Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

The Cross Abolished all Legalism in ordinances in the Law of Moses and the forefathers standards built on their traditions.

Colossians 3:8-9a

"But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Lie not one to another,…"
See, that is typical of the unsaved world and many who remain in redemptions school. That is also typical of many churches. They don’t mind lying, they never worry about getting caught, and even if they do, they’re just going to lie some more to get out of it. They preach just enough of the truth to feel good but listen they're making light of Christ and the blood of His cross. So Paul says, "That’s not for us. We don’t lie, we tell the Truth." So this is all admonition for the true Christian lifestyle. For those in Christ they reflect His presences in and among them as the fruit of His Spirit.
Colossians 3:9
"Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man (that old Adam-Satan sin nature bound up in death) with his deeds:"
What does the Lord Jesus say concerning Satan? "He is a liar from the beginning, he's a murderer a destroyer of souls!" And he is the god of this world, so naturally his unwiting followers in the world out there are going to be liars, murders and thieves. But Paul tells us, "You’re not like the world.” We are no longer cut from the same faberic of that old cloth neither are made of the old dead lifeless wineskin because we have put on the new man.
Colossians 3:10a
"And have put on the new man (the new Adam, the New Divine Nature),…"
Come back with me to 2Corinthians chapter 5. It’s been a long time since we’ve been back in those earlier Epistles.
2Corinthians 5:14
"For the love of Christ constraineth us: because we thus judge, (conclude and discern) that if one died for all, then were all dead:"
What does he mean by that? All mankind was (having been as meaning in the past) under penalty of death because of the Adam-Satan nature of sin and because Jesus died for ALL, of His people, then it stands that all have also died in Him in that one vicarious death, blood and water in His body of flesh. Romans states that from God's view point all of mankind is in sin and guilty of its crime and are therefore due its reward eternal separation, in the second death. But we all, the qualifier her being, of His people, are counted as having received His justification and sanctification through being identifies in Him in His vircarious death and thereby receiving resurrection quickening and ascension power in Him, as a new immortal being. Through His unconditional love and selfless sacrifice we also acquire His benefits of inheritance in an immortal life, the reinstatement of a Genesis 2 being having restored fellowship, cummunion and worship of God in spirit to Spirit and Truth. Notice also that there is no denomination, church group, sect or religion mentioned because not all people are "His people" so to claim otherwise is in error and a gross misleading and misgiving of assumpion. For Jesus is called “one” in distinction to “all” for He alone died as a sacrifice, a propitiation, and atonement. The persons for whom Christ died are the all; not every individual of mankind, but all His people, all His sheep, all the members of His Church / Body / Family unite, or all the sons He received as His ineritance (Ps. 2), as the great Captain of Salvation, brings to glory. Now here comes the part that will frustrate the worlds religion and it own confession. For Gill states this in his commentary on 2Corinthians 5:14: “Wherefore this text does not make for the doctrine of general redemption; for it should be observed, that it does not say that Christ died for "all men", but for "all"; and so, agreeably to the Scriptures, may be understood of all the persons mentioned. Moreover, in the latter part of the text it is said, that those for whom Christ died, for them He rose again; He died for no more, nor for any others, than those for whom He rose again: now those for whom He rose again, He rose for their justification; wherefore, if Christ rose for the justification of all men, all would be justified, or the end of Christ's resurrection would not be answered; but all men are not, nor will they be justified, some will be condemned; hence it follows, that Christ did not rise from the dead for all men, and consequently did not die for all men: besides, the "all" for whom Christ died, are counted by God as having died with Him. And through His death are dead both to the Law and sin; for He died for them, that they might live, not to themselves, but to Him; neither of which are true of all the individuals of mankind: to which may be added, that the context explains the all of such who are in Christ, are New Creatures, are reconciled to God, whose trespasses are not imputed to them, for whom Christ was made sin, and who are made the righteousness of God in Him; which cannot be said of all men. Christ died as the head and representative of His people, and they all died in Him, were crucified with Him, and through His death became dead to the Law, as to its curse and condemnation; and to sin, as to its damning power, being acquitted, discharged, and justified from it; the consequence of which is a deliverance from the dominion of it, whereby they become capable of living to the glory of Christ. The sense of the passage is not, that Christ died for all that were dead, but that all were dead for whom He died; which is true of them, whether in the former, or in the latter sense.”

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