Saturday, October 5, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 31 of 39 part 4

2Corinthians 4:3-4
"But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom* the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."
*the lost, those in pagan unbelief, and the believing unbelievers and disbelieving of this world. Take a look at the 18th chapter of Revelation from verse 9 through chapter 19 and verse 10. 
For goodness sakes who is the god of this world? Satan is. See how subtle Paul puts this in here? He could have just came right out and said, "Satan had done it." But he does not, rather he gives him another term, "the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not." As we have said elsewhere he toys with the minds that have not gone through a cleaning and renewal to acquire the mind of Christ. Those who have not chosen the door through which all must enter, which is the cross. Bur even more than that as said elsewhere when we rightly understand the Passover and Marriage Feast metaphors and what actually God does in it we know without a shadow of turning that we are One again with Him Who is Light and Life. And that is why all external forms of worship are pagan and Religion especially when man made or trumped up. All keep the knowledge of God in a box, a book or out in outer space or in some future world. HE is and always has been and will forever be NOW, I AM. Still in 2Corinthians, turn over to chapter 11.

2Corinthians 11:13-14
"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; (do not let this surprise you) for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."
Do you see that? Oh he is the god of this world all right, back here in the earlier verses, and keeps people blind from the truth, but many times he blinds people with his false light. And it is a counterfeit light (he is the pale [a christian woman or Chloe as seen here in Corinthians] horseman, the deceiving serpent and the harlot of Babylon of revelation), people are so gullible and will say, "Oh that must be the work of the Spirit." You know when gold dust, feathers, signs and wonders or miracles are being done. But you see it is not. But rather it is the work of the evil spirit, it is the work of Satan the counterfeiter, the impostor, the deceitful individual. Watchman Nee has a book that attempts to reveal what he called "The Latent Power of the Soul" and makes for a good read. So keep these things in mind, "for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." He spreads another gospel a feel good gospel, the health and healing gospel, the prosperity now gospel and a host of misleading variations of them. Look at verse 15.

2Corinthians 11:15a
"Therefore* it is no great thing if his ministers also** be transformed as the ministers of righteousness;..."
*since Satan can do this, and we know he does. **human being that he is using. Take for example those of Islam and the Muslims and even the Hebrews in Judaism and those of “Christendom”. They all claim to be something they are not and mislead millions , no billions astray. Because they teach a different Christ and a different gospel. People are suckered into accepting, many of them because they truly believe that they or we are to do as Jesus did, when He confirmed to Israel that He was the I AM, Who the Prophets spoke of. 
That is what they tell people, that they are the ministers of righteousness, but Paul tells us they are emissaries of Satan. So what do we have to know? The Truth from the false! Jesus came ministering Life and the kingdom of God restored within man and when we understand this we become the sons of God in Light, Life, Love and Truth again. And the only way we can do that is just keep our nose in prayer and the Bible, and when we do that then the Holy Spirit will certainly do His part, to be able to keep us discerning truth from error. It may help us if we would separate Jesus' teachings from all the clutter of signs, wonders and miracles along with other useless jargon. I would suggest getting a copy of Leo Tolstoy's book “The Gospel in Brief” as and aid in learning of Christ.

We have pointed out that we always want to remember, and we do not care what it is, if we are aiming a rifle at a target, how far do you have to miss to miss everything. Just a little bit. I was a marksman in the military, I could hit that bull’s eye at 500 yards when I was young. This one thing I know for sure, that if you are off just a little bit on the wind age or anything else you are going to miss the whole target. And that my friends is Religion, Satan's ploy. If mankind only sees God as some far off being with a big stick or as a tyrant then he has them in his rotten grip.

It is the same way with Scripture, these people can come in, and they can come close, but so far as the end result is concerned, they can totally drive people into a lost eternity with their false teachings.We have noticed this over the years, we have listened to them on television and on the radio, and at the time you think, "this old boy is right on." And then after we have listen for a little while, there is about 5 or 10% error and he takes us clear off into left field and we miss the mark. There is only one way we can avoid that, and that is to just keep in the Word, and be able to discern. By allowing the Holy Spirit to do His assigned work in us first and then through us second. Most of us just do not seem to accept the Fact of Light, Life and Truth that it is God's ontological essence within our soul that causes us to function at all. We must keep in mind that His Life is in the blood and He is Spirit, as we are created like His is. This was Jesus' message from the beginning when all other things are filtered out of the four synoptic gospels.  

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