Saturday, March 28, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 17-1, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We have just completed chapter 17 and are now looking into the author's notes on the same beginning with:

The Lamb's Book of Life - Humanity's Redeemed Identity

Revelation 3:5 "'Everyone who sees their victory in Me, will I clothe in white garments - and they will realize that I am not in the business of fulfilling their law and performance based fears, by blotting out their names from the Book of Life! Instead, I am the one who endorses their true identity face to face before My Father and His Shepherd-Messengers.'"

Revelation 20:12, 15 "And I saw everyone who ever died, small and great, standing before GOD. And the books were opened. And another book was opened! The Book of Life. The first volume of books represented humanity's judgment based on their own works, versus the Book of Life which celebrated their triumph in the Lamb!....And [1] everything that was not written in the Book of Life was poured into the lake of fire." (The Greek (G1536), εἴ τις ei tis, meaning everything or everyone - but, what is cast into the symbolic Lake ablaze with Brimstone is not a person but a mindset! A distorted perception of identity!

The authentic ID of human life is defined in the Book of Life - or the Tree of Life, representing the redeemed life of our design, verses the alternative Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, representing humanity's identity under scrutiny and questioned. The "I am not-Tree" heads up the System of a Works and Performance base Philosophy. To have your name written in the Book of Life simply suggests that you discovered your identity in Zoe-Life redeemed by your identity in the Lamb. You may have only known yourself according to the flesh, as did Simon, the son of Jonah, while you are Petros! Mr. Rock, you are a chip of the old Block! Every evidence of an inferior identity will be cast into the lake of Sulphur burning away the dross to reveal the gold! Any idea of an identity outside of the Book of Life, is dissolved! The Lamb's Book of Life and not the Law of personal performance, defines us!)

Revelation 17:8 ..."Meanwhile the minds of those blinded by their earthbound perceptions continue to be mesmerized by its apparent relevance. They are the ones who are convinced that their name were not included in the Lamb's Book of Life to begin with." (The idea of a Book of Life is taken from the custom of registering the names of persons in a list, roll, or catalogue (such as a populations sensuous). In Jewish tradition there was a prevailing fear that your name might be blotted out of the Book of Life if your behavior did not please GOD. Ex. 32:32.

Here the suggestion is that some names were not even written in the Lamb's Book of Life to begin with! This idea would obviously boost the Calvinistic deception of election, that if you're not "chosen," you're doomed - which is a ridiculous contradiction to the entire context and conclusion of the Gospel!

See Matthew 24:31, "And He will send out His Shepherd-Messengers with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His blueprint likeness from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." The word, eklegomai, traditionally associates source or origin and lego, meaning to communicate ideas; Thus, the original blueprint-word, the logos; see John 1:1-3 and 12. The many are called, [kaleo, to surname] but few are "chosen" eklegomai thus, 'The masses are defined by My name but few yet realize their origin in Me!'" Mat. 22:14.

Your in-Christness is not the result of a lucky draw! Calvinism lied to you! Neither is it the result of your "choice" to follow Jesus! Something doesn't become true by popular vote! or by our beliefs! if it wasn't true to  begin with, we are wasting our time trying to "believe" it true! faith happens to you when you encounter the Good Announcement!

Of GOD'S doing are we IN CHRIST...(1Cor. 1:30) For "evangelical theology," to miss the meaning of humanity's inclusion IN CHRIST, before they knew it or believed it, is to completely miss the point of the death, descent into hell, resurrection and ascension of Jesus! This would make Jesus irrelevant and reduce the salvation of the human race to their own life fate managed by institutionalized religion, attaching mere sentimental value to an historic Jesus who died and rose again. By dying our death became as fully GOD and fully man, once and for all (not for a "select few!"), death became the doorway, whereby Jesus would enter into our hell and deepest darkness and sense of lost-ness and loneliness as a result of the lies we believed about ourselves - to triumphantly lead us out as His trophies and relocate us face to face with Father, the true father of the universe! Eph. 4:7-9, see the Mirror Bible! All this happened while we were still dead in our trespasses and sins! Eph. 2:5-6, Co-quickened, co-raised, co-seated in His Executive authority [His right hand]. Now ponder Colosians 3:1-3 and engage your thoughts with Throne room realities!) (The Mirror, with editing.)

We shall the LORD willing pick this back up in our next visit at Rev. 12:7. Until then may the LORD confirm within you all that you have read thus far in this blog, done in His name for His glory restored within us all.

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