Monday, March 23, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 16-2g, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are marching along in our discovery of what the battle of Armageddon is actually all about. Now that we have been redeemed in death judgment and blood of that judgment in our co-death, co-burial, co-descension, co-resurrection and co-ascension in Christ Jesus, the Messiah and Son of  man and of GOD. This being the very thing that mans imagination has resisted in and by religions efforts often in the guise of a wolf in sheep's cloth known and called the "Christian-Religion" and religion it is a means of binding humanity from the power and authority of a resurrected life.

Armageddon - Earthbound vs Heavenly Dimension:

James 3:2-10; 1:5, "It is common habit to [1] descend from a higher place (of faith) to a lower (of the senses), especially in conversation. However, if you want to be in perfect charge of your whole person (facilities), the best place to begin is to take charge of your tongue. (To reflect the word that confirms your true genesis [James 1:18-19]. The word, [1] peripito, comes from, peri meaning surrounded (G4098) +pipto, from (G4072) petomai, meaning to fly; thus, to descend from a higher place to a lower, to stop flying. Gen. 1:26-27, 2:6-7 the flying high portion and Gen. 3 and there after the lower mindset portion, until the resurrection.) With bit and bridle we are able to direct the strong body of a horse; It's the little bit in the mouth that makes the difference! Consider the effect of a small rudder on a large ship, when the seasoned captain skillfully steers that vessel on a straight course contrary to fierce winds and weather. As small a member the tongue might be it can make great claims. A little fire can go out of control and consume a large forest! a tongue can strike like lightning and turn the harmony of your world into chaos; One little member can stain the whole body. It can disrupt the pattern of your design, taking its spark from the smoldering garbage heaps of [1] Gehenna. ([1]The garbage heap outside Jerusalem, commonly related to hell. Gehenna, is the Latin; Geenas is the Greek word used for the hebrew "Valley of Hinnom," which is modern day Wadi er-Rababi. A fiery place for the disposal of waste matter from the city of Jerusalem. The "Valley of Hinnom" lies outside of ancient jerisalem. Thus to slander someone is to reduce that person to rubbish.) From tigers to eagles, cobras to dolphins, humans have succeeded to curb the wild nature of beasts and birds, reptiles and sea creatures. Yet no-one can tame a tongue; No-one can restrain the evil in  its fatal venom. (The Law of  works operated by willpower cannot match the effect of the law of perfect liberty! Mirror likeness ignites true freedom to utter that which is precious!) We can say beautiful things about GOD the Father but with the same mouth curse a fellow human made in His mirror likeness. (The whole point is not what the person did to deserve the insult. The point is that people are image and likeness bearers of GOD by design! True worship is to touch someone's life with the same devotion and care you would touch Jesus Himself with; even if the other person seems a most unlikely candidate.) My Friends, a blessing and a curse cannot originate from the same source. (Discovering our true source brings true freedom. [James 1:17-18])....The only thing you could possibly lack is wisdom, (One might sometimes feel challenged beyond the point of sanity) however, make your request in such a way that you draw directly from the [2] source (not filtered through other opinions). GOD is the origin and author of wisdom; He [1] intertwines your thoughts with good judgment. His gifts are available to all, without regret. (The word, [1, G574 from G573 haplous, singleness, from G1 (as a particle of union) and the base of G4120] haplos, is from (G1) ha, particle of union; hama, together with (G4120) +pleko , meaning to plait, braid, weave together. See Luke 11:34, "'The eye is the lamp of the body; If the eye is single the whole body is full of light!'" Entwining iur eyes with Papa's eyes is what enlightens our entire being! Which is exactly what the word (H6960) קָוָה Kawa in Hebrew means in Isaiah 40:31, they that entwine with the LORD'S thoughts mount up with wings like eagles! We are wired by design to entwine! Also Matthew 6:22, "'If your eye is entwined with light your whole body will be full of light.'" See 2Corinthians 1:12, "Wisdom that comes from above remains unaffected by the contradictions of the senses." The word, [2, G1325] didomi, means to give, to be the author or source of a thing ---- Wesley J. Perschbacher.) (The Mirror, with editing)

We shall, the LORD willing close this out with our next visit. Until then may he enlighten us all,especially those of the lower mindset. Thank You LORD.

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