Sunday, March 1, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes on chapter 13-3, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are now starting our look into the note on, "An Open Heaven," as written of by Isaiah in 22:22.

An Open Heaven:

"Jesus has united heaven and earth, the life of GOD and human life in Himself. Just as it was planned before the time of the ages." Dr. Baxter Kruger.

Revelation 3:7, 20-22, And to the Messenger of the Ekklesia of Philadelphia write, 'I am the Holy and True one! I hold the key of David as prophesied in Isaiah 22:22! Yes, I unlock the mysteries of the heavenly dimension and no one can shut this door! And I lock the entrance and none (of the old legalistic mindsets) can access it! (Philadelphos, (G5359 the same as G5361 philadelphos, is from G5384 and G80) philos, fondness, friendship, an associate and (G80 from G1 like H1) adelphos, the same womb, immediate family, kinfolk, household. Isaiah 22:22-23, 'And I will place on His shoulder the key of the house of David; He shall open, and none shall shut; And He shall shut, and none shall open. I will fasten Him like a peg in a secure place, and He will become a throne of honor to His Father's house.' The word anoigo (G455 from G303) is from (G303) ana meaning upwards and (G3594 from G3598 and G2233) agoo, to lead! Also Ezekiel 34:23, Then I will place one Shepherd over them, My servant David, and He will take care of them. He will take care of them and be their Shepherd.).....Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. And everyone's personal triumph will be celebrated together with Me, by being jointly seated together in My Kingship! On exactly the same basis of My victory celebration and My joint seatedness with My Father on His Throne! (Note the words, hos kago enikesa where enikesa is the first Aorist Active Indicative of (G3528 from G3529 nikē, conquest, the means of success) nikao, to conquer; looking back on the victory as over in the past. A.T. Robertson compares this to John 16:33, where before the Cross Jesus said, ego nenikeka ton kosmon, 'I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; 'I have overcome the world!' Which is in the perfect active tense, emphasizing the abiding effect of the victory!) Now listen up with your inner ears! hear with understanding what the Spirit is saying to the Ekklesia! (Paul prays in Ephesians 1:18, that the eyes of our understanding will be flooded with light that we may see our co-seatedness!)

Revelation 4:1-4, 13:8, Talking about our co-seatedness, I want you to see something! Oh wow! What I see takes my breath away! A wide-open door in the heavenly realm! The first thing I heard was this voice addressing me! It was distinct and oh so clear! Like the sound of a trumpet; It captured my attention, inviting me to enter. "Come up here and I will show you how everything coincides with what you have already seen!" (I saw (G1492, eidon) second Aorist Active Indicative of (G3708) horao. Behold (G2400, idou) exclamation of vivid emotion as John looked, "With this I saw!" Most translations would translate meta tauta with, "after this." The word meta (G3326) however refers to, with this; coinciding with this! [Our co-seatedness and enjoying feasting together with Him! vs 20 and 21 from the previous chapter. Rev. 3:21, and everyone's personal triumph will be celebrated together with me, by being jointly seated together in My Kingship! On exactly the same basis of My victory celebration and My joint-seatedness with My Father in His Throne! Robertson suggests that it is a change in the panorama, not chronology.

The word eneogmene is the Perfect Passive Participle of anoigo (G455 from G303) to open, is from (G303) ana, upwards and (G71) ago, to lead; as in Rev. 3:8 [door of opportunity] and Rev. 3:20 [door of the heart] A dimension of limitless possibilities open, right in front of my eyes! The Passive Participle describes a state that exists at the time coincident with that of the leading verb as a result of action complete prior to the time of the main verb, behold! Thus John witnessed the opening of this door. The Perfect Tense denoted an action which was completed in the past, but the effects of this are regarded as continuing into the present. And not a future event as religion has disguised it. The verb genesthai is not the future of the verb to be; It is the Aorist Infinitive where the thought is not the prophetic, but the necessity of the inevitable consequence as a result of the crucified and risen Christ! John again, as in verse 1, employs the verb, ginomai, to beget, in the Aorist Infinitive tense, genestai, which indicates prior completion of an action in relationship to a point in time. Greek infinitives could have either a Present or Aorist form. The contrast between the two forms was not necessarily one of time, it is a difference of aspect. It pictures the action expressed by the verb as being in progress. The Aorist Infinitive however does not express progressive aspect. It presents the action expressed by the verb as a completed unti with a beginning and end.) So here I am, immersed in this unrestricted space of spirit ecstsy. As the vision opens I immediately notice the Throne and One seated upon it. ("Having accomplished purification for sins he sat down!" His Throne is proof of humanity's redeemed innocence! This unveiling is central to the Throne-theme. See Hebrews 1:1-4. In the Mirror.) And coiled into a complete circle around the Throne were twenty four thrones with twenty four [1] Presbyterians seated upon the thrones. They were enwrapped in white with [2] victors' wreaths of gold crowning their heads! Their minds were co-enthroned in the authority of the Throne engulfing them in their co-seatedness! (In the symbolic language of Revelation, we have a circle of people representing the entire human race. [1] Typo drawn again from the Jewish suneidron - a co-seatedness around the Throne - the twenty-four (1, G4244) presbuterians or Elders picture, the twelve prophetic Patriarchs and the twelve Apostles, here as two dispensations merged into one, now fully representing the entire Ekklesia. The word, kuklothen is the adverb from kuklo, to form a circle, that is, all around, from kulioo, a rolling together. From the base of kuma is from, kuo, to swell [with young], that is, bend, curve, a billow, as bursting or toppling: - thus, a wave, through the idea of circularity. The word [2, G4735] stephanos, is a victor's wreath.

Much of what John saw, reflected in the Jewish mind as familiar prophetic pointers and symbols. See the prophetic imagery of Ezekiel 1:1-2. The symbolic pictures John sees of judgment would immediately remind his typical Jewish audience of their prophets imagery of their own judgment. This time the slaughtered and risen Lamb brings brand new context! Israel's unfaithfulness is met and eclipsed by GOD'S faithfulness. The Lamb's death and resurrection confronts every idea of judgment that was mankind's due.)

Revelation 13:8, The plan was to engage the entire [1] earthbound population of the planet to worship the Beast. ( The counterfeit "slain and risen lamb." The wold dressed in (under) sheep's clothing. Man's false and bogus religion's.) This would endorses the idea (of religion) that there are individuals whose names were not included since the fall of the cosmos in the slain Lamb's Book of Life! ( The word [1, G2730 from G2596 and G3611 ] katoikeo, to reside, is from (G2596) kata, down and (G3611 from G3624) oikeo, to dwell or set up a home - thus, to be earthbound. Paul invites us to engage out thoughts with the resurrection realities and to see ourselves seated together with Christ in heavenly places! Col. 3:1-3. The word, [2, G2889 from the base of G2865 a primary word κολυμβος kolumbos] kosmos in the NT refers to the entire human family and their social structures.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

We shall pick it up with, "The "earthbound-dilemma" in our next visit, the LORD willing. Until then may He again richly bless both you and yours. as Paul prays in Ephesians 1:18 (ESV) "having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which He has called you, what are the riches of His glorious inheritance in the Saints."

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