Friday, November 7, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Jesus Christ the Creator God, the Visible Manifeastation of the Invisible Godhead.

Paul's warning to those with limited sight or vision. 
Colossians 2:13
"And you being dead in your sins (a Spiritual death of separation from God) and the uncircumcision of your flesh, (that’s where we were genetically. We’re not in the family of Abraham, but rather we are Gentiles) hath he (God) quickened (made us alive, made New again through circumcision) together with him, (which of course ties us to His death, burial, and resurrection through the illumination of the Lord's Last Supper or Passover meal and His ascension. And the moment we believe (take this into ourselves) this Gospel for Salvation, before this can happen God forgave us and places us within the corral with His Holy Spirit as our tutor known as Redemption) having forgiven you all trespasses:"
Just as there are two Covenants there are two operations. The first is Redemption in which we receive His Redeeming Grace and the right to become a son of God again. And the other Salvation wherein we become Sons of God, again as seen in Genesis 2. The metaphor and symbelism being the Ark of Noah as the mystical Body, Church and Family of God housed within a coffin and carried out of the world.
Colossians 2:11
"In whom (Christ, Who is the fullness of the Godhead of verse 9) also ye are circumcised (we are circumcised, not in the flesh in the usual manor of men, but spirit our heart / soul the inner man was changed or made New) with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh (remember circumcision depicts a cutting off of that which was superfluous. So for the believer now we have had something cut off which is no longer necessary and it is the old Adam-Satan nature which is likened to the shell of a seed, think and hard in some cases because of sin, this is true of both sexes) by the circumcision of (by, the secret of the Passovers on through our ascension in) Christ:"
I've used this much before. In Body, Soul and Spirit, and I don’t know how I can best approach this, but let’s try. When man / woman were spoken of and then created, he was a complete entity first as a spiritual being without a body (Gen. 1 and 2 until verse 18) and then God made a house of clay for His son a spirit being to be placed in. Which was made up of body, soul, and spirit housed in this body (Gen. 2:7). The soul was that personality of mind, will, and emotions, but it was in tune with his Creator. The spirit was the communicating part with mans Creator, and the body of course enjoyed all the ramifications of this beautiful relationship and communion with God Himself. But the moment Adam ate of that tree in disobedience to God his soul became the sin nature, or Satan nature, some times known as the bestial nature. All it could think on was that which was contrary to that which is Holy and Spiritual of God, it became anti-Christ. Adam’s spirit of course immediately died, dried when he ate, it shriveled up like a seed with a hard shell about it. The body of Adam began to die (the Lord still let him live 930 years). So that’s what happened in a moment in the twinkling of an eye when Adam sinned. We know this by what God told woman and the seed which would one day be birthed supernaturally in her (as a sign of the beginning of the end of days). As seen in Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 and Hebrews chapter 10 verse 5. This made Jesus the end of days of mans rebellion and brought about the beginning of the New man in Christ.
Genesis 3:15

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it (Jesus Christ is the seed) shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
We'll encounter this again in verse 14 with the words “having spoiled principalities and powers”.
Isaiah 7:14
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel (conjoined with / to the Almighty).”

Hebrews 10:5

Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared (fashioned for) me.”
Now we come along as Gentiles on the other side of the cross, and now Paul teaches that the moment we believe this Gospel for our Salvation that Christ died for our sins (in our Redemption of His Blood sheding), was buried and rose from the dead in power and victory over the adversary, then all we have to do is believe it with all our heart. Because we recognize before believing that this is our estate, that we’re sinners, we’re enemies of God and the moment we believe Paul’s Gospel, God reckons the old Adam-Satan nature as crucified within the flesh of Christ Jesus. But we have to hear the Truth from one who has already walked the walk and is not one who only talks the talk because such a one only ministers in the flesh. And therefore ministers death under the Law and we all know that the letter kills. Because his ministry is an external one only as Israels priests were and are of that sort. Only Spirit talking to spirit can bring Life to the seed because the Spirit of Life which is Christ now is in His ministers because they are ministers of fire, Spirit-led (Hebrews 1:7). In our old Adam-Satan nature is where our spiritual circumcision comes into play. God reckons that old Adam-Satan nature as dead, and in his place the power of God has now given us a New (to us) nature which is Spiritual, it’s the very nature of God Himself. This then comprises that circumcision by Christ where He cuts off that old Adam-Satan sin nature and replaces it with a New (to us) God-child nature. At the same time He regenerates our spirit, and that’s the best word to use, He regenerates it (or its born again, born from above). That which man had as his nature at the beginning, now made new to us as it had been lost to humanity by the action of Genesis 3:1-13. If this has not taken place by way of personal revelation we remain spiritually dead, separated from God.

I've given the illustration of a car battery. If you leave your lights on all night and get into the car the next morning, you’ll find the battery flat / dead. It’s useless, and has absolutely no power whatsoever. I gave the illustration that you could go out with a pan and some hot soapy water and really clean up that battery to where it would look brand new. But when you get into the car and trun the key, what happens? Nothing. And see that’s what most of Christendom is trying to do today. They’re trying to simply clean up the outside of the cup with the effort of the flesh, but they’re still dead / flat. The inside of it has not changed, it remains dirty and a stench to all. Why? Because it is anti-Christ, we remain of the world, carnal-fleshly and spiritually dead, void of God.
I read a report some time ago, and I'm not going to say I agree with it, but someone was of the opinion that probably 60% of the American Church members are lost. Well I'm not going to say he’s wrong and I'm not going to say he’s right, but I know what a lot of those Church members are doing. They’re just simply trying to clean up the outside of the cup. There’s nothing wrong with being good. My the world needs good people, but that’s not going to prepare them for Eternity. So the only way we can get that car battery to where it’s worth what it’s suppose is to be, what needs to be done? Regenerate it! Often as not we replace it. And where do you get the power to regenerate it? From an outside source. And that’s exactly what has happened here. God now with His outside power has regenerated our dead seed (spirit of the inner man). He has now crucified old Adam-Satan nature, He’s cut him off, and He has given us a New Nature, a God-child nature. And these two entities now of course have their effect on the body, and how we behave as believers. We can through this action acquire the mind of Christ as man had it back in Genesis 2. Like all newly born children our God-child spirit needs milk and then after a time meat but to many only get or stay on the milk. And that stumps, stops or hinders growth. 
That’s what these two verses are showing. On one hand we’re Gentiles in the flesh, and on the other hand we were spiritually dead until the power of this Gospel made us come alive the moment we believe (accept and receive) it. For those of you who doubt me, I have a long list of verses covering that. People need to know how to be saved and then how to enter into His Salvation by believing scriptures for Salvation. Under the Levitical Law yes, works were required for the Hebrews salvation, but in this Age of Grace things were changed. So now it is through the writings of the Apostle Paul, that we must believe. But there is one very important ingredient the very thing that Jesus said that He would build His church upon, for the answer we need to look at Matthew 16:17-19 which states this: “Jesus said to Peter, Blessed are you, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood has not revealed* this to you, but My Father which is in heaven. I say also, That you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” 

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