Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The saga of "The Secret of GOD", as revealed by James, Peter 1 & 2 and John 1-3; with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Completing the Mirror Study Bible's introduction to James and for this study I will be incorporating Peter 1 & 2 with John 1-3. All with the subheading of Grace as our life experience, as we have already covered Faith, Love and Life. Humanity's newly restored natures by being birthed from above, an awakening to what we already had on deposit deep within us, placed there by GOD as his image and likeness as revealed in Genesis 1, the record our of humanity's genesis.

Humanity share three births:

1. Man began in GOD. Malachi 2:10. Have we not all one father? Has not one GOD created us? Look at John 3:13, No one ascends into heaven but he who also descended from heaven, even the sons of man. Look also at Matthew 22:41-46 and 23:9.

2. The only passport to planet earth is the womb of a mother. "'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.'" Jeremiah 1:5. It is not our brief history on earth that introduces us to GOD.

3. In GOD'S faith every human life is equally represented and included in Jesus Christ. "One has died for all; therefore all have died!" 2Corinthians 5:14. "While we were still dead in sins hold, GOD made us alive together with Christ and co-raised us together with Chirst's resurrection and ascension." Ephesians 2:5. "We have been born anew through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." 1Peter 1:3. "Now if all be included in his death then they were equally included in his resurrection." 2Corinthians 5:15; Hosea 6:2.

Paul describes the "metanois-moment" in Titus 3:4, "But then, oh happy day! It was the generosity of GOD and his fondness for humanity that dawned on us like a shaft of light. Our days of darkness were over! Light shone everywhere and we became aware: GOD rescued the human race! (Look at Titus 2:11)

Titus 3:5, Salvation is not a reward for good behavior. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything that we have done. GOD'S mercy saved us. The Holy Spirit endorses within us what happened to us when Jesus Christ died and was raised! When we heard the glad announcement of salvation it was like taking a deep warm bath! We were thoroughly cleansed and resurrected in a new birth! It was a complete renovation a renovation that restored us to sparkling newness of his life, within!

In 2Corinthians 5:16, Paul declares: "From now on therefore, we no longer know anyone according to the flesh!"

James says, "We can say beautiful things about GOD the Father but with the same mouth curse a person made in his mirror likeness." (True worship is to touch someone's life with the same devotion and care you would touch Jesus with; even if the person seems a most unlikely candidate. James 3:9) (The Mirror, with editing)

The LORD willing we shall begin our search of James with our next visit. May the LORD bless both you and yours with his revelation.

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