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