Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 35 of 39 part 2

We see all this through Scripture where over and over that, especially, the nation of Israel had no faith, as a nation. Only a few individuals were account as righteous, that was the unfortunate part. Because God required them all to come around as one. Also in the nation of Israel, we find the Messiah came to presented Himself to be their King, but in a most unlikely fashion. And because they couldn’t believe a word that God said, through the Old Testament prophets, what was their attitude? "Nothing good can come out of the city of Nazareth." After His 3 and a half years of performing miracles, signs and wonders, because of their unbelief as a nation of fools, if you please, what did they do? They crucified Him! So we see all through human history, that a person who refuses to believe the Word of God in actuality becomes a fool in God’s sight. He is a man who says, "No to God!" Now we can carry this thought on to what is all around us in our time also. Because any one who willfully disesteems God by doing the every things He has put aside is also saying, No God! I will do it my way and that is spiritual fornication and idolatry. Their idol of worship is SELF in obdurate pride.

So do not walk as someone who does not believe a thing that God says, we are supposed to walk as people of trusting faith, knowing that the Word is true. I am thinking of a fellow sitting in front of us, as we were having coffee, that had a stencil on the back of his shirt that said, "Eternity! Have you thought about it?" That made such an impression on us, and I hope it did on the others that were there. Think on that. How many people today even stop for 5 seconds, to consider eternity? It is quite a thought isn’t it? Eternity is out there, and it is not just a figment of our imagination, it is real, there is an eternity that is never ending. We have two choices in this matter. It can either be in God’s presence or it can be separation from God forever. So again, the fool says, "No, God, there is no eternity to concern myself about. I’m going to live it up here and now." But here in Ephesians Paul says, "Don’t be the fool."

Ephesians 5:15

"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise*."

*people of trusting faith, spiritually awake as wise. We are Wise because we are the righteousness of God when we are become spiritual.

 When we have become spiritually awake, it is then that it can be said, that we are redeeming the time.

Ephesians 5:16

"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."

Paul wrote that in, approximately 60 something AD. The world was just as evil then as it is now. The only difference was that there were fewer people on the earth at that time. But in the realm of the Roman Empire, we were just reading again the other night a series of biographies of something like 15 or 20 Romans emperors, that of course was Rome on the decline. These were just very short biographies of a paragraph or two long. Do you know that out of those 20 or so biographies, there were only two of those fellows that lived out a normal life span, that were buried in a normal old age? All the rest of them were murdered while they were in office. Emperor after Emperor was either poisoned, or killed one way or another, and died by a violent act except two.
Those that watched the documentary that traced the steps of the Apostle Paul, saw the evidence of the horror of immorality that was rampant everywhere the Apostle Paul went. So don’t think that this is anything new. Remember back in the 1970’s when we came out of the hippie movement of the 60’s and they were talking about the new morality? Well way back then we said that it’s not a new morality, it’s the same old immorality that has plagued the human race from day one, nothing has changed. So what Paul says here in verse 16.
Ephesians 5:16

"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."

Paul wasn’t looking ahead 2000 years and seeing our day per say. It was evil in his day. It was rotten and that is why the Roman Empire fell. It was rotten to the core. Political corruption, economically corruption, morally corruption, and consequently the empire fell. We are seeing basically the same thing here in western civilization. Do not think for a moment that America is alone in their immorality and spiritual idolatry. It is just the fact that the days are evil. So we are to redeem the time, buy it up, use it to the fullest extent, study God and His word, become spiritually discerning. 

Ephesians 5:17

"Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is."

And there is only one way that you will find the will of the Lord, and that is to get into the Bible! When we get into the Bible, with an attitude of a child, then things began to happen. As you know we are not a prosperity preacher. We do not tell people, if you do this and do that, you’ll become a millionaire. In fact anything but. We had a gentlemen tell us one morning, that he had been doing just that, and now he was bankrupt. We told him, he deserved it, tough love, huh? But I told him, I did not feel a bit sorry for him, because there’s nothing in this Bible that substantiates that kind of behavior. You are to be prudent, you are to be wise, you are to use things according to the Scriptures. And not according to these ole buddies that are out there giving you all this old hoopla that you can become rich giving to them. You will never find that in Paul or in his teaching to us in this Age of Grace, to do anything like that. You are not going to tweak God’s nose, He is not a Santa Claus. So we are not to be unwise. Only those as stated above where I said, "I will do it my way and that is spiritual fornication and idolatry. Their idol of worship is SELF in obdurate pride", will propagate that kind of gospel.     

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