Sunday, October 19, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Looking at John chapter 1 beginning at verse 6.

John 1:6-9

"There was a man sent from God, whose name was John (the Baptist). The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, (a reference to Christ, the Light of the world) that all men through him might believe. He (John) was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. (now if that doesn’t grab us I don’t know what does or will.) That (speaking of Christ) was the true Light, which lighted every man that cometh into the world."
This is what Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel have stated. That is what it says, and whom are we to argue with it. Every one in the world have received a certain degree of Light and consequently then "they are without excuse." The deed forested natives of New Guinea know there's a Christ, as did the native American Indian. Let’s look at that verse over in Romans 1, verse 20. In fact we really should read verse 19 also.
Romans 1:19-20
"Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. (the whole human race, who through the night stars, abd then both plant and animal life and of course the four seasons) For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, (created, that means us) even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they (the whole human race) are without excuse:"
This is what it says, and I'm sure that the Lord will say to them when they come up before Him at the Great White Throne judgment. I just know they’ll say, "I never had a chance, I never heard," And I'm confident that He’s going to come right back and quote John 1:9. "I was the Light that came into the world. I Lighted you at one time." Or maybe Matthew 22:5 But they made light of it.” I don’t understand how this is possible, at least I sure don’t, but the Scripture is true, let God be true, these people are going to be held responsible. It’s just totally beyond my comprehension but I have got to go by what the Bible states. Even if this was old speaking of those Hebrew children who were brought out of Egypt, they to had no excuse to deny Him whom Moses spoke about. For they were all witnesses of His presence among them. And therefore without excuse or reason to fall backward into idolatry and fornication again. But sadly they did because it was in their nature as it is also in ours.
Back to Colossians chapter 1. Here Paul uses that same connotation that every human being has somehow or other been made aware of this Gospel. Let’s look at Romans chapter 2, verse 16 first. I’ll bet this is a verse that 9 out 10 professing Christians don’t know is in here, and yet it fits with what I’ve just been saying.
Romans 2:16
"In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my (Paul’s) gospel."
Isn’t that something? What does that mean? At judgment day there at the Great White Throne the masses of the whole human race are going to be confronted with Paul’s Gospel even though it was only preached from Paul’s time on. This is the answer to my question concerning the gosple of the 144,000 virgin Hebrews sealed by God to evangelize the world during the years of tribulation. Again let God be true. Every human being will stand before the judge absolutely without excuse because somehow or other the Light of this Gospel has appeared to every man. In Titus chapter 2 he says basically the same thing.

Titus 2:11
"For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men."
Back to Colossians chapter 1, looking at the last part of verse 23, again. Before I do, today I heard it said that when the tribulation taking away of the Chruch and Body of Christ takes place that the Holy Spirit will also be removed from the earth. How can this be, based on what we are here looking at....because of the phrase, “all men.” The Holy Spirit has been here from the first as the Spirit that pierced the darkness and divided day from night. And Who is the Holy Spirit? He is the fullness of the invisible Godhead. He will be doing what only He can do even during the tribulation because it is He who seals the 144,000 Hebrew witnesses and the two witnesses as well. If He were gone this could not take place, it just means that for the most part He will be silent during most of this period. Silent but not inactive.

Colossians 1:23b
"…which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven: (now I know there are areas in South America and the Islands of the Sea that are practically uncivilized. I have to say, ‘they’ve never heard.’ But that is not in agreement with scripture is it? So I just leave that in God’s hand.) whereof I Paul am made a minister;"
That’s what made me think of Romans 2:16 that said, “they will be judged by Paul’s Gospel.” And what is Paul’s Gospel? 1Corinthians 15:1-4 and Romans 10:9-10 explains his Gospel perfectly, and by believing Paul’s Gospel is the way to have entry into Eternal Life, where our Salvation is based. The Lord could not tell His disciples this because it had not happened but He left them with enough to know this Gospel. How? through example and parables and stories which revealed a lot to those who have the Holy Spirit and are willing to dig it out by way of asking it of Him. As a Sea man looking for treasure until he finds the pearl of greatest price and buries it then sells all he has to reclaim his prize. Or the one who counts the cost and decides to go for broke or suffers the lost of all thing to be a doer of His Word. Because he decides not to make light of His Word. But simply to Believe Him and then by so doing has placed all his confidence and total trust in His Grace and Truth. Again, which is our Salvation received in Him.

Colossians 1:24a
"Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you,…"
Again that goes back to all the physical suffering that the Apostle Paul went through for the sake of this Gospel. My goodness he could have just thrown up his hands and given up and gone back to Jerusalem, and his Judaism and lived high on the hog couldn’t he? But he didn’t do that. He continued on and counted the things of this world as trash, things that became worthless, so that this Gospel might continue throughout the Roman empire. It is this that mans religion tromples underfoot and makes a mockery of in unbelief. James wrote much the same thing in his little letter written just before he was martyred in chapter 5:7-20 by way of using farmers, Prophets and Job as illustrations of perservance under the pressures of darkness and evil that surrounds us all. He also gives illustration of these same pressures in the last few verses which also carry a warning with them. Paul give us a way to sustaining our selves through these periods in the use of the word “rejoice.” And to this James in chapter 1 said to “count it all joy” whem tribulations over take us.
Colossians 1:24
"Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh (Paul knew the value of the cup of the Lord, his own sufferings that we have read about so often) for his body’s sake, which is the church:"
See here again the Apostle Paul is making the distinction that the Church he refers to is the Body of Christ. Do you see what a difference that makes? Always remember that no where else in Scripture do you see that. You don’t see it in the four synoptic gospels, or the book of Acts, but only from the Apostle Paul’s pen do you find the One Body of Christ, the Church. For it definitely is NOT part of the now Old Testament account of Israel's rebellion and resistance of God. This is uniquely a Pauline thing. That Body of Truth as we’re going to see in a little bit he refers to constantly as the revelation of the mysteries, the secret things of God. Like I've said the little book of Daniel, the Prophets and Revelation chapter 5 talk about. So he says, everything that he’s gone through is for the sake of the One Body which is the One Church. I need to say this and it is that there are other books written as well as the scroll which is the title deed to the earth and its fulness. Remember the statement in Deuteronomy chapter 29 and verse 29 for it still stands and can be applied to us as we grow in the knowledge of Christ, in Whom are the mysteries, secrets, and through Whom they are revealed or made plan. As God now speaks to us through His Son and we in turn speak to God through Him, as well. There is great strength when we know Him and great joy and rejoicing in that same strength that will sustain us at all times and under all manor of pressures.

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