Sunday, March 8, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes on chapter 14-1a, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are currently looking at "From Mount Sinai to Mount Zion," of the between the chapter notes of our author of The Mirror Study Bible. Part 2 of this area.

From Mount Sinai to Mount Zion:  

Galatians 4:22-31, "The law records the fact that Abraham had two sons: one by a slave girl, the other by a free woman. The one is produced by the flesh (the DIY-tree), the other by faith (the promise) . There is a parallel meaning in the story of the two sons: they represent two systems, works and grace. Sinai is an Arabian rocky mountain named after Hagar, (outside the land of promise). Its association with the Law of Moses mirrors Jerusalem as the capital of Jewish legalism (and the center of its religion) . Hagar is the mother of the Law of works (which brings condemnation as it depends on the flesh, no faith required.). But the mother from above, the true mother of humanity is grace, the free Jerusalem; She is the mother of the promise. For it is written, "Rejoice oh childless one! Erupt in jubilee! For though you have never known travail before, your children will greatly outnumber her who was married!" (Married to the law. Isaiah 54:1) We resemble Isaac: we are begotten of faith, the promise is our parent. Just as when the flesh child persecuted the faith child, so now these Jerusalem Jews in their Christian disguise seek to harass you: however, Scripture is clear: "Expel the slave mother and her son; The slave son cannot inherit with the free son." (Gen. 21:10-12, In exactly the same way, rid your minds radically from the slave mother and child mentality. Light dispels darkness effortlessly.) Realize whose children we are my Family: we are not children of the slave-mother, the law, but children of the free mother; We are begotten of grace!"

Psalm 50:2, "Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, GOD shines forth."  

Then in the context of this Psalm Elohim says, 'do not engage Me with blood sacrifices engage Me with the fruit of your lips, announcing by the perfection of beauty that shines forth out of Zion - and I will show you, your salvation Jeshua!'"  (The Mirror, with editing.)

Now may the LORD of grace increase our understanding. In our next visit we shall the LORD willing the next note on, "144,000 Virgins."

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