Thursday, March 19, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 16-2c, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are looking at the saga of the legion of Armageddon from the vantage point of a renewed mindset or one that has been lifted from the gutter of corruption to the higher plains of heavenly thinking as man had in Genesis 2. This being a renewed redeemed innocence. This coming after one actually is born anew through the understanding of the secret things of GOD of Deu. 29:29 or as Jesus told the disciples they would know the mysteries of the kingdom in Mark 4:11. They being one! By way of inspiration of Galatians 2:20, humanity's inclusion in the trial (judgment), execution, burial (blood), decent, resurrection and ascension.

Armageddon - Earthbound vs. Heavenly Dimension:

Revelation 19:11 "Then, in my vision, heaven opened and I saw a white horse appear; And the name of the one seated upon the horse is Faithful and True. Righteousness spans the range of His judgment and warfare." (Ephesians 3:15 also 1:3, Let's celebrate GOD! He lavished every blessing heaven has upon us in Christ! See Ephesians 4:8-10, Scripture confirms that He led us as trophies in His triumphant procession (Mat. 27:51b-54, Dan. 12:2,  Hosea 6:2-3, 1Cor. 15:20, 1Th. 5:10) of high; He repossessed His gift (likeness) in human form. (Also Ephesians 2:6, We are also elevated in His resurrection to be equally welcome in the Throne room of the heavenly realm where we are now seated together with Him in His authority. Quote from the Hebrew text, Ps. 68:18, Thou hast taken gifts in human form, in Adam. [The gifts which Jesus Christ distributes to us he has received in us, in and by virtue of His incarnation. Commentary by Adam Clarke.]

Ephesians 4:9-10 The fact that he ascended confirms His victorious descent into the deepest into the deepest pits of human despair. (See John 3:13, "No one has ascended into heaven but He who descended from heaven, even the son of man." All humanity originated from above; We are anouther, from above. [see James 1:17-18] He now occupies the ultimate rank of authority from the lowest regions where he stooped down to rescue us to the highest authority in the heavens, having executed his mission to the full. (Fallen humanity is fully restored to the authority of the authentic life of their design. [Ps. 139:7-8, Where can I go where Your Spirit is absent? Or where shall I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You! If I make my bed in Sheol, You!])

Revelation 12:7-9, 12-17 "Mikael and his Shepherd-Messengers led the war in the heavenly realm against the Dragon and his Herding-Heralds." (Mikael means, "Who is like GOD?" The context of the onslaught against the human race has always been identity-related! The fruit of the "I-am-not tree system!" Jesus faced this temptation on humanity's behalf, "If you are the Son of GOD?" see John 10:30-36) The Dragon's influence was totally demolished and rendered powerless - not a trace of its presence was found in the heavens! (Principalities and powers were completely disarmed on the cross! Col. 2:14-15, "And their place was not found" see Dan. 2:35 - the little stone against whom the Gates of Hades shall not prevail - the Chip of the old Block demolished the pseudo man-made identity. There are numeral references to the same "once and for all war" in the heavens! It is however the same hour; The same event! Rev. 16:13-14, 17:13-14, 19:19, and 20:8.) So the great Dragon, the [1] ancient [2] ophis [serpent], also known as the Devil or Satan - whose sole mission was to lead the entire inhabited world astray - was cast down to the earth-dimension, together with all his [3] Herding-Heralds. (The word [1, G744 from G746 ] archaios , means ancient, of old, primeval, is from (G746) arche, is from the beginning. as Jesus said that the Devil was a murderer 'from the beginning.' The Greek word, [2, G3789 from G3700] ophis is translated serpent and comes from (G3700) optomai, to gaze, in this case, to present a visual idea through illusion. John 8:44. He was stripped of his pseudo rank of authority, see Col. 2:14-15, he was made a public spectacle! Luke 10:18, and Jesus said to them, 'I saw Satan falling out of Heaven like lightning!' Also John 12:31, Now is the judgment of this world; Now the ruler of this world shall be cast down. [When I am lifted up on the cross. John 12:32])
An [1] eruption of belly-laughter followed in the heavenlies and in all those inhabiting this realm. Woe to the land and sea for the Devil was cast down there in great embarrassment, seeing that his time has run out! (The word, [1,G2165 from G2095 and G5424] euphraino, jubilant rejoicing, is from (G2095) eu, well done, extravagantly good, and (G5424) phren, the midriff or diaphragm, the innermost parts of the heart. This makes Paul's appeal in Col. 3:1-3 so relevant! Engage your minds with heavenly dimension realities and not with the earthbound soul realm.) As soon as the Dragon realized that he has lost his supposed position in the heavenlies and was now confined to the earth realm, he pursued the woman who birthed the male child. But the woman was given very large eagle wings with which to fly away to her safe place in the wilderness where she would be pampered for a time and times and half time out of sight of the serpent. (Beyond the reach of Ophis! 1260 days; 3 and a half years which points to the uninterrupted extent of Jesus' ministry.) Then waters flooded out of the mouth of the serpent in an attempt to drown the woman [the Prophetic voice unveiling the Christ] in his devilish conversation. But the earth rescued the woman by opening its mouth and gulped down the entire river proceeding from the Dragon's mouth. (In His death, burial and decent into the lowest parts of the earth. See Eph. 4:8-9. Note, like in Rev. 12:9, the words for the Serpent-system are interchanged, including the Dragon, Satan, Devil and also in 12:10, the accuser, Kategoros, whose business is the industry of accusation. For us here in America we witnessed this during President Trumps first three and half years, take place before our eyes.) The fact that the woman escaped his pursuit extremely infuriated the Dragon, so he turned his attention to contend with the remnant of her seed who treasured [1] the completeness of GOD'S fulfilled purpose echoing the [2] testimony of Jesus! ( The word [1, G1785 from G1781 entellomai, from G1722 and the base of G5056] entole, which is often translated commandment or precept, has two components: (G1722) en, in and (G5056 from a primary word τέλλω tellō) telso, is from tello, to set out for a definite point or goal; The point aimed at as a limit, that is, by implication, the conclusion of an act or state, the result, the ultimate or prophetic purpose. Strong's 5056, see 1John 2:3 in my Mirror Bible text) The [2] testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Rev. 19:10. see the extended notes on the Word of GOD and the testimony of Jesus Christ at the end of chapter 20.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

In our next visit we shall begin at Revelation 13:6, the LORD willing. Until then may the LORD help us all get through these trying days.

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