Sunday, October 20, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 33 of 39 part 7

Philippines 4:7
"And the peace of God*, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts** and minds through Christ Jesus."
*no matter how God answers our request. Peace with God is to govern all. **not many have heart peace with God.
Besides Jesus tells us not to be overly concerned about anything in Matthew 6 where he says take no thought and also if our eyes is single, or clear from foreign matter, unmixed may be a better term. Free from anything which creates doubt, uncertainty, obstructed, obscured; as not having a clear view. Because to be in this kind of state is to be outside God's kingdom of Life. Which causes many not to have peace with God within their heart. Because their heart has not been turned to or been restored to Him Who is to rule His house. Do you see why we do not have to worry about anything? It is because we have this Peace of God, which is peace or Grace restored within and between us and God. We are no longer enemies of (enmity, hostile toward) God and that is what keeps us. We know that is beyond mere human understanding. We know we are all human and we do worry and fret, and get overly concerned, and yet we think most of us have to admit that through all of our tight spots, we came through it with God’s help. God's Light, Love and Life when active within us gives us instant understanding and knowledge of Him, Who is Truth. Because we are then in the kingdom, which John the Baptist and Jesus' message were all about.

When understood, as having been revealed, that these things are for our good and training and learning of righteousness, then we will rejoice with a Holy Holy Holy is the LORD God almighty. That is where we have over come the world and become victorious IN Christ. God never promises us that we are going to go through life without problems and tribulations of all kinds. We are going to have just as many problems as any one in the world around us, but what is the difference? We have God, Christ within us in our problems, we have Him restored to take us through and we can rest assured and secure in that. Back in 1971 shortly after I returned from Southeast Asia. The Lord told me that I would encounter many things and that I would pass through them. The key was that I would pass through, He did not elaborate on what they were and I did not fret about them. Neither did I make a ministry around what He had revealed, we just moved through life as usual. In other words I forgot about this until He, the Holy Spirit brought these things back to mind. My point is this, He was faithful and continues to be, to His word given to me.

Another Scripture comes to mind in Psalms 37. This is from David, even under the Law, under the influence of the Spirit and we can still go back and use it in application, it is a beautiful couple of verses. This passage fits right along this same line of thinking. The peace that passes all understanding will keep our heart and minds through Christ Jesus. Look what David writes, starting with verse 5. My what a promise.

Psalms 37:5
"Commit thy way unto the LORD trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass"
Maybe not in our timing or even in the way we think it should all work out, but in His way and timing. Isn’t that a promise? My we have gone through trying times ourselves, and we just about wear that verse out. But do you know what it means to commit something? It means you take it to God and leave it with Him. We have given this example before. Regardless what you think of the Post Office, we think most of you just go and drop your letter in the mail slot. Do you go home and for the next week fret and worry whether it, your mail got to it’s destination or not? No. Because as soon as you dropped that letter off, what did you do? You committed it to the Postal Service to take care of it. You don’t go home and lose sleep over worrying if the letter got there. Because you are assuming that it will. You committed it to their care, and you let it go of it. This is what we are do have happen when we repent, which means we have released our self-will, self-life to God's care and charge and in return He gives us a gift, our first blessing of greatest value, the Holy Spirit within. This is what verse 5 means.   

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