Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 32 of 39 part 4

Ephesians 1:14
"Which is the earnest of our inheritance until* the redemption of the purchased possession**, unto the praise of his glory."
*there’s coming a time, month, day and year, where we will experience more installments of His Spirit we are given only an earnest of, as a security for, mingle, occupy and also to inter-meddle with which implies we have to learn to sit and stand before we can walk. This we see later in chapter 6. **which is our soul/spirit, its salvation and healing, until the corruptible being made incorruptible.
Remember our Soul and Spirit are already redeemed as soon as we believe or receive the already NOW of faith is the substance. That is a done deal! But the body is still in it’s old corrupt state, it is still heading for death if the Lord does not come in your life time. But remember it does die, and it is laid in the ground, yet it is going to experience the day when it too will be redeemed when it is resurrected as Jesus' body was a glorified body. This is our hope and this kind of hope requires faith to see us through. So this is what the Holy Spirit’s work is, to guarantee that even if we pass off the scene, fall to sleep, that God will one day resurrect this body. And as the book of Philippians says shall change our vile body, that it may be like Christ’s glorious body.

The role of the Holy Spirit, we think is sometimes dangerously maligned, and sometimes taught falsely, and other times He is neglected totally, and that is just as bad. But we have to understand that the Holy Spirit is part and parcel of our redemption and He leads us through our salvation (the portion which we are sharing and teaching), He is indwelling us, and He is the one that reproves us, He is the One who takes the place of the Law. Coming back to our text in Ephesians chapter 4, and looking at verse 30 again.

Ephesians 4:30
"And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
Stop and think a moment, once we are redeemed spiritually our bodies have not yet been physically, and once we have that new body, stop, we will just show you from Scripture, we should have taken you there when we were quoting it. This is a Bible study so let us just search the Scriptures. We use these verses because they are so descriptive of what we are looking for.

Philippians 3:20-21a
"For our conversation (citizenship) is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ*: Who shall change our vile body**, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body,..."
*at His coming, No but as our I AM NOW of faith and when He does we will be resurrected like Him. We must keep this in mind, that Christ's name is not I AM the past or history, neither is His name I AM future or yet to be, His name “I AM”, the I AM Now faith.  **this one we now have which is subject to corruption. Even our thoughts, imaginations or dreams, emotions, motives, desires, opinions, feelings, intellects, wisdom, and the voice of our flesh are to be taken and submitted to God in Christ daily as our cross to bear.
I think too many times people do not really understand the impact of the transfiguration. Do you remember that great event up there on the Mount of Transfiguration when Peter, James, and John were up there with the Lord, when all of a sudden right before their eyes, the Lord was transfigured. In other words, He became glory, personified. The very glory which Adam and woman had in Genesis 2:7. Then here comes Moses and Elijah as visible spirits into the midst, and the amazing thing here is that Peter, James, and John did not have to ask the Lord who they were, because they knew them. Paul tells us that we are NOW clothed in and with Christ and just what does that mean to us? This is found in 2Corinthians 5 verses 1-11

From time to time we like to remind everyone not to go by what we say, but learn to search the Scriptures and really see what they say. We are sure that you will find as we have that a lot of the time it does not say what we think it says, or think it should say. We do not have to be highly educated to understand the Scriptures. If we can read, then we have got all the education we need to comprehend this Bible. Like Jesus we have to learn to depend or to develop a dependency on the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit then becomes our tutor, trainer and teacher. The Holy Spirit can certainly show us things that no professor could ever hope to do. What we are going to reveal is not meant to be mean or ridicule any one but the reason the Lord came as the Holy Spirit, in this fashion, is because the Old Testament people did not have benefit of this and to be an indwelling power within us. Only a very few of the early Prophets had benefit of Him as He would only come upon them, though they were righteous men. Come back to Ephesians chapter 4, we have a few more verses left in this chapter. I think we are at verse 31.   

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