Friday, October 11, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 32 of 39 part 3

Romans 7:6b
"...that we should serve in newness of spirit*, and not in the oldness of the letter**."
*through the leading and directing of the power of the Holy Spirit. As man was in Genesis 2:7 until sin or self entered man and man began to listen to the voice of his own fleshly desires. This we know as Religion because it hinders God and His plan for mankind. 
**which is the Law and effects mans fleshly externalism of self, the letter does not reach mans soul/spirit.
And oh, what a difference that makes. We must understand the symbolism of scripture and in this case the use of the stone upon which God wrote His ordinances (the Ten Commandments) for Israel was a hardhearted and stubborn people, after that of Jacob. They were so written as a means to and pointed toward their end. Just as the glory on the face of Moses faded away over time. Also as the wording of His promises and Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and then Jacob were. Back to Ephesians let’s stop at chapter 1. We were there a while ago, but we got side tracked, back in verse 13. 

Ephesians 1:13a
"In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed,...
We had someone ask the other day, "Do I have to work and work and work, and pray and pray and pray through to receive the Holy Spirit?" We can not find that in our Bible, because it is not in here. We do not do anything to receive the Holy Spirit except believe this Gospel first for our total redemption. Redemption has been made available to all mankind, but sadly millions will not know or receive it or its benefit, the sealing of the Holy Spirit. That is one of the automatic fringe benefits, as soon as we believe this Gospel the Holy Spirit comes in automatically as our sealing with the power or authority to become a son of God. And then again for entry into His program of Salvation wherein we are or become the healed, restored to a Genesis 2:7 being. But contrary to misconceptions and popular belief we do not enter Salvation until the Holy Spirit takes us through training camp and begins our learning of Him Who's yoke we all are required to carry, just as we are required to be a living sacrifice on the tree in the person of Christ (Romans 12:1-7 and in agreement to Deuteronomy 6:4-7 and Galatians 2:20). Why these passages because they activate our being daily clothed in Christ or with Christ. Having on the full armor of God which we will soon see in chapter 6. And this is what Paul is saying here.

Ephesians 1:13b
" whom also after that ye believed, (+ NOTHING) ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise."
What or Who is the Holy Spirit of promise? He is God’s (keeping in mind that God is Spirit) down payment. He is coming again within us for the perfecting of His character and nature in accord with His promise to man and woman in Genesis 3:15 and our being restored to a Genesis 2:7 status. Our working out of His Salvation all the while we have this Light, Life, Love, Truth, Grace and Faith's receptivity restored with our soul/spirit. Nothing here about our flesh now being restored, just our soul/spirit or heart. In other words the center of our being is where His kingdom is to rule and reign. But and this is again a big BUT we have to enter His kingdom program through our acknowledging our agreement to Redemption. This can be seen in the letter to the believing Hebrews with it's many warnings of turning back to Judaism, backsliding (willful sinning and drawing back), sloth, apostasy, and the rejecting of Christ, all are acts of annulling all of God's work. Becoming a black cow because there remains no entry open because the LORD has shut the door or gate to such people. Remember that a down payment means that there is more yet to come, as a continuing operation or revealing of, we are to get the picture and understand its many parts. Most of which we receive in faith in trusting Him as did Enoch, Noah, Shem, Melchizedek, Abraham and Isaac, the righteous men of God.

Guess I should say this, there are many past and present theologians and laymen and laywomen who share a belief in there being three separate persons of the trinity, who make up the God head. This is a fabrication of mans own imagination, God is Spirit and we have to trust His Word, though at times it is hard to comprehend or understand. I mean how is it that He being Spirit can be both Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Let me say what I think it is this way, being Spirit He has the unique ability of having three personalities and remain one. This is not by any means limited to God as we all have this same ability in our growth and goings through life. For example, to my parents I am a son, to my wife I am her husband (Holy Spirit), and to my children I am their father.
In the scriptures we find many references to the betrothed wife or bride of Christ and in Revelation it says that the Holy City, New Jerusalem, which sites atop Mount Zion and is clothed in her wedding veil. As a virgin bride hidden from view. This making reference to the location of all the souls/spirit of man (saints, righteous men/women) who will be housed in it, in their mansions. These references are metaphors or similitudes, analogies to show our relationship restored, which had been broken by Adam and woman in Genesis 3. It seems that in the prophets it says something about the land of Palestine being Christ's inheritance as a wife. This is so because Israel (the remnant people, who will posses this area) though not yet will one day, if I properly understand prophesy. I am not a futurist nor a past history buff, in my thinking and make no boast about understanding all prophesy. I prefer to leave that to God and to trust His Holy Spirit to reveal to me what I need to know, when and where I need to know. 

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