Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Christ Jesus is the Godhead, for He is the Visible Manifeastion of the Invisible God.

Colossians 2:16b

"…or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days:"
See where Paul puts Sabbath days? It’s frivolous, it has no use for us whatsoever, and don’t let anybody try to tell you "that you’re going to hell because you don’t keep the Saturday Sabbath or any other such religious holiday." We hear that all the time from the people who live in our area of the country because of the town and college it contains located just a few miles down the road. "Oh the preacher said today, 'That if we don’t keep the Saturday Sabbath we’re going to go to hell.'" How awful when you have verses like this that contradicts that completely. Don’t you let anybody tell you what day you have to worship God. Now those things were valid, they did have a purpose in the Old Testament economy because they were a shadow of that which was to come, “the better thing,” which Jeremiah 31:27, 31-34 and Ezekiel 37:26 speaks of. What was their purpose, they were to show in shadowy form something that was coming. Now even Israel didn’t understand what they were, but God knew. It was He Who was showing it dimly, keeping it veiled. Let me show you another verse in Hebrews that says basically the same thing. Oh I can hardly wait till we get into the Epistle of Hebrews even though it was written to Jewish believers and not necessarily the Body of Christ, nevertheless there is so much wealth in it that we can learn from this Epistle, and here is one of them. Paul is reviewing all of the aspects of the Temple worship, or the Tabernacle out in the wilderness or whatever. Footnote I have already posted the Epistle of Hebrews in this blog by now, it started in Feburary of 2012.
The Cross Abolished all Legalism of ceremonies, rites, rituals, customs and ordinances including the long hold traditions of Israel's forefather.

Hebrews 9:6-7

"Now when these things were thus ordained, (that is the ark of the covenant, the mercy seat, and all those other utensils used in worship) the priests went always into the first tabernacle (the first room what we normally call the sanctuary), accomplishing the service of God. But into the second went the high priest alone once every year, (on the day of atonement and remember our at-one-ment has already come) not without blood(then he would have to go back out and kill the second animal and offer it’s blood) which he offered for himself, and for the errors of the people:"
Hebrews 9:8
"The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all (the very throne room the chamber separated by a vail from the second, was the heavenliest place) was not yet made manifest (no man dared to go into the presence of God except the high priest once a year), while as the first tabernacle was yet standing."
Here is the reason we came here in verses 9 and 10. All those practices of Israel’s Temple worship were just a picture of things to come, the Better thing, in the personage of Christ.
Hebrews 9:9-10
"Which was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience; Which stood only in meats and drinks, (in other words their various offerings of ordinances became rituals) and divers washings, (baptisms) and carnal ordinances (external, rules and regulations, also known as traditions), imposed on them until the time of reformation (Messianic restoration of Christ, see notes on Genesis 3:15 in this writing)."
They were forced to worship this way. All these things were forced on the children of Israel as part of their obedience to a Holy God who was not operating in Grace, but rather God was operating under the severity of the whole Law. When I say the Law was severe, what do I mean? If someone was caught in the act of adultery, what was the sentence? Death! There were no ifs ands or buts, no matter what the excuses. It was death, and on top of that it wasn’t instant death, but death by stoning, it was awful. The Law was severe, but it was also a picture of that which was to come. It all spoke of Christ and His ultimate judgment. When I say that the Law was severe and hurtful as putting to death by stoning is, but remember this was a picture of the work of the cross. As was the snake hung from a pole in the wilderness of sin. And what happened at the cross? Christ suffered beyond human comprehension, and for what purpose? Because He loved the human race (His ultimate creation created in His image and likeness), and it comes down to that same concept that the work of the cross was precipitated by the Love and Mercy and Grace of a Holy and Righteous God! Lets look at a word for a moment and the word is “reformation” what does it mean? Strong's Greek Word Dictionary G1357: to straighten thoroughly; rectification, restoration. And for us as believers its the restoration of all things lost our being put in right relationship as a God-child just as Adam was before he ate in disobedience and fell. Casting all of humanity from that moment on into darkness of sin and separation from God by a death to God. How was restoration [reformation] brought about through the second Adam, Jesus the Messiah, Prophet-king of Israel, their Immanuel. Though they deny Him to this very day, they will one day acknowledge Who He was and for us Is.
Coming back to Colossians chapter 2, and verse 17. I would be willing to bet that 9 out 10 Church going Christians do not see the last few words of this verse. Look at it. All of these things in the Hebrew religion, everything, the holy of holiest, the ark of the covenant, the golden candlestick [menorah, on each stem is a basin representing a seed, the basin or bowl where oil is placed with the head of a man on its top, this being where the wick is placed for light], the mercy seat, the day of atonement, the brazen alter, the table of show-bread, and all the things that pertain to the Temple and Tabernacle were just a preview of things to come for what group of people? The Body of Christ. Did you ever see that before? Look at it.
Colossians 2:17
"Which are a shadow of things to come; but (the flip side) the body is of Christ."
The head of the menorah located on each branch and the center, has a bowl (seed) and the stem with its wick which gives light, is a figure of Christ, the whole is the body, the center the Head or wheel hub. From this we can see that is what they were all pointing toward. The day when God would call Jesus His Son and Christ. Thereby making Christ His finished work. Finished I say at the cross, He then is the One Who would call out sinners from every point on the globe, the four corners of the earth. Hebrew or Gentile, black or white, rich or poor, and He could save them by Grace and bring them into the Body of Christ and then through or into His Salvation. Had a gentlemen the other night that that we had a nice friendly discussion with and I made mention of the fact that there are people in almost every group where there are true believers. Depending of course on how much Gospel of 1Corinthians 15:1-4 they have preached at them. I said it doesn’t matter whether they’re Lutheran, Methodist, Catholic, Baptist or whatever, if they’re a true believer then they’re in the Body of Christ. His eyes got that big, and said you mean that you think that people can be saved even though they’re not in my …... Church? I won’t say which one he said, you probably know already.
But listen, that’s not according to the Bible. The Body of Christ is that composite of believers from whatever back ground that have been saved by the Grace of God when they simply believed this Gospel for their Salvation. And that in its simplest form is this Gospel. Which is that Christ died for their sins, was buried and rose from the dead and ascended back to His seat at the Fathers right hand, the position of strength and power. That comprises then the Body of Christ, which is the fulfillment of everything that had taken place for over the past 2000 years or so. Let’s move on to verse 18, where "Paul Warns The Church."

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