Saturday, March 2, 2019

The saga of "The Secret of GOD", taken from Romans 14.1, the renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Here we are at verse 10 of Romans 14 and we are still are looking at judging of each other from purely external and hear say opinions of the flesh for we do not have the internal looking ability of GOD. This shortcoming has caused humanity all kinds of problems for his history to the extent of causing wars between two arguing parties of nations and individuals.

Romans 14:10-12 "But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written [by Isaiah in 45:23], "'As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.'" So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God." (KJV)

Romans 14:10-12 "Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God; for it is written [by Isaiah in 45:23], "'As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.'" So then each of us will give an account of himself to God." (ESV)

Romans 14:10-12 "What qualifies you to to be your brother's [keeper and] judge? On what grounds do you condemn your brother? All of us stand in the footprint of Christ. (We are equally represented in him.) The Prophet recorded what he heard GOD say, "'My own life is the guarantee of my conviction, says, the LORD, every knee shall freely bow to me in worship, and every tongue shall spontaneously [1, G1843] speak with the same certainty mirrored in me!'" ( The word [1, G1843 from G1537 and G3004 with G3056] exomologeo, is from ek, the source, origin, and homo, the same and logeo, to speak, thus to speak from the same source, the same inspired persuasion, to fully agree! Paul, here quotes Isaiah 45:23, look also at 20, 22-23 "'Face me and be saved all the ends of the earth! [Note, 'Be saved!' Not 'become saved1'] I am GOD; your idols are figments of your invention and imagination1'" Isaiah 45:23 "'I have sworn by myself; the word of my mouth has begotten righteousness; this cannot be reversed!'" (Look at Romans 1:17. The Hebrew word [H3318] Yatsa can be translated, begotten like in Judges 8:30) "'Every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall echo my oath!'" ( Thus, speak with the same certainty sourced in me! The Hebrew word [H7650 from H7651], Shaba means to seven oneself, that is, to swear - thus in the Hebrew mind, by repeating a declaration seven times one brings an end to all dispute! Look at Hebrews 6:13-16, 17.) Also Philippians 2:10-11.
This echoes what John heard in Revelation 5:13, "Then I heard the voice of everything created in heaven, upon the earth, under the earth and in the sea, all living beings in the universe, and they were saying: "To Him who sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb, be praise and honor, glory and might, for timeless ages!" And in Colossains 1:15-17 we fine, "Now Christ is the visible expression of the invisible GOD. He existed before creation began, for it was through Him that everything was made, whether spiritual or material, seen or unseen. Through Him, and for Him, also were created power and dominion, ownership and authority. In fact, every single thing was created through, and for Him. He is both the first principle and the upholding principle of the whole scheme of creation... ." [Phillips] Colossians 1:20, "And GOD purposed through Him to reconcile the universe to Himself, making peace through His blood, which was shed upon the Cross, in order to reconcil to Himself through him all things on earth and in heaven. [Weymouth Translation] In Ephesians 1:9-10, "For GOD had allowed us to know the secret of His plan, and it is this: He purposed in His sovereign will that all human history shall be consummated in Christ, that everything that exists in heaven or earth shall find its perfection and fulfillment in Him." [Phillips Translation]) Thus the logic of GOD will find its personal expression in every person." (The Mirror)

Next time we shall finish chapter 14, the LORD willing.

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