Friday, November 14, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Christ Jesus the creator God, the Visible Manifeastation of the Invisible Godhead.

The Cross Abolished all Legalism of the Jewish Religious system along with mans traditions associated with it. To know God means that one has drawn close to Him and we thereby know what pleases and displeases Him. Mans traditions displease Him because they cause separation to remain with all of its accompaning enmity. This enmity has become so very visible today in the people of America and those in the Middle East or Asia Minor and their persecution of those who have a different ideology than theirs including each other. Even those in the reign of Israel and Palestine, reaching from and including Egypt up to Asia Minor and East to the reign of the old Near East which runs along the western shorts of the Casbian Sea. This enmity is the nature of all fallen mankind matters not what religious ideology or foundation supports them. They cause strife and all kinds of betterness within the soul of men everywhere and are the every bases of all evil desires. Because this foundation is tracable to the roots of Babylon and even before that as it is seen in Genesis 3 which is also in most religious materials, be it the Bible, Koran-Qoran, or Torah.

Galatians 5:2

"Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised (anything else that you can do for salvation in your opinion), Christ shall profit you nothing."
And yet this is where most people are putting themselves, as for salvation they say, "Well I’ve got to do this or that." Boy, I had the most exciting visit the other day from a fellow I had not seen for some time, and he had seen it for the first time. He was a pastor's son and he was just elated. He said, "I’ve never seen it before, but now I can see how you separate the Law and Grace, and when I did, I just shouted,’ hallelujah’" I knew what kind of son he was. So I asked him, you mean the Lord has opened your eyes in the past couple of weeks? He said, "Totally!" But oh listen, when people can finally see it, you just wonder why did it took so long? Because to me it’s so evident and so plain. Though it took me and us a long time to get here also.
Galatians 5:3
"For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law."
You see since the temple was destroyed, that left the whole human race in a dilemma doesn’t it? Because you can’t keep the whole Law unless there is temple worship, sacrifices, and a priesthood, and none of that is available. So when someone says, "I’m going to keep the Ten Commandments and the Levitical Laws for salvation," they’re barking up the wrong tree, as it just won’t fly. Because there is no way you can keep the whole Law. All the things which pertain to the Law of Moses have been set aside, wasted is what I would say because they’re no longer operating. Man tries to force them or make them operational by his habit and traditions. So if it weren’t for Grace, we’d be in a dilemma. To force them into exsistance again makes us disobedient to God and His intents and purposes. This makes the enmity of man clearly visible, just as the Lord Jesus said, when He said that there would be no secret thing of mans heart that would not be laid bear or opened to our sight and understanding in Luke 8:17 (Luke 12:2-3, Ecclesiastes 12:14, Matthews 10:26 and 1Corinthians 4:5). We don’t have to worry about or be concerned about any of that because we are set free, we’re under Grace, NO we are in Love and Grace, we've also been set aside unto God through Christ. So why would any one want to return to a dead form of ceremonies, rites, rituals, and the traditions of men in a mans religion when they have been judged by God and are now illegal. Does that make any sense, is my question? NO! Is my answer.
We've seen how that the Law of Moses and its ordinances were nailed to His cross. In other words, the Love of God which sent Him to the cross (to put the desired end of their being into effect) and finished or consummated the old standard of Israel. And by doing so broke the power of the whole system of the Law and its accompanying religious system in the traditions of man over us as believers to its appointed end. The world in general, yes it’s still a criteria for society. I know that the world needs something like it, but for us as believers it is no longer a valid thing, it’s been ended by nailing it to the cross of Christ in the body of mans flesh which is what Jesus did. In verse 14, Paul states that He nail them, the Law of ordinances and commandments, but also the rudiments of mans traditions to the cross and all the things pertaining to them, as the principalities and powers. In verse 15 we find that Jesus as the Son of man also defeated Satan in this action, by Paul's placing this here he ties the whole action together. By Paul's continuing to carry the theme of the traditions into verses 16-23 with the rudiments of the worldly, as one unite with many parts. Which means that all the old standards have been done away with in the flesh of Christ Jesus and “IF” anyone picks them up again they make themselves enemies of the cross, the body and blood of that cross. They become the stool upon which Jesus will place His feet some day. Which simply means they're now Christ's footstool, foe's of Acts 2:34-35 (Genesis 3:15, Joshua 10:24-25, Psalm 2:8-12, 18:40-42, 21:8-12; Isaiah 49:23, 59:18, 60:14, Luke 20:16-18; Romans 16:20, Revelation 19:19-21, 20:8-15). Isaiah 66 verse 1 tells us that the earth shows Gods foot steps on where He treads and reveals Himself in His handiworks. Man by his traditions swears by them to honor God but this fails to do so because they only reflect His Glory, they are not true His Glory. I hope that I have brought most understanding to these passages. The passage from Acts 2 used elsewhere is Peter talking to the Jews who were by that time the LORD'S enemies, they were in a state of subjection to which He had reduced them along with the total extinction of their power. By Peter so doing he showed to them their discomfiture and ruin that had taken place because they denied their king and prophet as foretold by Him in Matthew 22:44, a quote from Psalm 110:1 and also witnessed to in 1Corinthians 15:25 and Hebrews 1:3, 13, 10:12-13, 12:2.
Colossians 2:15
"And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it."
In other words none of this was done in a corner, in secret, it was all done in the open, and He became victorious over them in His finished work of the cross. For me the most powerful portion is that we when we truly believe this Gospel are counted, a credited by God to worship Him in spirit and truth.
And we as bonafed members of His Body share the victory as our inheritance. Now let’s go back to Genesis chapter 3 verse 15. It’s been a while since we’ve even mentioned Genesis. I’ve been spending a lot of time in Paul’s Epistles, and I’ll continue to spend a lot of time there because after all that’s where it’s at for us today in the Church Age. This is the chapter of course where Adam and woman who will become Eve have disobeyed and partaken of the fruit of the forebidden tree. They’ve fallen, and now have the sin nature, being separated from God but God comes right back immediately with the potential remedy. Here the Lord Himself is speaking to Satan.
Genesis 3:15a
"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;…"
Now of course we have to pick up from other portions of Scripture that He’s referring to the Seed of the woman that Paul says in Galatians is Christ. So what you have here way back here in the chapter of the fall is the promise of a coming Redeemer in the Seed of the woman. This seed as I've shared also relates to our spirit encapsulated by sin within our soul as a by produce of mans union with woman. This seed is passed from generation to generation uninterrupted. This to was a mystery hid by God until the time was right for Him to reveal this Truth. Now the Lord continues to speak as we finish the verse.
Genesis 3:15b
"…it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel."
The little word “it” used here is Christ Jesus in embodiment, the Living Word. The Living Life emparting Word is here speaking, Spirit to fallen spirit. Remember the Lord is talking to Satan who has embodied in the serpent, he put on flesh but not mans. And how do you utterly defeat a serpent? You crush it’s head. So that’s the implication that God latterly crushed (bruisted) the head of the serpent or Satan the old devil, but remember that Satan would also get his licks in by causing Christ to suffer, which is implied in the bruising of His heel. So way back here immediately after the fall, we have the promise then of a coming plan of redemption, through a body which has been prepared for Him. Now I guess the other verse that comes to mind is in Romans chapter 8. My where should I start. I hate to just jump in on one verse so let’s start with verse 20. Remember what I want you to see is, that when Paul says in Colossians that He defeated these forces of Satan, and He did it openly. So utterly defeated the powers that were against Him. Paul looks at it in a little different light beginning in verse 20.

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