Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 34 of 39 part 1

Ephesians 5:6
"Let no man deceive you with vain words:..."
We all know and understand what the word vain means. It means that which is superfluous, it does not make sense, it is confusing, and lord knows there is so much of that out there these days. Vain also means to be empty and devoid of truth, destitute of spiritual wealth and health, of one who boasts of his faith as a transcendent possession, yet is without the fruits of faith (metaphorically speaking) of endeavors, labors, acts, which result in nothing, vain, fruitless, without effect and of no purpose. (Taken from the Greek Thayer Dictionary, Strong's Greek Dictionary number G2756) These are what Paul and others called, “another gospel”.....everything is centered on the gospel of the kingdom of God and heaven, which John the Baptist introduced and Jesus proclaimed but common or mere man (unspiritual) has wrested or twisted. This gospel of the kingdom is what the Holy Spirit, when restored within us, develops. It is in the unveiling of the mystery of this gospel, and our progression of understanding and receiving the knowledge of Christ, that unlocks the power of His kingdom within us.

It is so vitally important that we take this verse to heart. We are not to be deceived with words that are not appropriate, and not based on the Scriptures. Or worse, taking scripture and twisting it to say and mean what it does not. We have told you before about those who invariably ask me questions about what they have heard on Sunday morning or during a conversation. When they come up with some of the goofy stuff they hear preached or spoken of in conversation, the first thing I say is, did you look for it in your Bible? If it’s not in there, forget it. And if it is not in context with the overall theme of what is being spoken of in that particular portion of scripture, forget it. If you can’t back it up with Scripture then it is a deception, it’s a false teaching, and always remember Satan is the angel of light, and he can transform himself into a preacher of light. Even Satan's disciples can twist the word to say or mean, something other than what it is saying or pointing us to. So we have to be so very careful that we are not taken in by vain, deceptive words. This is why we are admonished to study to show ourselves approved, a laborer who can rightly divide (delineate) the words of Truth. Which simply means that we are able to understand them, or to discern the spiritual reality of the metaphorical example, and they begin to make sense to us. Jesus is said to have told His disciples, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.” (Luke 8:10)

Some may argue that this was only for the twelve disciples of that time, but when once we have entered the gate of redemption, we become a disciple of Christ. From that time forward we remain a disciple and are progressively learning of Him.

Ephesians 5:6
"Let no man deceive you with vain words; for because of these things (this mass of deception) cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience."
We mentioned before that most of the unbelieving world scoffs at the idea that God will one day pour out His wrath and judgment upon Christ-rejecting-mankind. They think that it is just some figment of our imagination, but we’ve got news for them, "That day is coming!" It may not be in our lifetime, although we think it will be, but this we do know- it’s coming! There will be a day when God will finally say, "ENOUGH!" When that day comes then His wrath will be poured out and a big portion of that wrath will be on these who have been deceiving the multitudes.     

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