Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The saga of "The Secret of GOD", as revealed by 1Peter 1:13; with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are looking into Peter's knowledge of Salvation and how we are to live within. Lets see what he has to say on this new way and abiding life that carries us on-ward and for eternity up-ward, for we now in eternity's hope and glory that is Salvation.

1Peter 1:13-16 "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: but as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written (in Leviticus 11:44-45, 19:2, and 20:7), 'Be ye holy; for I am holy.'" (KJV)

1Peter 1:13-16 "Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written (in Leviticus 11:44-45, 19:2, and 20:7), "You shall be holy, for I am holy.'" (ESV)

1Peter 1:13-16 "How amazing is that! Jesus is what the Scriptures are all about; and we are what Jesus is all about, even now! Now wrap your minds around that! This unveiling is [1]what tied up all the loose ends that tripped up the worlds religious systems and even you, and frustrates our seamless transition from the old to the new! The revelation of Jesus is no longer a future or a delayed expectation! Do not allow the old mindset of a future or delayed tense glory to intoxicate you and distract you from the relevance of this moment! Stop pointing to delayed or future Messiah! You're it! You are who the Prophets pointed to! You are the fruit of his sufferings; you are the glorious resurrection generation! Fully engage your [2]minds with the consequence of this grace in the revelation of Jesus Christ! He [3]completes our every [4]expectation, in the here and now! (The word, [1, G328 from G303, ana, when used in compounds means intensity and G2224, zonnumi, to gird] anazosmenoi, means to gird up, is an Aorist Participle, which translates, "having girded up the loins of our mind, be sober!" The word, [2, G1271 from G1223, dia, a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act and G3563, nous, means intellect ] dianoia, suggests deep contemplation, thinking something thoroughly through in order to reach a sobering conclusion! Then Peter writes, [3, G5049] teleios [4, G1379 from G1680] elpisate, this is the completeness of every expectation! Look also at Colossians 1:27.
In one act of righteousness, GOD removed every possible definition of distance and delay! Every excuse that we could have to feel separated from GOD was forever cancelled, destroyed! This is what the Prophets saw: "Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountian and hill be made low; the crooked places shall be made forever straight, even the rough places shall be made smooth. And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken." Isaiah 40:4-5) Our [1]accurate hearing is what distinguishes you as the resurrection generation; the days of being driven by every [2]desperate, distortion passion of our former ignorance (blindness and delusion) are over! The [3]fashions and patterns of a redundant system are no longer relevant nor a issue! (The word, [1, G5219 from G5259 and G191] upoakoo, is often translated, obedience, is from (G5259) upo, meaning under, as in under the influence of, and (G191) akoo, to hear. In the context of this chapter, Peter urges us to hear accurately (not presumptuously) what is communicated in the prophetic word concerning the life of our design, now rebooted (restored) into newness by our joint resurrection (venture) with Jesus Christ! The word, [2, G1939 from G1937] epithumia, translates, desire, craving, longing, desire for what is forbidden, lust. The word, [3] suschematizo, is from sun , meaning union, and schema, meaning pattern; a typical template.) The one whose [1]idea we are to begin with, designed us to radiate his image and likeness; he is the true pattern of our being! So, [2]be who you are in realizing the exact detail of your genesis! We are [3]whole and in perfect harmony; seamlessly one with him, who Is! (The word [1, G2564] kaleo, to define by name; to surname. The word, [2, G1096] genethete, referring to genesis, or birth, is in the Aorist, Passive, imperative case; the distinction between the Aorist imperative and the present imperative is one of aspect, not tense. Thus, to get something over and done with! The word, [3, G ] hagios, means holy, separate from common condition and use. look at Hebrews 10:14-16's Mirror Bibles notes.) On the very account that what is [1]written in prophetic scripture, (and echoed in our innermost being), already mirrors the life of our design, we are free to [2]be who we are. As it is written, "'I am, therefore you are! I am wholly separated to you, and invite you to explore the same completeness of your being in me!'" (The word, [1, G1125] grapho, means to engrave, often refers to the prophetic writings, OT Scripture. The appeal of truth is confirmed in the resonance within us due to the echo of that which is already written in our innermost being by design! "Did not our hearts ignite within us while he opened to us the Scriptures! Luke 24:27, 32, 44-45. The Textus Receptus uses the word genesthe, instead of [2] esesthe, which is from, eimi, as in the Westtcott & Hort text. This makes a massive difference! So, instead of ginomai, to become, it is the word, esethe "be!" which is from eimi, I am! Look at the Mirror's note in John 1:1, Three times in this sentence John uses the active indicative imperfect form of the verb eimi, namely aen to be, [ in the beginning 'was' the Word etc,,,,] which conveys no idea of origin for GOD or for the Logos, but simply continuous existence, "I am." Quite a different verb egeneto, "become," appears in John 1:14 for the beginning of the Incarnation of the Logos. The Word 'became' flesh. The incarnation is not the origin of Jesus. See the distinction sharply drawn in John 8:58, "before Abraham was [born, genesthai from ginomai]  I am." The word, eimi, I am; the essence of being, suggesting timeless existence. You did not begin in your mother's womb. You began in GOD'S I-am-ness!  You are the most magnificent idea that the engineer of the Universe has ever had! "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb!" Jermiah 1:5. In him we live and move and have our being! Acts 17:28.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

Now that is one revelation of who Christ Jesus is. May we all grow in and by His knowledge within our innermost being by His Spirit within. For we are NOT alone in this adventure of Salvation.

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