Friday, March 20, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 16-2d, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Picking things back up with look deep dive into Armageddon from the redeemed mindset perspective as apposed to the earthbound. John is seeking of the Beast that he saw coming out of the sea of humanity, meaning those who walk in religions deception and denial of their own redemption. As they look to salvation thru the eyes of a twisted mindset, as described in chapter 13.

Armageddon - Earthbound vs. Heavenly Dimensional:

Revelation 13:6-8, 12; 19:19, 20:8-9 "It hurled its accusation in GOD'S face, while blaspheming His Name and tabernacle and those dwelling in the heavenlies. (The words, pros ton theon, position the Accuser to now face GOD'S image and likeness incarnate in human form, since there was no trace of accusation present in the heavenly sphere. [Rev. 12:8-10] The significance of heavens endorsing the tabernacle of GOD on earth - in both its prophetic symbolism as well as its tangible unveiling in incarnate human life, is now the target of accusation and every blasphemous utterance of this Beast who takes its authority from the Accusation himself!

And then that dwell in heaven; kai tous en too ouranoo skenountas - in contrast to those whose minds are still trapped in earthbound-mode! (see verse 8). And it was given the mission to wage war against those who have discovered their (healing, as in being made well, no, but rather in) wholeness in Christ and to conquer them and to dominate the entire spectrum of people-groupings; Every tribe, tongue and nation. (The words remind us of Daniel 7:21-23. Where there seemed to be no escape from the Beast's rule. However, the fact that the Beast failed in its mission is already celebrated in Rev. 5:13 as well as in Rev. 7:9, "At this moment I saw a massive throng of people, impossible to count, standing tall and innocent everyone of them dressed in white with psalm branches in their hands; They have escaped everything that could possibly define them as a non-Jewish Gentile world! In fact, every sphere of society were there - including the entire spectrum of people-groupings; Tribal identities with their unique language-specific dialect preferences; They were all present there facing the Throne and the Lamb as the people of the planet!") The plan was to engage the entire [1] earthbound population of the planet to worship the Beast. ( The counterfeit "slain and risen lamb," of Religions deception, that honors the triune Beast.) This would endorse the idea (of religion) that there were individuals, since the [3] fall of the [4] cosmos, whose [2] names were not included in the [5] slain Lamb's Book of Life. (The word, [1, G2730 from G2596 and G3611 from G3624 oikos, to dwell] katoikeo is from (G2596) kata, down and (G3611) oikeo, to dwell or set up home - thus, to be earthbound. Paul invites us to engage our thoughts with resurrection realities and to see ourselves co-raised and seated together with Christ in heavenly places! In Col. 3:1-3. Rev. 17:8 and 16:16.

In the context of verse 6, clearly the target of the "blasphemy" is to insult and interrogate the [2] Name! See Eph. 3:15, "Every family in heaven and on earth originate in Him; His is humanity's family name and He remains the authority identity of every nation." The entire industry of accusation is about the blatant blasphemy of the name that reveals and redeems humanity's original identity.

"The Book of Life" - this language is taken from the custom of registering the names of persons in a list, roll, or catalogue. In Jewish mythical superstition and tradition (old wives tails, as Paul put it) there was a prevailing fear that your name might be blotted out of the Book of Life if your behavior did not please GOD. See Ex. 32:32, Here the suggestion is that some names were not even written in the Lamb's Book of Life to begin with! See also Rev. 17:8, ....."the ones whose names have not been written in the Book of Life from the fall of the world." this idea would obviously boost the Calvinistic deception of election, that if you're not "chosen," you're doomed - which is a ridiculous contradiction to the entire context and conclusion of the true Gospel! As only known by a redeemed mindset, an upward thinking and vision. See note on the Book of Life at the end of chapter 17.

The word, [4, G2889 ] kosmos in the NT refers to the entire human family and their social structures. The word often translated foundation (G2602), kataballo, is from (G2598 kardiognōstēs, means a heart knower, a higher knowing, is from G2588 and G1097) while kataballo, means conception or deposition, from kata and ballo, meaning "to fall away, to put in a lower place," instead of themelios, meaning "foundation" [see Eph. 2:20, also Rev. 21:14, 19]; thus, we translated it, "the fall of the world," instead of "the foundation of the world." The entire "Fall" was a falling away in our minds from our true identity  as image and likeness bearers of Elohim. Just like eve, were we all deceived to believe a lie about ourselves, which is the fruit of the "I-am-not-tree." [We are the reason Jesus died and was raised!])

Even though it had the appearance of the lamb, it operated under the same authority as the previous Beast - under the watchful eye of the Dragon! [ Counterfeit-Christianity as a religion is a wolf in sheep's skin, a convincing disguise!] It's the same old Dragon in a lamb's disguise! It's mission is to engage the [1] earthbound dwellers to worship the counterfeit - the slaughtered animal that was restored to life out of its death. (The historic relevance of the death and resurrection of the Lamb is in the revelation of humanity's co-inclusion - Jesus, Jesus died our death and went into our hell and we were co-quickened (born anew from above) in His resurrection and are co-seated together with Him in heavenly places! (Even while of earthen bodies remain on the earth, as houses or temples unto GOD'S dwelling.)

Here again John employs the word [1] katiokeo which is from kata, down and oikeo , to dwell or set up home - thus to be earthbound. Rev. 13:8.

Matthew 7:15, Jesus is quoted as saying, "'Beware of false Prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.'" In His sight - enopion autou. In the eye of the first beast who gets his authority from the Dragon - Rev. 13:3)

Revelation 19:19, "And I saw the Beast in alliance with the kings of the earth muster their armies to engage a [1] once and for all war against the One seated on the horse and His army! (The idea of a once and for all war is implied by the Aorist Infinitive tense of the verb, poiesai. [Weymouth] This is the Aorist active Infinitive which indicates prior completion of an action in relationship to a point in time. The Greek infinitives could have either a present or Aorist form. The contrast between the two forms was not necessarily one of time, it is a difference of aspect. The present Infinitive was used to express progressive or imperfect aspects. It pictures the action expressed by the verb as being in progress. The Aorist Infinitive however does not express progressive aspects. It presents the action expressed by the verb as a completed unit with a beginning and end.
This is an important fact since there are numeral references to the same "once and for all war" in the heavens! It is however the same hour; The same event! Rev. 12:7, 16:13-14, 17:13-14 and 20:8.)

Revelation 20:8-9, "And his obvious strategy would be to deceive the nations on a global scale including the four corners of the earth by assembling Gog and Magog in war; Their number is as the sand of the sea. (Again, every traditional Jewish concept of judgment is addressed. God and Magog is now brought into the conversation, since Jewish eschatology viewed Gog and Magog as enemies to be defeated by the messiah, which will usher in the age of the Messiah. "Then Eldad and Modad [brothers of Moses] both prophesied together and said, "In the very end of time Gog and Magog and their army shall come up against Jerusalem, and they shall fall by the hand of the King Messiah; They shall be slain by the flame of fire which shall proceed from under the Throne of glory, and afterwards all the dead of Israel shall rise again to life, and shall enjoy the delights prepared for them from the beginning." Quoted from the Jewish Targum. See refence in Num. 11:26 and Eze. 38:17.) They will spread across the earth and attempt to neutralize the "Queen Bee bride" of the Lamb by surrounding and besieging GOD'S Saints in the beloved city. Then fire will pour out of heaven and consume them. (Again, the mindset of satanic accusation are made a meal of - yet another reference to the great supper-feast celebrating the new covenant and the conclusion of the old.)" (The Mirror, with editing.)

With our next visit the LORD willing we shall pick things up again with Ephesians 2:5. Until then may the LORD show us all His glory within us.

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