Saturday, November 1, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Jesus Christ the Creator God, the visible manifestation of the Invisible Godhead. In Whom and through Who alone is Salvation realized.

1Corinthians 2:4

"And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but (my proclaiming was) in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:"
Remember, I told you before that Paul likes that word power. The Holy Spirit inspires him to use it every once in a while. It was the power of God that kept driving him on as it is the power of God that drives those who are His to this very day. But its not the power which so many believe it to be theirs, in doing what Jesus while walking the dusty road of Israel in signs, and wonders. They continue to want the power which the Son of man demonstrated during His first visit and used it to bear witness of Godhead within Himself and active through Jesus. They fail to see Him as the Prophet like onto Moses which means that the signs and wonders that both Moses and Aaron did before the Prince of Egypt would also be done by His hands, and more because God was with Him. By being who He said He was, whom the Prophets said would come this His power (Daniel 8:7 and Revelation 12:10). Now verse 5. Why did this man just simply, totally depend on the power of the Holy Spirit, he followed the pattern of the Son of man just as we are too. And to make sure that everything he said was honest, sincer and above board? It was to enhance tour Spiritual well being, and here it is.
1Corinthians 2:5
"That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God."
Our faith is not set in the wisdom (dependant on the intellect or on degrees conferred upon) of men, and we’re going to see when we get back to Colossians when it speaks of philosophy and traditions of men. That’s not where our faith rests. Our faith rests in the Word of God and God Himself! In the person of Christ Who is our Salvation, as the Ark was Noah and his families Salvation (of 8) as well as the animals who were called from among the animal kingdom. Man has a proven propensity to error and preach based on his own understanding not taking into account God's prespective as revealed in the context of Romans. It is most imparitive that we learn Christ through the workings of the Holy Spirit if we are to be able and empowered to become Sons of God again. As stressed elsewhere it is up to us to learn how to trust the Holy Spirit within us and to distringuish His voice form that of our own flesh. This is the whole purpose of our being placed by God in the school of Redemption and under the Spirit's direction as having the power or right to become a Son of God again.
1Corinthians 2:5
"That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God."
When we rest in the Word-power of God, then we’re on solid ground. Let’s go to another one in 2Corinthians chapter 11, and verse 13. But to keep the flow in its own integrity I'll start at verse 12. I don’t use enough verses, and yet I don’t want to use too many that I waste time and loose or bore the masses.
2Corinthians 11:12-15a
"What I do, that I will do, that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion; that wherein they glory, they may be found even as we. For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. (they are self proclaimed, many are nothing but angels of light, making light and a mockery of Christ and this Gospel) And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness;…"
That is scary language isn’t it? What does it tell us? Oh we have to be so careful, not in fear but rather watchfully by the power of the Holy Spirit. I can’t just sit down and say, “well that man is using the Bible, and he’s behind the pulpit, and if he’s behind the sacred desk, so what he says, must be true." Don’t you ever do that. Not with me or anybody else. But what we have to look at is this. "Is what he is saying lining up with the Word of God? With the revelation of Christ? Also is he separating Law and Grace? Remember Law and Grace won’t mix." For this was the very meaning of the Lord's teaching on the old cloth and the new wine of Matthew chapter 9 and the fig-tree which did not bear fruit. The very tree that John the Baptist said had the axe laid to its very root when he saw the Pharisee's and the others coming toward him as witnessed to in Matthew 3 and Luke 3. The Hebrew Preisthood had made the Word of God given Moses and the Prophets of NO use by their traditions and many religious forms. It was because of this that there was great resistance and consternation between them and John the Baptist and Jesus' own message of the nearness of God's kingdom. There was and still is great hostility in the Israeli camp when it comes to acceptance of their own national Messiah.
2Corinthians 11:15b
"…whose end shall be according to their works."
Do you know what that tells me? They’re going to be at the Great White Throne! And we all know who’s going to appear there don’t we? Only the Lost and the believing unbelieving as defiled humanity! Because these men can’t be the possessors of Eternal Life, or they could not be used of Satan in such a way. I have another one in Ephesians chapter 4, and verse 14.
Ephesians 4:14a
"That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, (in our spiritual learning) and carried about with every wind of doctrine (the external teachings or thing of the old cloth and wine skin),…"
Here again you have no idea how many people will say, "they’ve been in many, many different groups, and one was just a bad as another, but finally they saw the light and came out and embellished the Truth." Listen the world is full of these false pastors and teachings, evangelists and a lot of times it’s the cults, but not always for even the mainline denominations and non-denominationals have more than their fare share of such. So Paul is warning us here "not to be carried about with every wind of doctrine."
Ephesians 4:14b
"…by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive (as in a delusion of misdirection);"
See, that’s their job. It’s also all they’re living for, is to deceive the masses. And oh we’re seeing it, and yet the Scriptures warns us that this kind of people are to be avoided at all cost. But their delusion is a strong evidence that over whelms even the most religious of persons because they depend on their own strength, much like Job did. I have one more in the next chapter, and that would be in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 6. See how much Paul deals with, "beware of deception?" It’s almost as much as being in the positive, and this is what I have to be careful of.
Ephesians 5:6
"Let no man deceive you with vain words; for because of these things, (these false teachers, and enticing words those who make light of Christ and His Gospel) cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience."
And these guys are going to be part of it. They’re going to be part of the people they have deceived. Because of their own delusion, this is what had happened to the Preisthood of Israel long before John the Baptist or even Jesus came upon the scene of time. Because of God's warning through His Prophets when they are heard and understood through this Light. Israel itself bears the witness of these Truths.
Ephesians 5:7
"Be not ye therefore partakers with them."
Stand up and say, "Hey, I’m not going to follow this." My, I have people in other states around the country and indeed around the world that have come out of some of these groups, and they’ll admit with a question, "How in the world did I sit there for 10 years and listen to this stuff?" But you see they didn’t know any better. We can say this and get away with it, one guy said, "We had a guy come into our Church, and say, "Now look people, so far as you’re concerned, I am your God." And he said, "It didn’t even bother us a bit, that you could tell, as the rank and file of people are still going." But the Lord opened their eyes and they came out of it (in compliance to 2 Corinthians 2:17 we were one of those who heard this. For us it was twice or possibly three times over a period of about twenty to twenty-five years before our separation from them in accord with  2Corinthians 6:11-7:4). This by the way, maybe what many believe to be a great falling away that is to take place before the dreaded day of the Lord. For those who do so this day will not be a dread but rather a joyful day indeed, as it maybe the day of our catching away to meet the LORD in the air. We must always be aware that with God all things are indeed possible. I know that my own life along with my wifes and even childrens (they were all three married with children of their own at the time) lives have changed significantly since 2007 when we made the split.
You’d be surprised at what I hear, but that’s what’s out there. See this is what the Apostle Paul was constantly aware of, that you have all these false teachers coming in and hoodwinking the people. Oh I could stand here all day and give example after example of what people are telling me, what they’re being subjected to. It’s frightening. And even the Lord Himself warns of this. Let’s go back to Matthew chapter 24 for a moment and look at what He says. I have to remind people what the Lord said in this chapter. And let’s just start with verse 3. The Lord here is in His earthly ministry and before His crucifixion.

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