Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The saga of "The Secret of GOD", as shown in 2Corinthians 3:12; the renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Moving right along with our looking into scripture with a renewed mind or with that of mans original origin with the mind of Christ as known in Genesis 2. After GOD's human form that began humanity when the woman's from was made from man, both humans given, made a body fit for earthy occupation. Before this forms glory was lost and man became a being with the image and likeness of his creator within him, unlike all the creatures or vegetation that sprung from the word spoken. Oh! The power of promises made and kept by GOD as the word spoken by his faith, a power yet to be tapped into by humanity, a great secret of mystery, yet unveiled, but yet known.

2Corinthians 3:12-18 "Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech: And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which is abolished: But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away(G2673) in Christ. But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart. Nevertheless when it shall turn(G1994) to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away. Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with open(G343) face beholding as in a glass(G2734) the glory of the Lord, are changed(G3339) into the same image from glory to glory, even as by(G575) the Spirit of the Lord." (KJV)

2Corinthians 3:12-18 "Since we have such a hope, we are very bold, not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face so that the Israelites might not gaze at the outcome of what was being brought to an end. But their minds were hardened. For to this day, when they read the old covenant, that same veil remains unlifted, because only through Christ is it taken away(G2673). Yes, to this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their hearts. But when one turns(G1994) to the Lord, the veil is removed. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled(G343) face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being(G2734) transformed(G3339) into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from(G575) the Lord who is the Spirit." (ESV)

2Corithians 3:12-18 "Our every expectation is fulfilled; therefore, we speak with clarity and conviction! (Every definition of veil is removed from our conversation! We have no hidden agenda! This is what we say as plainly as possible: the glory that Adam lost on humanity's behalf, Jesus redeemed! The image and likeness of GOD is no longer a future promise of possibilities and potential; it is our reality and reference now! Look at Colossians 1:27) What we say is so unlike Moses who had to keep Israel in suspense with a veiled face; they did not realize that this arrangement would never suffice to secure their standing before GOD. In essence the letters on stone confirmed their death. All that they could see was the futility of the Law of works; how entirely useless their best attempts would be to match the life of their design (because of their hardhearted unbelief ). (In (because of) Adam all people alike stood condemned; they did (still do) not realize it until the Law reveals it. In Christ all are declared righteous (innocence); yet they do not know it until the Gospel reveals it! [Romans 10:17 and 7:4-25]) Since the time of Moses until this very day their minds remain calloused and veiled. They are kept in suspense without realizing that there is no glory in the Law: (whatever glory there was, carried merely a fading, prophetic glimmer) reading the Old Covenant of letters without realizing that Christ is the fulfillment of Scripture is a complete waste of time [this practice is repeatedly repeated by all unbelieving religious humanity]. Only in discovering our union with Christ is the veil removed and do we realize that the old system is [1,G2673]rendered entirely useless. ( The word, [1,G2673 from G2596 and G691] katergeo comes from (G2596) kata, meaning intensity, and (G691) argos, meaning labor, the Law of works is rendered entirely useless; thus the new arrangement frees us (all humanity) from all self effort (of religion, the old mindset of bondage, that is slavery in chains) to attempt to improve what GOD has already perfected in Christ.) In the meantime nothing seems to have changed; the same veil continues to blindfold the hearts of people whenever Moses is read. (Moses symbolizes the futility of all self righteousness as the global blindfold of the religious world. [John 1:17] Again the stark backdrop of the Law; with Moses representing the condemned state of humanity, and Jesus Christ unveiled Grace and Truth! He is the life of our original design in redeemed in human form, John 1:14.) The moment anyone [1,G1994]returns to the LORD the veil is gone! (The word, [1,G1994 from G1909, turn upward and G4762 from the base G5157, to return to ones origin] epistrepho means to return to where we've wandered from; "we all like sheep have gone astray." Jesus is GOD unveiled in human form [Colossians 1:15]. Also 1Peter 2:25, "You were completely vulnerable, just like sheep roaming astray without direction or protection, but now you have returned and are restored to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls!" And 1Peter 1:17, then Hebrews 8:1-2, 10 "The conclusion of all that has been said points us to an exceptional Person, who towers far above the rest in the highest office of heavenly greatness. He is the executive authority of the majesty of GOD. The office he now occupies is the one which the Moses-model resembled prophetically. He ministers in the holiest place in GOD's true tabernacle of worship [the redeemed human heart]....Now, instead of documenting my laws on stone, I will chisel them into your mind and engrave them in your inner consciousness; it will no longer be a one-sided affair. I will be your GOD and you will be my people, not by compulsion but by mutual desire." Look at James 1:25, "Those who gaze into the mirror reflection of the face of their birth are captivated by the effect of a law that freed them from the obligation to the old written code that restricted them to their, our own efforts and willpower. No distraction or contradiction can dim the impact of what they see in that mirror concerning the law of perfect liberty [the law of faith] that now frees them to get on with the act of living the life [of their original design]. They find a new spontaneous lifestyle; the poetry of practical living." [The law of perfect liberty is the image and likeness of GOD revealed in Christ, now redeemed in human life as in a mirror.]) The LORD and the Spirit are one; his Lordship sanctions our freedom. A freedom from rules chiselled in stone to the voice of our redeemed design echoing in our hearts! And we all, with a new understanding, see ourselves in him as in a mirror. The days of window-shopping are over! In him every face is [1,G343]unveiled. In [2,G2734]gazing with wonder at the [5,G1391]blueprint of GOD displayed in human form, we suddenly realize that we are looking into a mirror, where every feature of his [3,G1504]image articulates in Christ in us is [2,G2734]reflected within us, again! The Spirit of the LORD engineers this radical [4,G3339]transformation; we are led [6,G575]from an inferior [5,G1391]mind-set to the revealed [5,G1391]endorsement of our authentic identity. ( The word, [1,G343 from G303 and G2572] anakalupto; is from (G303) ana, a preposition denoting upward, to return again, and (G2572) kalupto, to uncover, unveil. The word, [2,G2734 a compound from G2596 and G3700 itself a compound word, compare G2072] katoptrizomai, means to gaze into a reflection, to mirror oneself. Paul uses [4,G3339 from G3326 and G3445] metamorphumetha as a present Passive indicative from metamorpho; (G3326) meta, together with, and(G3445 with G3446) morphe, form. [The word commonly translated sin, [1] hamartia, is from ha, a negative or without and meros, alloted portion or form; thus, a distorted form, which is the opposite of metamorphe; with form. The word meros is the stem of morphe.] Now, with unveiled faces we are gazing at the glory of the LORD as in a mirror and metaporhe happens - image and likeness awakens within us!

The word, [3,G1504 from G1503] eikon, translates as exact resemblance, image and likeness; eikon always assumes a prototype, that which it not merely resembles, but from that which it is drawn; [5,G1391 from its base of G1380] doxa, glory, translates as mind-set, or opinion from(G1380) dokeo, authentic, blueprint-thought. Changed 'from glory to glory,' apo doxes eis doxan; eis, a point reached in conclusion; [6,G575] apo, away from, meaning away from the glory that previously defined us, i.e. our own achievements or disappointments, to the glory of our origin of design that now defines us. Two glories are mentioned in this chapter; the glory of the flesh, which is the veiled, fading kind represented by Moses and the glory of the unfading glory of GOD's image and likeness, mirror in the face of Christ and now redeemed in us all. Look at chapter 4:4-7.

It should be of Note, the Greek word translated "from" in this verse is not the same as the word translated "from" in Romans 1:17, Paul says the unveiling of GOD's righteousness is from faith to faith. here he does not use the word (4,G575) apo, away from, but the preposition,(G1537) ek, which always denotes source or origin.

Some translations of this Scripture read, "we are being changed from glory to glory." This would suggest that change is gradual and will more than likely take a lifetime, which was the typical religious thinking imposed, as a deliberate action, that traped Israel for forty years in the wilderness of unbelief! We cannot become more than what we already are in Christ. We do not grow more complete; we simply grow in his knowledge and awareness of our completeness! [Look at Colossians 3:10] How long does it take the beautiful swan to awaken to the truth of its design? The ugly duckling was an illusion! Whatever it was that endorsed the 'ugly duckling' mindset, co-died together with Christ! In the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, GOD did not redeem a compromised replica of you; he rescued the original, blueprint you, created in his radiant mirror likeness! Any other 'self' you're trying to find or esteem will disappoint! See Romans 6:11, Reckon your 'DIY-law of works-self' dead, and your redeemed self co-raised and co-seated together with Christ! This is freedom indeed! Galatians 2:19-20; Galatians 2:20, "So here i am dead and alive at the same time! I'm dead to the old me I was trying to be and alive to the real me which is Christ in me! Co-crucified, now co-alive! What a glorious entanglement! I was in him in his death; now he is in me in my life! For the first time I'm free to be me in my skin, immersed in his faith in our joint-sonship! He loves me and believes in me! He is GOD's gift to me! ( The verb (G4957) συσταυρόω sustauroō, is in the Perfect tense, indicating that not only was I crucified with Christ in the past, but I am existing now in that present condition. How can any human effort improve on this? Look at Hosea 6:2 and Ephesians 2:5 also Romans 7:6, But now we are fully released from any further association with a life directed by the rule of the Law, we are now dead to that which once held us captives, free to be slaves to the newness of spirit-spontaneity rather than age old religions rituals, imitating the mere face value of the written code. The moment one exchanges spontaneity with rules, the edge of romance is compromised!)) (The Mirror)

Now we have seen the otherwise unknown and often times unaccepted promise. Until our next encounter may the LORD increase your revelation and understanding of him who IS!

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