is the image of the invisible God,…"
want to take this slow. God the Son is the image, and what is an
image? Something that you can see, it’s not something out there in
enigma or in a semi-state, like a shadow is. An image is something
that you can see with your own eyes.
All right then, God the Son is the visible image of the invisible God, He is fully God.
Do you see how plain
that is? God the Son stepped out of that invisible Triune (Elohim)
Godhead and in the person of the Son, He became visible (as the angel
of the LORD or YHWH), He became tangible, and He walked, talked and
ate among men all the way through the Old Testament (as the Son of man, the second Adam, at the close of the Hebrew, Jewish, Israel only administration, economy, Dispensational age).
whenever God appeared, like speaking to Moses out of the burning
bush, although in that instance He did not appear visibly. But rather in the form as flames of fire that did not consume the bush (in Exodus 3:2). But Moses
certainly heard Him speak, and so who was it? God the Son!
They didn’t call Him Jesus back in the Old Testament because the
Bible doesn’t, but He was God the Son! When God appeared to
Abram in Ur of the Chaldees, who was it? God the Son! As I’ve
already rehearsed, when Jacob wrestled with the man until the
breaking of the day, who was the man? God the Son! And then He
would just simply go back up into the Godhead. The prophets saw Him as an angle, "the angel of the Lord" is how it was phrased (look at John 8:29).
firstborn of every creature:"
was before anything that ever appeared. Now that’s His Eternalness
again. God the Son was just as much from eternity past as God, the
Father of Light and God the Spirit is. We will be looking at that,
real soon, in the next in chapter 2 verse 9. But for now I want you
to see that God the Son, Whom we now know as the Jewish Messiah, Jesus the Christ, the
visible manifestation of that invisible Godhead. Now the other thing that
we have to remember is that whenever God the Son stepped out of the
Godhead, He lost none of His deity. Remember that! He did not lay
aside a portion of His divinity power or deity, because, He was always God! So
just because He became visible, and appeared in Bethlehem in the
virgin birth, He never stopped being God. At that time He laid aside
His glory, for a short period of time. Because He could not have co-habited with mankind in all
the glory of the Godhead. But other than the glory that He laid
aside, He never stopped being God. And of course He never exercised
it until He began His earthly ministry. This is what His disciples
saw on the Mount where His Glory was revealed as witnessed to by both
Matthew in 17:2 and Mark in 9:3.
and think, had Jesus of Nazareth been anything less than God, in
mans perfect humanity, once He understood that He could control the
elements, He could raise the dead, He could heal the sick, would have
He ever limited it? Would you? Would we have limited it once we
realized that we had this kind of power? Why, we would have used it to
the extreme, but you see, He did not. He always kept it under
perfect control. In absolute meekness. When He was manifesting Himself from His humanity
side, He never let His deity interfere. So always remember that it
was because of His deity that He could control His power instead of
taking advantage of situations. This visible manifestation of the
invisible God is the same God of Genesis 1:1 and John 1. And you know what that
verse says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and
the earth." Well this is the same God that we now know
as Jesus (YESHUA, Elohim saves) the Messiah to Israel, our Christ.
by him were all things created, that are created, that are in heaven,
and that are in earth, visible and invisible, (including the
spirit world of angels at the top and fallen angels who are now devils and demons,
depending on their rank in the kingdom of darkness) whether
they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers,
(righteous or evil) all things were created by him, and for
They are
for His pleasure, and everything that God ever created is under His
control and it is to establish His Sovereignty and it’s all been
done for His own pleasure. And no one dare question it, because He is
Sovereign. Now let’s go back and compare some more Scriptures with
this. We haven’t done this for a some time so I think it’s
appropriate, but rather going from Genesis to Colossians, we’ll go
from Colossians backwards. Our first stop will be in John’s gospel,
chapter 1.
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