Sunday, March 22, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 16-2f, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are still in our in-depth look at the most feared subject, misquoted, misguided and misinterpreted of all scriptures the battle of all battles.

Armageddon - Earthbound vs. Heavenly Dimension:

2Corinthians 10:4-6, 12:7-10 "The dynamic of our strategy is revealed in GOD'S ability to disengage mindsets and false perceptions that have held people captive in pseudo fortresses for centuries! Every lofty ides and argument positioned against the knowledge of GOD is cast down and exposed to be a mere invention of our own imaginations. We [1] arrest every thought that could possibly trigger an opposing threat to our redeemed identity and innocence at spear point! The caliber of our weaponry is empowered by the revelation of the ultimate consequence of the obedience of Christ. (The obedience of Christ dwarfs the effects of the disobedience of Adam into insignificance and arbitrarily useless! See Rom. 5:12-21. The word, (G163 from G164 aichmalōtos, is from a derivative of G259) aichmalotizo is from (G259) aichme, means spear and (G259 from a collateral form of G138) halosis, to capture, and (G138) aihreomai, to take for one's self, to arrest at spear point.) Our ears are fine tuned to [1] echo the voice of [3] likeness that resonates within us. We are [2] acquainted with the articulate detail of the authentic language of our origin. (The word, [1, G2192] echo, means to hold or embrace, the word [2, G2092] hetoimos, is from an old noun heteos (fitness) which means adjusted, ready, prepared. The word, [3, G1556 from G1558 ekdikos, to carry out justice, from G1537 and G1349] ekdikeo is from (G1537) ek, denoting origin + (G1349) dike, two parties finding likeness in each other. The word, [4, G3876 from G3878 parakouō is from G3844 and G191] parakeo is from (G3844) para, to mishear, originating from (G191), +akouo, to hear a right, understand.).....
2Corinthians 12:7-10 "In sharp contrast to these spiritual revelations, the physical pain that I suffer and my severe discomfort momentarily distracted me. It was as if the old mindset of accusation (Satan) persuaded me that this affliction was actually GOD'S way of keeping me humble. (Note that it was not a Messenger from GOD, but from Satan! The word, (G4566 from Hebrew H7854)-(G4567) satanas, means accuser! By these revelations of extreme proportions and consequences Paul understood that we are indeed co-seated together with Christ in heavenly places. In His resurrection he already elevated us beyond any claim of accusation. See Hosea 6:2 and Ephesians 2:5-6. we cannot get any more elevated into the bliss of our redeemed innocence than discovering our joint-seatedness with Christ in the Throne room! Col. 3:1-3) I almost believed this lie and even implored the LORD three times to remove the thorn from my flesh. Finally it dawned on me that grace is GOD'S language; He doesn't speak "thorn-language!" He said to me, 'My grace [1] elevates you, to be fully content,' And now, instead of being overwhelmed with a sense of my own weakness, He overwhelms me with an awareness of His strength! Oh what [2] bliss to rejoice in the fact that in the midst of my frailties I encounter the dynamic of the grace of GOD to be my [3] habitation! (The word, [1, G714 a primary verb, the idea of raising a barrier, from G142] arkeo, content, stems from the word (G142 compare [H5375] to lift up) airo, which means to elevate. The word [2, G2236 a neuter plural of the superlative of the same as G2234] hedista, with great pleasure, is from (G2234) hedeos, means pleasure. The word [3, G1981 from G1909 and G4637] episkenoo has two components: (G1909) epi, a continual influence upon and (G4637 from G4636) skenoo, to camp, to reside in a tent (our flesh), (G4636) skenos, the human body, this reminds us of the English word skin! Paul suggests that GOD'S grace fits us like a skin! One feels most at home in the consciousness of His restored grace!) I now enjoy a [1] delightfully different frame of mind  when I encounter things that would normally make me feel frail, whether ot be from insults or when I am in situations where [2] I'm forced to do things with my arms twisted behind my back; Whether I am persecuted or feel squeezed into [3] claustrophobic spaces. Because of Christ, every time that I encounter weakness I escape into the strength of my [4] I am-ness!" (The word, [1, G2106 from G2095 and G1380 ] eudokeo, to think well specifically to appropriate, is a compound word from, (G2095) eu, well done, beautiful, and (G1380) dokeo, to form an opinion. The word, [2, G318 from G303 ana, reversal, and the base of G43 agkalē, to bend the arm] anagke, to bend the arm like when your arm is locked behind your back, where your own efforts to clear or save yourself are completely neutralized. The word, [3, G4730 from a compound of G4728 stenos, narrow and G5561 chōra, empty expanse] stenochoria, means a narrowness of place. The word, [4, G1510] eimi, is the verb, I am.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

With our next visit the LORD willing we shall pick the follow up with James 3:3. Until then may the LORD increase our understanding of His revelation of His incarnation (the Christ) with in us.

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