Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 32 of 39 part 1

Romans 7:5
"For when we were in the flesh*, the motions (the acts) of sins, which were by the law**, did work in our members (our physical body) to bring forth fruit unto death.
*before redemption, while in the first estate manipulated by the voice of the flesh wherein lies Satan's influence. He manipulates mans emotions, feelings, will, opinions, sight, wisdom, intelligence, imagination, and yes understanding. **all the things that the law of condemnation, brought about for the lost and new born person's activity.
Just hold that thought for a moment and skip across to Romans 6:23. These are all statements that are here to have an impact whether we are lost, unbelieving, disbelieving or saved, as to how God and the Spirit work. Remember what Paul just said. "The things of the flesh, work and will bring forth their fruit unto death." Paul puts it just a little differently in verse 23.

Romans 6:23
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Now what a comparison in one verse. Lost people work, and the unbelieving work, and the religious person work their whole life time to earn what? Eternal death! We as believers on the other hand under Grace, we just sit here with open hands, as a little child and what do we take free for nothing? Eternal Life! Isn’t that amazing? Throughout chapter 6 Paul is showing our release from death or sin and our newness of Life through God's activities in Christ, in His flesh. For in mans flesh are all the work of sin in death or separation from God. In chapter 7 Paul is showing his and all Hebrews release from the Law and our release from commandment, an ordinance. In verse 14 an on of chapter 7 Paul reveals his personal struggle, within himself, his coming to grips with the revelation of Christ's setting his body free from the Law and its ordinances. The lost and unbelieving (the disbelieving churched, Religious) person is working his head off just to go to a devil’s hell. And we as true believers just sit, stand and walk and receive God’s Eternal Life as a free gift. This free gift is internal, in our soul and has nothing to do with the tent of the flesh though the flesh does benefit from it. The flesh still will become corrupt and will die and fall away but God's house our soul or spirit returns to Him Who is Life. That is what it says. Everyone should be able to understand plain language.

What are wages? That is what you get for working. Is that right? We have to explain something here, the lost are lost, the unbelieving and disbelieving are counted as lost, the believing babe can also be counted as lost but not at the same degree as the unbelieving. How can we say this? Because of something we found through the Holy Spirit's leading, it being that before the flood man was seen in three forms. In a series of visions of one of the earliest prophets, just like John has as recorded in Revelation. The first is a white cow which means a righteous person before God, the second is a red cow which is classified as an earthy or carnal man, and the third is a black cow a corrupt man who lives in iniquity. Now a red cow kind of person can become a white cow by turning to God and walking by faith and obedience to His Word or Will. A black cow is unable to do anything, he is wicked. But a white cow can fall into iniquity (sin) and become a black cow with no way of returning to his first estate. Jacob/Israel came from a red cow (though I believe that Esau should have been, because of his description at his birth, in Genesis 25:25) and are figured as both sheep and goats. So within the Hebrew society there are both, sheep who will become believers in their Messiah at great personal cost and then the goats who choose to remain hardhearted, stubborn and kick against the goads of their conscience. This is why Paul does not use these terms to describe the Gentiles.

Romans 3:23a
"For the wages of sin is death;..."
This is in and could not get any plainer language, many work their selves to death, eternal death. These are the black and red cows as well as all goats of society. The white cows and sheep have heard and received Christ within them, the very Light and Life of God and these we know only by the fruit of their lives and therefor their walk is seasoned with salt.   

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