Monday, October 14, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 33 of 39 part 1

Exodus 33:19
"And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee*; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy."
*now here comes the Sovereign Grace of God, and if you don’t get anything else in our sharing and teachings, remember this. This is God’s Sovereign Grace!
Can anyone argue with Him? No way. Why? He is Sovereign, He is the Creator of the universe. He framed man and breathed into the clay figure His Spirit of Light, Love and Life as a pearl in mans soul from which His Life and Love would spring. We suppose way deep down Moses almost thought, "God why don’t you destroy them? They are just bent on sinning, they’re worthless, I can’t do anything with them." We think Moses kind of expected God to simply annihilate that whole nation, one of those times. But God had to show Moses, "Listen Moses, you don’t know My heart of Grace! You don’t understand that I Am Sovereign, and I will show Grace and mercy to whom I please!

It’s the same way today. My goodness we can think of people who have been awful. They’ve been enemies of society, but will God save them? Sure He will in a moment. Why? Because of His Sovereign Grace and the seed or pearl within their soul. Now if it were left up to us we’d probably say, "Hey that person isn’t deserving of God’s Grace, he deserves death, he deserves to be wiped off the scene." But God says, and thinks differently. God says, "I died for that person." I gave that person my Life and Love hidden in their soul as a pearl, that makes each person of value to Him. And He did. God died for that person just as much as He did for us, and God’s Sovereign Grace can reach down and save that individual just as He saved us, so always remember that. Now back to Ephesians again. Because of the Grace of God, Paul can now write, "That we can forgive our neighbor and family members, and we should do this because God has already forgiven us." So the lesson is if God forgave us, then why can’t we also forgive. Always remember that is the vast chasm between Law and Grace." 

Ephesians 5:1
"Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children;"
We love that term in Scripture, and we do not know why. We have now for quite a few years. It was not until we did a study on 1 Corinthians chapter 11 and verses 23 through 32, that we found the hidden meaning of it. That being God counts us as His God-child when we rightly divide its hidden meaning, when we understand what it says and reveals. Many are redeemed but never truly saved and this was an eye opener for me. When we have chosen to pass through death His compassion or charity and great Love is rekindled in our soul. He then carries us through Christ's passion and ascension because we are then partakers of Christ and thusly made heirs again of God. There’s another use of the term of child we like back in 1John and it reads much the same way.

1John 2:1a
"My little children,..."
Those words are beautiful. John at this time was up in years no doubt, and it’s the same John that was one of the twelve, and he is writing to those believers of his time. He is writing to fellow Hebrews who have become active receivers of Christ's Spirit. And says, "My little children." Do you know what we call that? That is a statement of endearment, showing compassion and we all appreciate it. We are not normal if we do not appreciate the love of family and friends and so forth. With our stewardship we are to show compassion for all of humanity even the vilest person, Jesus said to love them no matter the cost (think on this Matthew 7:6 with care).

1John 2:1a
"My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not...."
Can’t you almost feel the heart of the old apostle? He didn’t want his believers to return to sin and paganism. Just as the writer of Hebrews is warning all those Hebrew believers of Christ not to return to their now dead religious practices. For by doing so they would be the enemies of God and become Christ's footstool. This could be our state after receiving the illumination of the Truth and it then becomes our driving force. John and Paul warn against such in a effort to keep all on course within God's work of our Salvation. This too has become our driving force because of the Spirit of Christ Who Lives His Life through us. Then John goes on to say.    

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